I apologize that is some misunderstanding sentences and unorganized sending. this is my first time being here i just wanted the devs to know that they messed up a the AAM-4 a bit and i am very upset. ive been waiting for a long time for this missile
I also thought the range was off and should be about 100km. Also the first image isn’t loading for me.
the first image is the black and white image i posted down bellow
This has been rejected by the tech mods as a valid source due to not having the entire original / not knowing where it originates from. If you have it please share the original :D
no wonder people post classified information here cuz when we post simplifed stuff yall never listen but sure here are the sources they are not classified.
- <5461726F2D825882588EAE8BF391CE8BF3975593B19265816989FC816A2E6A> (ndl.go.jp)
source: Type 99 Air-to-Air Guided Missile (Revised)," FY 2009 Policy Evaluation Report (Ex Post Facto Project Evaluation), 2010. Ministry of Defense and Self-Defense Forces: Policy Evaluation in FY21 (ndl.go.jp) - 19.pdf (ndl.go.jp)
- <91E682538E6C94BC8AFA95AA82CC955C8E86814596DA8E9F81698250824F89AD88C88FE3816A2E786C73> (ndl.go.jp)
- 99式空対空誘導弾(B)CPS-U13200-4.pdf - Google Drive
i hope this is enough
Looks good. Do you have the source for this? I’ve been trying to find it for a while, but the only place I’ve found it is in an article, which was a dead end. It is rather annoying that they are so picky with these sources and want exact numbers, even if they are obviously wrong.
this file was posted in a website called secret project forums in 2014 which is where i founded. they are private community which i am also in.
original post: Joint New Air-to-Air Missile (JNAAM) | Secret Projects Forum
here is where he found it F-2__수출된적이 없는 팔리지 않는 고가의 F-16 오버튜닝 전투기 미스비씨 중공업의 F-2 위키백과 (일본어) 자료_Part-10_(Part-7_보충자료-3-1 램제트 타입 정보_AAM-4 추가자료) : 네이버 블로그 (naver.com)
i dont think they are wrong because similar files have the same numbers as them. these info are hard to find i have to use a vpn in japan to find them
No, no, I was talking about the current numbers in the game. Currently, the engine for the AAM-4 is the same as the MICA, which is most definitely wrong. I agree that the numbers in the table make sense. The issue is, I doubt Gaijin is willing to accept it as a true source until the original document is found. They won’t budge with estimations; they want hard numbers with hard evidence (which I think is rather short-sighted). This makes it super hard to try to correct much of anything.
im afraid this could be classified? or maybe its just cropped out cuz theres to many useless information
We have already used all of the sources listed here for both reports. The devs only accept concrete numbers.
japan is the most under looked country and many of their info are really hard to find so we cant really find the real document unless its classified.
as I know this pic is from a Military columnist
This table is from 「99式空対空誘導弾(改)(aka. AAM-4B) 事前の事業評価 評価書」
Type: government public information
Link: https://warp.da.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/11488652/www.mod.go.jp/j/approach/hyouka/seisaku/13/jizen/youshi/19.pdf
防衛省・自衛隊:平成13年度 事前の事業評価 評価書一覧
some infomation is post at Japanese Weapons Master Thread - #227 by skultew1234
there have a google drive link contain collect of japan gov public data of JSDF and there asset, maybe can check the thread, maybe there have some new data is useful.
And from datamine, looks AAM-4 data hase change in
People need to distinguish between Range(Rmax) and Time To Hit(TTH). Most of players, even some experienced ones, consider Rmax is in positive relation, or even equalize it, yet it is not. Especially the missile with small size(i mean, can carried by aircraft size, not the ground launch one) strongly depends on LOFT mechanism to achieve its Rmax, this making missile trajectory more arc-ish, and this causing more TTH than direct fired missile with same spec.
Point is this, current AAM-4 in game has enough Rmax. However, due to its not-configured motor and detailed spec, TTH may need to be adjusted. IMO, final version of AAM-4 may have similar TTH with PL-12 in game. But since its heavy weight(compared by other RAAMS) over 200kg, lacks of acceleration, penaltizes glide speed, TTH may not that exceptional like MICA and AIM-120.
TL DR; AAM-4 may have long range, but may slow due to its heavy weight.
So far, with what I’ve tried in test drive with AIM-120A and AAM-4 on the F-15J(M), I can easily hit the higher flying MiG-15 at 32 km launch range with a AIM-120A while flying M 1.1 - M 1.4 @ 7 km ASL while I need to be flying M 1.8+ and launching from 9 km ASL and only hitting 70% of the time with AAM-4.
The issue when I watched the missile with the tracking camera is how hard it lofts and then the speed bleed by the time it arches back down. This is especially worse on targets <3km. For example, when I aim for the MiG-15 that is flying lower (~1km ASL), when my launch parameters are M1.3+ and under 3 km ASL, my max effective range is 15km for the AAM-4 to have enough energy to reach the target. Though it can reach out to 18 km if the target is flying head-on and not maneuvering.
Wait, then what numbers are the devs basing the current AAM-4 on?