A6M2-N needs to have float breaking fixed -its ridiculous

Simply disable the ability to rip the float or make it where when it detaches you don’t gain much if any benefit? This ain’t that difficult to theory out.

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Painfully ignorant, low skill kinda statement to be making… plane that goes half the speed of every other plane in the lobby and is made of cardboard is undertiered because you don’t know how to do anything but turn?


Oops, sorry my bad. Looked up the A6M3. But even 3.7 for a 2.3 plane is more than an entire BR bracket higher. It means in ANY game you are always more than undertiered. And in some games you’ll face 1.3’s in a plane with 3.7 performance…

I don’t think this is a problem. It’s incredibley hard to break off the main float without breaking the propellor or even crashing, and it’s even harder to do so with the side ones.

its just an exploit that should be fixed, simple as

No it shouldn’t. It’s a funny feature, not OP at all, the mounts of the floats are still there to nerf your performance anyway. And as I stated, breaking them off and staying alive upon doing so is a really hard challange.

The plane becomes a 3.7 through doing something that is not intended and isn’t realistic or fair.

3.7 plane fighting possibly 1.3s?

It is quite obvious how much better the plane is after knocking the floats off… it barely has any performance loss compared to a regular a6m2 at that point.

No, more like 2.7.

More like 2.7, and it’s not like you get many downtiers there. 3.7 is a black hole.

No. And anyway the safer and right thing to do is to fly with them so you don’t crash. Those who can relatively reliably get rid of the floats are anyway experienced expert veterans, no new player would stand a chance either way.

What BR do you think the A6M2 mod. 11, A6M3 and A6M5 Otsu should be? I’d really like to know.

I agree to a large degree, but i would replace “good” with “experienced” players - trolling at low BRs.

I mean you see the same guys doing this with the N1K1 floatplane at 2.3 - or flying Ju 87s and shoot each others fixed landing gear away to improve their performance. A lot of vids on yt are showing these exploits.

Imho the whole topic is a 1st World problem…


Keep in mind in RB japanese planes are grossly overtiered because it has a significant new player count who are yet unfamiliar with the concept of dictating engagements and cannot effectively use their speed well and constantly fall for “Don’t turnfight the zero.”

In addition, we have some people who call proper WW2 air tactics “toxic” that are the bread and butter of fighting superior agility aircraft: Disengage, gain separation and energy advantage and re-engage without over-committing. In another thread I’ve had a prolonged argument with someone who calls stealth and “running away” cowardly and toxic.

And finally, the arcadification of Air RB (match length reduced to 25 minutes, maps ruined to concentrate everyone in the middle rather than spread out to dilute furballs, also people who aren’t enthusiastic about propeller combat complaining loudly “it’s boring” to do proper tactics and climbing and engagements) favour a turnfighting plane that goes in and fights continuously over one that disengages, flies away for about 1-2 minutes, re-engages and disengages again.

So, this makes zeros seemingly overperform on average against average playerbase, where that average is heavily impacted by the fact that the nation most vulnerable to zeros (requires strict engagement discipline, understanding of what engagements to take and how to get a good engagement) is also the most popular due to demographics, movies and simple rule of cool.

Compare RB BRs to air sim BRs - american planes go up by 0.3 to even 1.0 and japanese aircraft as a rule go down by 0.3 or even 0.7. Generally, turnfighters get downtiered and speed demons get bumped up (thus: F4U-4 is 5.3, P-51D-5 is 5.0, P-51C-10 is 4.0, F6F-5 is 3.7, A6M3 is 3.7, A6M2 is 3.3 as examples).

Now, SB does have different conditions (ergonomics, visibility is important due to cockpit view; match duration is up to 3 hours so flying american planes properly is easier as you don’t need to worry about a 25 minute timer and there’s no markers making BnZ much more reliable even against lone targets).

Even still - with japan’s opposition shifted upwards as a rule and japan shifted downwards as a rule; facing an a6m2 zero on a rare day italy is on america’s side or japan is on america’s side in a 2.3 italian prop did not feel oppressive at all to me.

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Then you aren’t aware of how it actually changes. It’s far more pronounced than 0.3br…

BRs are BRs. You don’t get to argue what you think gets uptiered or downtiered more.

I main this plane for low tier Japan grind, and I try using this method from time to time, so yes I do.

I do.

No, because it’s subjective nonsense. I have always had differing experiences to what people often say is true for any given BR matchmaking wise. The BRs are what they are. Arguing which “trends” exist are very hard to prove.

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How exactly are zeroes undertiered?

So tell me how the A6M5 Ko is worth 5.3?

I’ll repeat my previous advice:

Go and fly every major WW2 nation’s major fighter planes up to 4.0 BR and then make suggestions on what is and isn’t undertiered.

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Do you have a way to trap people into a dogfight with the Zero? If yes, I will accept your claim that they are undertiered.

Personally I would use the regular A6M2 for looks and not practicality.