A survey of the playerbase

Of all the possible comments to say “calm down” on, one that literally just has two words on it “How so?” is an odd choice ;)

To the extent that they exist, they will reflect in the answers of the survey due to the ANSWERER’S bias that they brought in with them.

The goal of any survey is to measure the answerer, not to measure the test maker.

If 70% of people are convinced there’s russian bias, and 20% think there is none, and 10% of people think there’s anti-Russian bias, then

  • If your own test adds no bias itself, then you will get purely the respondents’ biases coming through, and you’ll measure 70/20/10

  • If your own test itself adding it’s own bias ends up pushing a bunch of people one step higher in their answer, then you’ll incorrectly get something like 85/10/5 as your answers

lol You keep thinking it’s a test. It’s just a survey, and bias does not matter. His questions are based on the community, not some bare bones objective analysis of the game. I don’t know why you’re fighting this so hard.

A survey is literally a sub-category of tests. A survey IS a test. Just like an apple is a fruit.

It is specifically a test that:

    1. Measures humans (as opposed to, say, testing stiffness of a block of concrete), and
    1. Uses verbal or written self-report as the method of data collection (as opposed to measuring your height or reaction time)
    1. Usually implies that it is guided by a fairly tight list of questions, not just wildly free-form

There is no point in running a biased survey (or any other kind of test). Except perhaps “to intentionally lie and mislead people” would be the only reason you’d WANT to.

Same as how there is no point in using a ruler where the inches are the wrong size.

it does not matter if it is categorically similar. You don’t know what questions he wants answered if you can’t read the questions plainly. You are telling him to change his questions. It’s nonsensical. You don’t know what he’s looking for

Yes, because there is literally no point in running a biased survey.

Any more than there is a point in using a ruler with inches that are the wrong size.

You don’t know what he’s looking for

This is the same as saying “You don’t know what object he’s measuring the length of, so you can’t know whether he should use a ruler with the wrong sized inches or not!”

It makes no difference what you’re measuring the length of, ALL objects can only be usefully measured if your ruler has the correct markings on it. Otherwise you will get lengths other than the true length of the object.

And ALL questions can only be usefully surveyed if your survey has no bias in it. Otherwise you will get inaccurately measured “opinions” more negative or more positive than people’s actual opinions.

You’re the one calling it biased, and there is a point to a “biased” survey even if it is biased.

This is a bad metaphor. I suggest we don’t even work with it.

Again, you’re the one calling it biased.
His questions are based on community feedback already present. He’s not trying to data collect to find out if there is a general feeling about British tanks and their solid shot. It’s already a community topic. He’s asking if people agree with it. How is that bias? The thing exists already!

This is actually a good way to do a survey as it is directly referencing common complaints from the players of minor nations. It’s a good way to gauge reactions from the players of those nations and others.

It helps to distinguish if people who do and don’t play the nations agree with common complaints about the tech trees, in addition to seeing what sort of comments are brought up by using wording that could be seen as combative.

I mean it obviously was able to get a reaction from you, so I think it is working.

This is more of a reason to do a survey anyways, since if there is just no one from minor nations at top tier that’s a really good reason to pay attention to them more (since there wouldn’t be as many advocates of the tech tree).

This is about as random of a sample as the average non-content-creator can do while also having the ability to reach a large amount of people, additionally the forums has people from all nations.

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If you’ve decided you know what the community thinks already, then why are you running a survey, lol? You’ve already concluded your answer, asking something you’ve already concluded the answer to ahead of time is obviously dumb.

The only reason to measure something is if you DON’T know the answer already

In case you never realized, when people say stuff like “What’s your favorite Kevin Bacon movie, and why is it Tremors?” it’s a JOKE, not a serious way to ask questions, lol

Research methods/logic don’t care about your convenience. If you can’t figure out a way to do something correctly, it doesn’t just magically change how logic works to accommodate you. It simply means you can’t do it at all then.

Do it right, or give up, only two valid options.

Scientists: “Awww but building a gigantic supercollider that costs trillions of dollars sounds REALLY HARD!!!” The universe: “Okay okay, fair’s fair, I’ll just tell you how particles work for $5 then, deal?” Lol no, until they were able to do it right, they just didn’t get to know the answer. The end.

And ESPECIALLY if your goal is to raise awareness among normal players, or find out more about normal players, etc., then that’s the worst possible situation to only be measuring a weird, hyper-narrow niche group of super old veteran players with thousands of battles and who are all on their 4th nation, etc.

My dude where else is this guy supposed to post this survey to? If he isn’t a content creator (i.e. doesn’t have a large following) either here or the War Thunder reddit are his best bets

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One way to do a much closer to random sampling would be go through the replay server and find people from one game per a few spread out sample BRs who played in the last 24 hours, write down all 32 people’s names in a notepad file, and DM each one asking if they’ll fill out a survey.

That’s roughly how Gallup works (they phone randomly generated phone numbers)

But again, if you can’t figure out a better way, TOO BAD. You just failed to get an answer then. Universe doesn’t care. “Best I could do” =/= truth. “Actually good enough to avoid biases” = truth.

Yeah I guess that might be a better way that is also incredibly time consuming, but posting the survey here is - if anything - just going to show the thoughts of experienced players (if you want to say that only experienced players post here). I don’t see the problem with that as long as that is taken into account in your conclusions.

It is using pre-established complaints from subsets of the community and asking questions on how the larger community (including those subsets) feels about said complaints. I don’t see what is biased about this.

I mean pilot studies exist for a reason and qualitative analysis is just as important as quantitative since they can be used in different ways.

Pre established information baked into a question is pretty much literally just the definition of what a bias is. Bias is more or less a synonym for “prejudice” “PRE (before) JUDICE (judging, deciding)”

Slants or angles or moods decided before the beginning of the survey. I.e. “pre-established” ones = bias. It defeats the purpose, because you’re just going to push people toward the obvious implications that the survey is loudly suggesting to you, and you get back an echo of your own words.

  • If you already knew your words were true, then an echo of them is fine, but why were you bothering with a survey if you already knew the truth?

  • If you DIDN’T know your words were true, then getting an echo of them still doesn’t help you know if they’re true.

Again using the ruler analogy, it’s like you are measuring the width of your cabinet with a blank stick of wood, and marking off the width with a sharpie.

Then you write onto the stick next to the mark “8 inches. Because I already knew the cabinet was 8 inches wide, so this mark must be 8 inches. OH HEY LOOK! My new ruler says it’s 8 inches!”

My dude what you are not getting is that is done on purpose. All he is doing is asking:

  1. Are you a part of a certain subset of the community?
  2. Do you agree with this subset’s views on “insert possibly controversial topic A, B, C, etc.”?
  3. Who would you recommend people to become a part of this subset?
  4. Do you have comments on this subset?

This is fairly standard stuff.

To show I’m not BSing you, here is a direct example from his survey:

  1. Are you a part of a certain subset of the community? → Do you play Great Britain, and which branches?
  2. Do you agree with this subset’s views on “insert possibly controversial topic A, B, C, etc.”? → Do you believe the claims of “solid shots hinder the killing potentials of British vehicles”? In reference to lower tiers.
  3. Who would you recommend people to become a part of this subset? → What kind of players would you recommend playing Great Britain to?
  4. Do you have comments on this subset? → Do you have any comments on Great Britain, or to the view of the playerbase on it?
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But they ARE the subset. So you can logically rewrite this as

"Do you agree with your own views? And by the way, these are what your views are [tells you]"

Lolwat? Again this is literally just the meme/joke “What is your favorite Kevin Bacon movie and why is it Tremors?”

Did you not see the “I do not play insert minor nation in war thunder” option in the first question for every one of the nations talked about? They want people who play the nation and people who don’t to take the survey.

I mean… “What is that guy over there’s favorite Kevin Bacon movie, and why is it Tremors?” is an even sillier question, though.

Literally just ask them what their favorite Kevin Bacon movie is? THE END, no further prompting.

Or in this case, “How do you feel about AP shells?” THE END, no further prompting. If they all think AP shells are shit, then they’ll still tell you that. What are you worried about? Afraid you might not confirm your own prejudices?

I think I liked him in The River Wild more.