Hope to see this thing soon ;)
Also few suggestions:
Vultur is here bois
What are these missiles, next to R-3S?
Edit: nevermind, found out that it’s RS-2US.
How old is the photo? K5 missile are ancients!
Jun 30, 1994
Wow… maybe they forgot that those missile were obsolete?
it seems are still used in Nord Korea, according to the wikipedia.
Noth Korea is something else, didn’t thought Romania were using them in '94
I almost voted “no” because of how much I dislike the ideea of subtrees, but then I decided to abstain for now because any proposal that would bring more Romanian airplanes into the game still has some merit.
But then, what is the current status of this proposal? It is pretty clear now that there will not be any romanian subtree inside Italy, since that spot is taken already by Hungary, and there are no good places in other tech trees either (which may be for the best ultimately).
On the old forum there was a quite detailed proposal for a full fledged Romanian air tree. Would it not be a good ideea to biring that back in a more refined form, to keep the dream alive?
Romania has been confirmed to be placed in Italian tech tree, also the presence of Hungarian sub tree doesn’t exclude the possibility of the full Romanian subtree. It actually increases the chances since there are multiple designs which were used by both nations irl.
Even if a bad ideea has been announced already, it may still be reversed before it is implemented, (or even after that, but with greater difficulty).
After all, even Italy originally started out as a sub-tree within Germany…
there are multiple designs which were used by both nations irl.
What I understand is that given the current trend, adding more subtrees/composite tech trees means that eventually we will see something like multiple different versions of the same copy/pasted soviet vehicle with multiple different liveries inside the same tech tree.
We already have planes with combinations of Hungarian and Romanian camouflages: He-112B1/U2, IL-28, Bf-109G-2.
Some of Benelux planes also have both Belgium and Dutch liveries.
Italy wasn’t German subtree, there wasn’t such term in the past at all, although it’s quite normal that future standalone nations additions appeared in already existed TTs, not only Italy, but France, Israel, Sweden and China.
I don’t see any intention to reverse that idea, we continue to get more Romanian stuff in the Italian TT. Maybe bad idea for you, but for other players and Gaijin itself it looks like a nice one. Romanian-Hungarian subtree is actually a cool project, it could be filled with way less copypaste and more ingenious designs and modifications, but it’s a general trend across “minor” nations unfortunately.
That was before my time, so thank you for correcting me.
Most of the planes you listed are premiums, and therefore not part of any “subtree” at all.
This brings me to one of the reasons why I dislike subtrees, as I feel that I should explain why I am being so negative: As far as I can tell, subtrees are created when the fanbase and (more importantly), the developers believe that there is a deficit or imbalance in an existing tech tree, and the subtree is added in order to pad the existing tech tree with foreign aircraft. Obviously, the cheapest and most cost-effective way to achieve this goal is to copy-paste an existing design from one of the major nations, and empirical observation shows that this is exactly what has happened in case of the existing subtrees, with new and original designs being an afterthought. In fact, when vehicles from minor nations have been added to the game for their own sake, they have most of the time been added as premiums.
I suspect that many people who support and advocate for more subtrees do so out of a misguided belief that subtrees are a way of adding original vehicles from minor nations while minimizing the ammount of “padding” with copy & pasted vehicles, but in fact this belief is not supported by any past trends, and it appears that this was never the concern of the developpers.
Subtrees thus just provide a fig-leaf justification for shoehorning some re-skinned foreign vehicles inside a techtree to correct a percieved deficit or imbalance with minimal expenditure of time and effort.
They are in many cases an excuse for not researching and implementing truly original designs into the game (although I admit that in some other cases, historically accurate vehicles may indeed not be available).
On the other hand, I believe that independent tech trees are to be created when there is a genuine desire to add some new and original vehicles into the game (which do not fit anywhere else) and therefore a new tech tree is created around them, even at the risk of it being imbalanced or having to be padded with a number of copy/pasted vehicles.
So the creation of new, independent TTs actually maximizes the ammount of truly original vehicles added to the game (since these designs are needed in order to justify the existance of the new tech tree).