A new way for gaijin to earn money

oh yes. it all comes together now. a new way for gaijin to ask us to donate our money. they changed the profile tab, making it insightful and easy to interact with, into a customizable experience…

all so they can sell customizable stuff for your profile.

yes gaijin. become more greedy.

No. dont fix team killing in air realistic.
no. dont fix buggy volumetric armor.
no, dont fix the inbalance in teams.
no, dont make your vehicles actually true to history and keep advertising to be a realistic game which you no longer are.

yes, find new ways to pawn us of our money. thats what matters.

-for the special event, you made a good change. the more progress you had on a task, the less GE it would cost to buy out if you didnt complete it in time. why remove that for this event? why does 200 experience for a task remaining, cost us 999GE, when you did make a good change on previous events, where the buyout would be only 150 GE?

why say you are a realistic historical game, advertising yourself as a realistic game, letting influencers advertise your game as a realistic historical game, when you dismiss everyone teaching you the historical specs of vehicles?

why are you so inconsistant gaijin?


They can sell the bushes version of tiger 2 105, panther 2 & that SPAA 341 pack and make so much money like Tiger h1 ostwind 2 combo pack. No idea what stopping them, maybe they already too rich to care

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You are playing a free to play game and complaining that a company has to pay bills? Ever heard this thing called expenses?

For a game like WT :

Server : Average 1 to 2 USD per player per month
Models : Average 10k to 15k USD / model
Graphic Design : Average of 18USD/ Hour (per person)
Store Hosting
Web Hosting

Ye, Gaijin must be money hungry (sarcasm).


Yeah I think everybody agrees these crates are a scam.

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Gambling is gambling, except these have a guaranteed return and then a randomised one

7 (*) euros per crate is a damn waste though.

You get a garunteed 490 ge worth of stuff, putting this crate at around 500 ge and that is cheaper than most crates that have a chance or paying out ( rookie trophy, update crate, etc)
If you think about it these are fairly priced, either way you dont NEED anythint it gives you

I don’t care about the boxes. I just like the portrait.

1- Report teamkillers.
2- There are no existing bugs with volumetric armor and haven’t in years.
3- Haven’t seen this bug in months to years.
4- All vehicles in War Thunder have historical weapons on them currently.
If a weapon isn’t historical, find proof that vehicle could never fire the munition and use the bug report site.
4a- Realism is not history, and history is not realism.

5- Consistency is not inconsistent.

You going to be honest in your next post?

You know there are ways to monetize the game without trying to use randomized prizes to lure people in, right? Like the high tier premiums they already sell, which cost as much as a brand new AAA game. Each. Let’s not pretend Gaijin is a tiny indie dev barely scraping by. You don’t need to white knight for corporations, it’s embarrassing when people do that.

So with the premiums - out of the 195k average players that play this game…… how many sales?

This game is not free to play unless you value your time at like 50 cents per hour.
The free trial ends at rank 4, after that no point in playing without some kind of premium.

You overestimate model and server costs by a factor of 5 to 10.
The models are decent quality but nothing compared to some other game that I wont mention + alot of the latest patches is just recycled models with new textures, which costs a fraction of that.
And half the stuff thats new and unique models are premiums anyways that probably pay themselves within a day of preorders.
I think you largely underestimate how much money they make with 75$ premiums, and especially during sales.
If they didnt have a pseudo monopoly on this genre of game, premiums wouldnt be this price, just saying.


If anyone is mug enough to buy these crates then they deserve everything they get, ie, nothing.

Well, WT has been in top 24 most “money-making” games on Steam since 2021. In previous years it was top 50. Can’t say the exact ranks as Steam doesn’t publish them, only “tiers” (Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze). And that’s just for Steam alone. God knows how much Gaijin makes directly from their store. So, I wouldn’t think they are short on income… :)
The top 24 in Gaijin’s case means the Gold tier, which is 13.-24. rank…