Yeah sure ,something along those lines. I am simply putting this across as a bare bones Idea and if others come in and make suggestions then we may end up with a working idea to present formally.Or you all may convince me its just a s*** idea and to go away 🤣
How about going to the actual website and looking at my stats instead of using some completely incorect wack ass stat tracker
Oh, right
It shows you are even worse and have even lower K/D
Thanks for pointing that out.
Now, you should really refrain from calling the community “morons that can’t play” if you show such level
Amount of vehicles in the rank above to unlock next rank should be decreased. Also rank 6 to 8 RP should also be reduced.
The grind has become an infinite boring crap, even with a top premium I need to play an incredible amount of matches
Honestly probably bad for both ARB and GRB
I am at 6.7 for America and there really is a huge mountain of faceless and samey Cold war tanks ahead of me . Italy offers me a crazy mash up of God only knows what to grind through.Germany is just a load of soft skinned post war 60s stuff mixed with 80s .None of it fills me with joy to be honest.
We also have no historical context to the game either so it’s kind of getting a bit pointless mid tier. The grind has out grown the game or is it the other way round?
Grind clearly is the main focus. I remember some devs answers (or kinda ) taking about the up/down tier that get the change to bring more vehicles to the match, something similar to with foldered ones.
BUT none with 2 brain cells will grind a 300k rp + modules rp if it’s not the main goal vehicle. Literally they are pushing away players from getting more vehicles for fun ( not forced to unlock ranks )
You wouldn’t need RP but you’d still need SL, so you’d still have to grind to get what you want.
Remove SL requirement too and you remove all progression and every reason people might want to regularly play the game, and any reason people might have to buy premium time or vehicles.
And yes, yes, “oh noes Gaijoob bad because they want money”, but servers, maintenance, and development aren’t free, so either the game stays the way it is, or goes to a pay to play system like singleplayer games or monthly subscription like WoW, or the game just… shuts down when funds run out.