About VT-5 tank

What gaijin means is that the penetration coefficient of the composite armor module (0.14) is not as good as the rubber lining (0.2)? What are you doing? This is not a matter of a certain difference from reality, this whole vehicle is made with prejudice. The 2S25 is only 18 tons, but it can resist 5.8 rifle bullets that even the 33-ton lightweight “main battle tank” (VT5) cannot resist (using the in-game coaxial machine gun test "). And even though the player provided a lot of internal configurations, he still installed a basket for VT5 that has no idea what it does; VT5 does not have such a basket at all. Don’t make a vehicle unprepared with prejudice or wrong information. This will only lead to a lot of anger on the forum that you think is “unfounded”.Most of us understand u and other manger want to maintaince a good forum as a place to express idea. However, since the issue question been delete/nab or lock for not reason, the forum is only place we can expree our anger.


Of course, when I say “you”, I don’t mean you guys. You also want to maintain a good forum environment, but we really have no choice.


As vt-5 is an tank which is open to the international weapon market and served in PRB for more than 10 years,the detailed performances of this vehicle are not a secret.what made me confused is the difference
it shown between the dev model and the real vehicle.Let us use armour for an example:by the test finished by players(easily to repeat),even 5.8mm bullet can break through the side of the vt-5 and damage
its engine and power supply.which means the ballistic plate equipped by soiders shows better performance in armour than vt-5 in its critical area.not to mention the whole vehicle can not resist the shoot of 12.7 bullet(hard to find an common vehicle in 10.7 with an machine gun smaller than it).with an armour level like this,players would taste a lot when their vehicle being easliy executed by enemy machine gun or being disabled by smallest bullet in game,or being blew up by damaged oil box hit by countless bullets.Hard to image PRB would keep this tank in service,so do our players.The new ground vehicle of Chinese is welcomed by lots of players,but dev in today is really failed to reach my basic except.in my opinion,a change to make vt-5 more realistic are heartfully called.


These are two completely different mechanisms. The Leopard 2 main battle tank used the turret rotating basket, but due to game balance issues, the staff decided to combine the bottom of the rotating basket with the damage mechanism of the directional machine. Similar to the Leopard 2 mechanism, the Challenger 2 main battle tank uses a rotating floor mechanism, as the loader is required to stand on the rotating floor and rotate with the turret. However, in the turret of VT5, only the commander and gunner do not have a loader. In addition, according to the current picture, the seats and pedals of the commander and gunner are directly connected to the turret seat ring, and the rotating floor below should only be used to collect shells, which will not affect the rotation of the steering machine.


this is not made by me. its from my friend on internet


so true. VT4 was the most ridiculous one and now comes the VT5. Even for the simplest thing, make separated ERA model for VT4, they refused because they think grouped ERA is a 'mechanics‘ that helps ‘simplify game algorithms’, but ignore the facts that VT4 only has 25 groups of ERA, but T90M has about 86 groups :(


Yea, Gaijin always up only russian tech.


They never care any Chinese tech. They think Chinese composite armor worse than bulletproof glass made in Russia. Even Russia glass can defend 12.7mm ammo but not Chinese armor.


My suggestion is to use the adjacent head as a reference. The average head height of Chinese adult males is approximately 231mm, which you can use as a scale reference for measurement. If you’d like, you could also search for this host’s height and use their height as a proportional reference for measurement. I’ve personally attempted similar measurements and obtained comparable results.


Negative, how about j10a? It was nerfed because of INTERVIEWS from CCTV.


Very strong evidence, support

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J-10 was not changed due to interviews, ever.
Facts don’t change.

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Facts do not change based on your words.


This is VT5 topic, please stict to it and discuss different vehicles in their own threads.


Thanks a bunch for all your hard work and sticking with the VT5 topic! Hope you have an awesome day! 😊

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Yeah, right. To show my faith in your noble words, i cant wait to see the changes of VT5 with the all facts from this post and check whether facts change or not. Of course i know i have no right to judge what is the fact and what is not, someone does have.


vt5 has 33t but now i think about 20t compressed air on the armor,the side‘s only17mm,not even as private car,obvious that‘s wrong


Thank you for your support and attention, which has been very helpful in our discussion of vt-5

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Very obvious.

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TAM-2C, CV90105, and TAM-2IP are all in the same weight range.
Only 2IP has extra armor and it adds 3 tons, similar addition of weight to the extra armor VT5 could get to bring it up to 36 tons.
CV90105 is less armored, and TAM-2C also less armored with the exception of the hull front plate where it’s 32mm thick.