Gaijin should notice that there are already so many topics about top tier air spawns in ground battles, and they should finally do something about it so as not to get hit by a VT-1 missile 12 seconds after the spawn, I have a few suggestions as to what they could look like air spawns on top tiers.
1 selecting the distance (10km, 25km, 50km) or others.
2 selecting altitude (depending on the map)
500m, 1000m, 2500m, 5000m to avoid immediate radar detection.
3 selecting a spawn point, left side, right side, above the airport.
and the ability to edit weapons during battle should be added.
so gaijin, don’t do pointless events, just focus on air spawns because currently the distance of spawns from the battlefield and the opposite spawn is good for tier max 10.0.
yes… Or maybe, just maybe selecting spawn from airfield instead flying dead straight on jet spawn towards enemy Aa…
Just thinking…
No, at top tier the CAS is already strong enough.
it’s more about the fact that the weapons of top tier planes have a range longer than 15 km, so they should change the spawn distance because the current one makes no sense
Nope, it would just impact negative on ground games.
I would like that soon as every nation would have a lot better aa’s what would actually track and quide by radar.
Longer distance maps would go a long way to fixing this. For both parties.
As well as side objectives, like an AI battle to take shots at. Something to drag them out from the player battlefield.
Also spawn them on the airfield, or way further back so it takes a min or 3 to get to the player field.
Destroyable enemy artillery emplacements (switches from more powerful artillery to mortars and small howitzers) or other supporting things like supply trucks (increase time to replenish crew and ammo at points)
Yep, bring back the destroyable artillery that stops people from bringing artillery in because it got destroyed.
Even go so far as allow a few SPAA to spawn there to protect it.
I think stuff like AI ZSU-23-4 with iglas and LAV-AD or Gepard would make more sense for things like that
Makes the whole “stuff to do outside player battle” thing pointless since then the artillery becomes a player battle between spaa and CAS
Id like to see desert storm era versions of US aircraft added, just so a squad can have an A-10 or 2 for close support of main ground battles, F-15E for hitting stuff like artillery and supply lines, and F-111F for supply lines and a possible larger target
It could be a reason to implement a minigame like arcade air, where players can man AA at those areas when air gets nearby.
This would be interesting. Would need an artillery rework/buff though to make artillery something worth protecting