AAA order doesn't include severe damage rewards

I just noticed that the order “AAA” doesn’t count the “severe damage” rewards when it is calculated making it reward significantly less than it used to.

Previously when you got a kill the game rewarded you 100% of the reward at once and the order would then x3 that amount of SL rewarded. Now the order only takes into account the “Finished off” reward which amounts to 20% of the total rewards for that kill.

I activated the order and got two kills within the time limit (“SU-7BKL” and “Vautour IIA IDF/AF”), the rewards for Severe damage amounted to 6384+6384=12768 SL while the rewards for Finished off amounted to 1596+1596=3192 SL. The order then gave me only x3 for the finished off resulting in 3x3192=9576 SL instead of 3x(3192+12768)=47880 SL as i would expect.


Someone made a report on this 4 months ago with no answer:

Can someone take a look at this?
@Gunjob @Stona_WT @Smin1080p_WT ?


Thanks for bringing this up!

I addressed this on March 1st in the official dev blog - ofc without any response.

Either fully intended income nerf or sloppy coding…


Thank you for the heads up and report. We have passed this on for review.


Thanks for the answer! :)

I am impressed!

Have in mind that order " be the best" is also affected by the SD mechanic.


If you play 1 vs 1 as last players alive and you kill a severely damaged aircraft (not all severe damages are clear visible) you just get the 90 points (Air RB mission score) for finishing off the last enemy - whilst your enemy gets 135 points mission score for getting killed.

Example (also March in the dev blog thread):

So currently you are forced to check the leaderboard if one of you dead team members has a +1 next to his air kills before you activate this order.

Not really a challenge, but unfortunately you see also a +1 if one of your dead team mates has severely damaged an ai plane. As ai planes were not counted as player kills it might be worth to think about shifting this +1 to ground targets in the leaderboard view.

Probably just another case of mechanics being changed to reduce rewards and increase the grind.
Same thing happened with scouting.