ehm. v no vich 1z hehe
I think that the future sub tree of Israel (which it will have for obvious reasons) has to have some points to make it logical, for me these would be:
- Close or at least good relations with Israel
- Vehicles manufactured or modified by Israel so that there is some logic in the tree
- A sufficient number of vehicles to fill Israel’s missing spaces, especially in air
- Desirable unique vehicles so that they are not all just copy/paste
Analyzing those points that I consider the most important, the options are not too many, I am the creator of the Chilean sub-trees for Israel, you can go see them and realize that Chile complies with all those points, that is why it is such a popular option within the forum.
My second favorite option would be like what was done with France and Benelux where multiple nations formed an aerial sub-tree. For me, Chile, Brazil and Argentina would work well in that sense since they have unique planes and many of them modified by Israel.
Another popular option would be Türkiye, which, despite not currently having good relations with Israel, has historically had some cooperation and the Turkish industry is quite extensive.
Outside of those options, for me there is no other option that is logical or positive for Israel, since it does not comply with the points I gave above. I have seen people suggesting multiple random nations for Israel without any logic.
Fair, India should probably stick to the UK, in their commonwealth/SA line imo. Wouldn’t be too against adding a Latin-American line, after reading up a lil bit more on them it doesn’t seem like the most unrealistic choice.
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Korea obviously.
Why India and Israel are bringing their relationship out from “under the carpet”
I don’t know what I should expect from you. Israel and India have a lovely relationship.
Taiwan is in the Chinese tech tree, historical tensions have literally nothing to do with war thunder
Personally I think the most likely option is turkey, they have the most synergy with the current Israeli tree, use a LOT of Israeli tech, have a lot of gap filler and unique vehicles, isn’t too distressing to anyone else and finally it means we can have a bit more diversity in the air tree (plus Israeli Mig-29 when gaijin!!!)
why would we give israel vietnam they are a chinese sub tree if anything
israel doesnt need a subtree honestly
Quite the opposite, it is the one that needs a sub tree the most because no one plays it, because it barely has 3 lines in the air, do I need to give more reasons?
i mean to be fair all three lines have meta jets f16C f15C and F15E what more ya need what you want a eurofighter ?
real problem is none of these trees work like what ya gonna give em honestly the way gaijin works isareal should have been a american sub tree considering how much tech we give them
It is also a good choice to combine Turkey and Israel. The two also have a lot of cooperation in the military field. After all, there is already a predecessor of M60T (Sabra) in the game. If you choose another one, Chile is certainly a good choice. Excluding political factors, pan-Arab countries are certainly also good, but… Haha.
It’s not about the Meta planes, it’s about the fact that it barely has planes in the entire tree, as I told you it barely has 3 lines, the minimum acceptable is 4, for that same reason they gave other trees subtrees to complete the 5 lines. And as I explained to you, almost no one plays Israel, it is the least played nation because it is somewhat boring and I tell you, I have all the land and air vehicles in Israel, the monotony, there is no variety, that is why it is the tree that needs help the most.
Then why does the Russo-Ukrainian war stop the WT dev team from adding Ukrainian tech.
Idk, so far though there has been no space or need for ukrainian vehicles in the game, and we’ll see our first with the new Thai ground subtree whenever that comes out
Haha, Japan has almost done what it said, but it just needs to replace Typhoon with JAS39.
why, we have by far the smallest tree in game, if japan can get a subtree then so can israel