Abolishment of all tech trees and combine into one universal tech tree

I’d support a game mode in the future that lets you pull from your entire collection for a 10 slot lineup, but tech tree separation is good for the standard game.
People would quickly just use the best from every tech tree.
Here’s an example of the single-handedly best lineup one could make in WT using 10 crew slots for say ground RB if there were no restrictions right now.

CAS: Mirage 2000 5F.
Air superiority: F-14B.
MBTs: Strv 122B PLSS, M1A2 SEP, T-80BVM.
Light tank: CV90120, HSTV-L.
IFV: VCC-90/30.
Wheeled vehicle: Centauro I 120.
SPAA: ITO, either.

I like the idea TBH.

Gaijin have shown they can’t really (or wont) balance the game.

Some nations lack decent AA in big parts on their lineup, while other gets nice AA through the BRs, ATGMs with AA capability, light tanks with fast shooting machine cannons, heavy machine guns on a lot of their tanks… hell they even get artillery with proxy rounds.

this could be a solution to their inability to make it fair for all nations.

Yes, i do play CAS aswell, im just bloody tired of being a sitting duck when playing certain nations.

You’re not a sitting duck as CAS in WT.
WT is rather balanced and gets more balanced each update.
Yeah, some things aren’t ideal, but it’d be dumb to abolish the tech trees in a war games simulator.

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I meant some nations are sitting ducks because they dont have any real AA in quite a lot of BR.

I know i could have explained that a bit better.

Well, newsflash: Subtrees, and SPAA being added every update from the host nations as well

there are still some glaring holes in quite a lot of lineups while nations who got nice coverage, still getmore AA and vehicles with AA capability.

And what might come in half a year dont mean shit when you get bombed today.

and no need to be snarky with the “newsflash” BS

And where there are current holes you use a fighter. P51, F-16, F-4, BF109, G55, A6M5, Ki-84, list goes on.

No. Just. No

Lets see…

a fighter cost quite a lot spawn points.

An AA is the cheapest unit to spawn.

Yes, i can see that’s completely fair!

A fighter is significantly better at anti-CAS than SPAA is.

It’s a radical change that is never coming to the game, ever, but I’ll humor this and talk about the positives and negatives, simply because this is a pretty original suggestion.

The Good:

Since this would make the game symmetrical, inter-nation balance would no longer be an issue, and at top tier this would make the teams so much more balanced than they currently are.

Copy-paste vehicles would no longer need to be added in the future as all vehicles would be inder 1 big tree

Players would no longer have to make the decision of which trees to put time into if there’s multiple cool top tier vehicles they want that are spread across several trees.

The Bad:

Trying to place all of those vehicles in their respective places in the new tree would be a nightmare, deciding which vehicles lead where and is x vehicle more advanced than y or z similar one.

This seems hard to do without making the grind hellish, this many vehicles to unlock under a single tree is a bit much, even for experienced players.

Vehicle variety on average would go down significantly, if this were done right now in the game’s current state, there are specific meta machines that invalidate everything else of a similar class, such as the Panthers at 5.7, T-80BVM at 11.7, and several others that would be spammed out nonstop.

not for me, im fairly shit in a plane, but have far more luck in AAs.

But my point still stands.

AAs are way cheaper than planes, meaning much easier to spawn thus making the nations unbalanced.

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I for one, see it as a way to tackle some of the problems.

The minor trees in the tech trees are already restrictive and annoying. (Like, every rank 5 plane is in some kind of smaller tree, there are no independent planes, aside from premiums and gift vehicles).
Naturally, being restricted to just one nation is also… a rather narrow approach. So of course, this would widen the horizons.

Of course, if the research points are going to be earned all across the nations, then this would may make this suggestion obsolete.
Maybe that… experience which requires gold to be burned can also be… reconsidered - I have accumulated such a vast treasure of it, I simply have nothing to do with it.