The Japanese AAM-4 missile in War Thunder should be buffed due to several factors that highlight its real-world superiority over the AMRAAM, despite its underperformance in the game. Here are key points that justify this:
Real-World Superiority: The AAM-4 is a modern Japanese air-to-air missile, designed with advanced technology to surpass the capabilities of earlier missiles like the AMRAAM. It features improved guidance systems, a more sophisticated seeker, and better resistance to electronic countermeasures. These aspects make it superior in real-world scenarios
Historical Accuracy: War Thunder prides itself on historical accuracy and realism. The current performance of the AAM-4, with its 32G limit, does not reflect its true capabilities. Restoring or enhancing its G-force capability to 40G would align the missile’s in-game performance with its real-life specifications and ensure a more authentic gameplay experience.
Balance and Fairness: While game balance is crucial, nerfing the AAM-4 to 32G significantly reduces its effectiveness compared to other missiles, like the AMRAAM, which undermines the competitive edge of Japanese aircraft in the game. Buffing the AAM-4 would ensure that players who favor Japanese aircraft have a viable and competitive option, promoting diverse gameplay.
Player Feedback and Experience: Many players have noted the discrepancy between the AAM-4’s real-world performance and its in-game counterpart. Addressing these concerns by buffing the missile would enhance player satisfaction and engagement, showing that the developers are responsive to the community’s insights and suggestions.
Comparative Analysis: When comparing the AAM-4 to the AMRAAM in the game, it’s evident that the AAM-4 lacks the edge it should have. This discrepancy could be due to various factors like guidance, range, or agility. Enhancing the AAM-4’s performance, particularly by restoring its 40G capability, would better reflect its technological advancements and design improvements.
In summary, buffing the AAM-4 in War Thunder is essential to accurately represent its real-world superiority over the AMRAAM, maintain historical accuracy, ensure fair gameplay, respond to player feedback, and improve overall game balance.
Single plan?
And why you just bring gpt generared text?
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Wym single plan?
And why shouldn’t I use gpt? It js makes life easier
was this writted by chat-gpt?
also- how would buffing aam-4 to the best missile ingame improve overall game balance? do you read your own shit before you post it?
Yeah I would sit here for half an hour just writing Abt a missile in an unbalanced game
It’s nowhere close the best missile bro, it has 32gs, it’s one of the worst now.
Now, delete all the text, at least before you learn basic stuff.
You just doing same, aa put trashbin on the table and discuss about it.
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This guy is legit so lazy he lets an AI whine instead of him lol
Why it must not have it in single plan?
No shit that it’s generated 😭🙏
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He even didnt know basics of missiles
Why should i sit here for half a fucking hour writing ts?
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Why even live then bud?)
Let the AI do it for you
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Probably meant single plane maneuverability, or maneuverability with half of all control surfaces aligned. AMRAAM does 35G single plane, AAM-4 might be a bit more complicated.
AAM-4 already uses a roll input for the functionality of the directional warhead and it is most likely also used in normal flight to roll the missile into dual plane maneuverability, where all control surfaces are aligned increasing turn performance by ~1.4×. Normal missiles can reach that too, but don’t actively roll to achieve it, giving missiles with roll input an edge.
However, Gaijin doesn’t model any dual plane maneuverability, only single plane.
So AAM-4 would be more agile than AMRAAM through this, achieving constant 44.8G maneuvers, rather than 35-49G depending on the aspect.
However this is assuming 32G is correct in single plane, which is likely not the case with AAM-4 being described as ~5% more agile than AIM-120B, or 36.75G single plane, 51.45G dual plane.
The 32G, same as the current inaccurate motor, likely come from Gaijins current idea of the AIM-120C, as they did not accept sources on the AAM-4 itself and probably lack information beyond the common 120C-5 and AAM-4 comparison.
it’s literally the 3rd best ARH after mica and aim120 XD
it has the exact same stats as mica just without thrust vectoring
this guy isn’t over 13 man, using chatgpt and the “😭🙏” emojis XD
Not anymore, they gave it it’s own Flightmodel now. (Still true that it USED to have 1:1 MICA stats without TV)