If you are adding German f-18 why not you are adding American f-18 was first in real life USA made f18.
And also why does Germany has best F-4?
Best F-4 need to be in USA.
someone’s greedy
Couple things, one: Germany was in need of a capable 13.3 aircraft with ARH missiles, hence why they got the F-4F ICE. Two: The F-18 off the leak list you probably looked at said it was likely to be delayed, when added the F-18 will go to all countries that operated it. Three: Gaijin adds vehicles to countries based on if they were ever operated or owned by said country, France never operated the Kfir C.1 hence why its not in the French TT. Apply that to America and theres your answer
Spreading disinformation isn’t cool.
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