A strange return of the barrel to the front of the tank

I noticed a strange function when playing tank battles in a vr helmet, for some reason the barrel always wants to return to the front of the tank, and this is very annoying because you can’t even turn the barrel 180 to shoot at the back, and even 90 will not work, which is why you have to turn the body for normal aiming. But this only works from the 3rd person, you can turn it in the scope as you want. why is this happening and is it possible to turn it off somehow or not?

I never played in VR but I used to play with a PS4 controller, have you checked if you changed something in some of the control axis in order to reset the value after you stop turning the turret? There is usually an option called “Keep value for disabled axis” in each of the controls axis which can be on or off, sounds like it can be related to that.

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video too big for forum, War Thunder 2024.07.26 - - Google Drive my gdrive. I think it’s not related to the axes since I reset the settings and it remains that way.