About the Dutch Leopards

No idea how to quote but noted on the Dutch army bit. Ill edit the first post

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“Germany is solid in ARB” lmfao, you aren’t being serious.
Top tier vehicles are one of the main reasons why people choose x or y tech tree and I thought it was kinda clear that’s what we are talking about here.
Most people want to get to top tier, its why the fancy top tier Prems sell so well, and if that is your goal then why would you bother with the worst ARB nation (by a hell of a lot) or a ground tree that keeps having its top tanks added to other nations? Why put in so much time getting to 12.0 when other nations offer the same vehicles with better lineups?

I agree that Germany sucks in top tier ARB, and it always gets stuff late compared to other nations. Dismissing an entire tree because of a lacklustre top tier shouldn’t be done. As for the rest of ARB, Germany has good prop planes(although rank IV gets screwed over by America outclassing every other nation), awful early jets, but a decent Rank VI-VII with several competitive aircraft.

There’s just more to the game than top tier, and I want people to stop acting like it’s the only reason to unlock a nation.


Just to add, the Leopard 2A6 they choose to put in the Dutch Leopard line, is actually not the Dutch variant, it’s the Finnish one

basically, they gave to them the configuration of the Finnish Leopard 2A6 meanwhile the real Dutch Leo 2 in it’s true configuration is in the Finnish sub tree, basically they swapped them.

edit: I leave here the thread made by Spanish Avenger that leads to the report, since they are giving us this, at least let it be accurate

Funny enough they actually put more effort into Dutch 2A4 compared to Hungarian one, with smoke grenades.


At least they half corrected it adding proper 3d model of roof mg (although it’s only visually FN MAG… inside it’s still MG3).
Names are weirdly inconsistent also, why isn’t for example Hungarian 2A4HU in game?


At this point, we’re going to have literally every nation that ever operated the Leopard 2 added to the game LOL.

The excuse for the Australian Abrams not being with the other Australian vehicles in the British tree gets watered down with every copy-paste top tier.


its gaijin that can’t be bothered to fix or add stuf to the italian tree , Italy if gaijin want can be on part with germany

Oh i didn’t say top tier is the only reason to unlock a nation, but it is the most common one.
Sure maybe you just want some low tier ish planes or some specific vehicles, if that’s the case then sure Germany is still worth it, but if you actually are planning to grind to top tier then there aint much of a reason to do Germany of all nations.

I am sick and tired of grinding the same tank over and over again. Gaijin should make it that if you have researched, bought and finished all modifications you should have it unlocked in other tech trees to buy.

Leopard 2A4

Now Netherlands… come on!



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i myself am quite the french main

and as such : this addition to our tree sucks

no wheelie vehicles, leclercs buffs being ignored and we get this instead which wasn’t needed

we now have 6 MBTs at 12.0, but still no support vehicle expect for 1 SPAA

Netherlands should’ve went to Germany, Belgium in the french tree i don’t mind too much, as it makes a bit more sense.

I really fail to see what the idea was here. When both french and german players agree on something it’s a pretty clear sign something needs to be fixed.


Yeah it sucks that they refuse to add any of the cool light tanks or anything even remotely interesting.
I’m still hoping they will go back on this and add an EBRC Jaguar or something interesting instead.


More 12.0 MBT’s (not needed) and a singular 10.7 to make a line-up with… a singular Roland.

Weird choices really, seems like it was just done for ease. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.


Gaijin really has just become massively lazy with vehicle additions, generally just adding a ton of copy paste vehicles into evwry tree they can instead of paying more designers to make new vehicles for the trees that are lacking them.

The Netherlands in the french or german tree situation is both partially hilarious and partially infuriating because I have yet to meet a french player thats happy (no buff/fix to leclerc, dutch light vehicles being added instead of famous french ones like EBRC Jaguar) and the german players are livid (evetyone is getting leopards to the point where every battle feels like mixed battles and their air tree is stuck with massive holes at top tier becauze they cant get the dutch F-16’s anymore)

Its just pure idiocy born of laziness and greed on gaijins part.

Yeah, I think the same, would be better than those daily bonuses imo.
I actuallly made similar suggestion on the Russian forum.


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Like once you researched vehicle in one TT, you can also buy it in another one. Although it should work only for exact copies (same base 3D model, without consideration of small visual differences, same modifications and br) in regular trees. For example, you’ve just researched Chinese M4A4, now you can also buy French and Italian one, once you buy everything below them in lines of course.


Man playing germany is F U N
You can fight: Italian Leos, Swedish Leos, French Leos, Gaijub why not add a russian LEO aswell?


Attempt I made on the dev server section to draw attention to the Leclercs, which is what France ACTUALLY needs:


Very kind thank you, I doubt however it will amount to anything …

The Devs reliance on stats is what will eventually cause their downfall

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France is one of the nations I’ve fully researched in tanks, and I’m really against this idea. Just fix the Leclercs and add more domestic vehicles. They can get the Leclerc XLR, Leclerc XLT and Zayed just to name a few.