This is a poorly made argument and denies a major military the representation they deserve, so no, Israel should not of been an US subtree
To all the people saying Israel should have been a subtree, just leave. No need to troll here, it is too large to be a subtree and has lots of unique aspects to it. It couldn’t ever work as a subtree really, so please stop with this nonsense.
As for addressing this topic, I believe it absolutely deserves a subtree of sorts. As for which subtree, I would have preferred a nation such as India if gaijin wasn’t so dumb to give it to Britain, and Chile would make a fine subtree if gaijin doesn’t make a LATAM TT. Best of all is an export tree, as Israel makes a lot of modernizations of aircraft, so many I would love to see in the tree! Any of these are my preferences, and I really hope to see them. (I would gladly accept a LATAM subtree as well, but I’m sure a lot of people would be upset if it became a subtree and not an independent tree).
By any chance you heard about the Polish MiG-29 9.12A IAF pilots tested? Hehehe
Mikoyan will grow larger
USA bought MiG-29 too lol
No one will play it anyway.
Not as long as USA has everything israel has and better.
You just answered your question…
Is Arab in the Israel?
Or do you think Gaijin should remove the flag of WW2 Chinese vehicle?
Could we say UK steal ZA vehicles? Or Sweden steal Leopards, Mi-28, Apache and T-80U?
If a country is too small for a seperate tree but too much for event-only vehicle, are they unworthy of being in the game?
Turkish subtree because of Sabra’s and modernized F4E
Yeah I know thanks,
Arab would never of gone to israel due to the sheer degree of unrelatedness, the only arab nation remotely tied to israel is Jordan and they are in britain pretty much.
There is literally no use of political discourse to deny vehicles in war thunder, its a war game not a geopolitical one.
Has Arab Nations and Iran are voting options
Azerbaijan is not a voting option despite the fact that Azerbaijan unlike Iran and all the Arab nations have actual connections to the IDF & the Israeli MIC
Secondly Chile Export vehicles and making Israel start at a lower Tier (even just by one Tier) are the only viable options on the voting poll that makes sense. The rest are terrible and here’s why
India Subtree (If Gaijin would free them from the illogical UK choice)
Adding India as a Subtree of Israel is just as Illogical as adding India as a Subtree of the UK. Also India in terms of foreign weapons used way more equipment of Soviet, British and even French origin than Israeli ones
Iran Subtree (what again?) & Arab League Subtree (what?)
Adding either Iran or the Arab League let alone both to the Israeli Subtree would just be like adding SK to the Japanese TT x100 it’s not going to end well, compounded by the fact that still vast majorities of Arab Nations still do not recognize Israel as a legitimate nation. And that discounting the fact that adding Iran and AL in the same TT is like adding SK to the Japanese TT since they hate each other
Czechia (NOT Czechoslovakia) Subtree
Czechia can be it’s own TT or the very least be a subtree of Poland
Latin America Subtree
LATAM should not be a Israeli subtree since it has Latin American countries that do not recognize (or never recognize) Israel
Vietnam + Singapore + Philipines Subtree
No, The Philippines is just as viable of a subtree of Israel is the Philippines being part of a Future Turkish TT since they too used Turkish weapons. The Philippines alongside Singapore and even Vietnam are better fits for Subtrees for the Japanese TT than subtrees of an Israeli TT. Also yes the Philippines and Vietnam do use weapons of Japanese origin
Israel doesnt need sub tree it has enough options to add its just gaijin need to make them imsted of making another spaa to russia
If u insist i support export vehicles sub tree and jewish fighters
India is also valid since israel worked a lot with indian army and sold them weapons
guys I love the discussion, but Israel needs light tanks, we need them YESTERDAY!!!.
Here is a 10.3 premium for Israel.
By the way, how long will Israel be left without premium vehicles? They took away the A4, the Spitfire, the M-51, the Merkava 2D. As if that weren’t enough, we have only 1 Kfir in the TT and 3 Kfirs under a paywall.
If this is what Israel means to gaijins, I’d rather they didn’t add any subtrees. They’d only ruin another nation if they did.
By the way, +1 for Chile.
Is it thec infamous TAM 2C A2?
Israel can’t even get a line up never mind a sub tree. Maybe Israel should have been an American sub tree as its mostly US kit and paid for by the US taxpayer.
Let me introduce you to THE LIST.
The ground: The List | Ground Forces
The air: The List | Aircraft
The Heli: The List | Helicopters
You’re wellcome.
What am I welcome to?
Israel has a lot of cool unique vehicles its just gaijin are lazy to add them and prefer to focus on the ez cp vehicles
few people who play Isreal are happy with how Gaijin handled it so I dont know why you are trying to defend it. Its shocking especially at 6BR.
Gaps are huge ,you have to play the M51 multiple times and you have CAS at 4BR and have to move to 6.7 with your M51 as soon you get a second tank.
I gave up on Israel its an awful tech tree,if you can call it that.