A10c should not be 11.3

How did this BR get released. 4 aim9M at 11.3 is busted beyond all belief.

A10C should be a 13.0 plane. End of discussion


I don’t want to say skill issue, but there are at least over 70% of players who don’t know how to only use 2 flares can avoid 9M, make sure the flares can cover your engine and turn off the engine boost.


Its a slow lumbering bus. 11.7 maybe, but definetly not any higher. Its a compression issue more than anything else. Aircraft like the Sea Harrier FRS1 should not be the same BR but the A-10 would be pretty DOA nearing 12.0.


The same way Su-25T is 11.7 with R-73s.
Good to know you want J-8F to be 13.7.


I am pretty sure this is just some rage bait. But I am curious to know how an A-10C is on par with the AV-8B




Su-25BM is 11.3 with x2 R-73s, x2 R-60Ms that is really weird.


Biggest problem is there are flareless jets in 10.xBR.

As long as rocket flaring is quite harder so, they should not face against any IRCCMs missile carriers.


Isn’t it worse than the other su25 performance wise and durability wise

Also it’s a pretty gimmick focused aircraft that almost no one uses

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i’m not sure about this but isn’t the aim9m better than the r73? i feel like while the r73 is absolutely cracked at close range the aim9m is better in terms of range and IRCCM


It depends on the situation.

R-73s are way better in a close range dogfight but Aim-9Ms are better in ambushes (smokeless motor) and direct rear-aspect shots but Aim-9M just use a different IRCCM method that is both more effective and easier to defeat with the right technique

the way that a10c has iff, and aim9m’s and harrier has 9L’s and no radar/iff

unless ur talking about av8b+ then yeah, idk how would you compare the two.


Haven’t used the aim9m but I’ve been killed by it a once or twice, in seems easy to defeat in theory but i just can’t seem to be able to do it, but that’s probably skill issue on my part though

It’s fiddly, Im bad at it as well. Though I also handicap myself by playing aircraft that rely on BOL for flares and they barely work most of the time. Even against an Aim-9E

Harrier II airframe is actually pretty decent. You can just about dogfight things like F-16s if you want. But the lack of IFF/radar does suck and really limits how you play it (experience from the Harrier Gr7)

A-10C is literarlly being carried by AIm-9Ms.

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The B+ is the 13.0 yes that is the one I am referencing. I don’t see how IFF is that large of a factor for WVR fighting.

lowkey wanna get my hands on harrier gr7, looks fun on 12.3

God this thing seems like a nightmare to balance, those aim9m’s are gonna be cracked in GRB because of that smokeless motor and IRCCM but if it goes higher it’s just gonna be pantsir food.

In Sim its 2 fold.

  1. Telling the difference between a friendly F-4 and an enemy F-4 is a pain in the arse

  2. The ability to actually use the Aim-9L or Aim-9M in front aspect.

In my experience in the Harrier Gr7, you are quite often forced to wait until you can VID the target, before engaging it. Rarely do you get the oppotunity to fire before the merge because you dont want to risk a TK.

Smokeless motor + HMD IFF on the A-10C is going to make it into a sneaky rat. Especially when the AV-8B still has to contend with the screaming beacon that is its smokey exhaust trail (Bug report: Community Bug Reporting System)


Its really not. At least not in Sim. I miss it at 11.0 and genuinely consider the Aim-9M on the Gr7 to be the worst mistake they ever made for the British TT.

Especially as we have the Harrier Gr9A that has both a better engine and HMS yet to be added that could have gotten Aim-9Ms