A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Hey, Look. I found a perfect new nation bonus


They have the booster on the dev severe every time for the update but yet it takes a year to design and implement a rp bonus that doesn’t even help much with the grind.


you know that developers have to be paied right?
you know that servers cost money right?

you have to posibility to play this game for free. and the posibility to pay to progress, it is not even pay to win… so that is a great thing.

if you like the game, premium account it is not too much of invesment… you can even buy on 50% discount…

if nobody will pay that moment the game will die.

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Sorry that i need to say this but i think u have absolutely no idea how this world works if you believe in what u just wrote.
There is no chance i can say this more nicely.

There a plenty of people explaining how the world around this game and devs work in this forum, maybe try to read some of it first before loading your crap in here.

Your first two sentences alone are super provokant, so u get from what you sow.

I am happy to explain it to you, but only if you show me that u care and ask for it.
Right now i have the feeling you don´t care to understand, but i can see that u love to buy stuff from your other posts ;)

And no, i dont want to just comment on this because i can… the problem is simple, i am fighing everywhere to balance this game in every way, to make it better, to get more players, to support on every front. But you actively go against this with your comment, thats why i have such an issue with your post.

Oh and… this is a open forum, discussions and opinions are fine, but being provocant like you and me is not.


I was looking forward to the RP bonuses soo much bc I thought it would speed up my quest to spade every vehicle but I guess I must suffer. Makes no sense why the bonus turns off when you reach an end of the line vehicle


Very true, sadly.

Don´t forget to leave a Steam Review, the function don´t excist for nothing :)


please explain it to me then.

I may be wrong, but that is the way i see things…

i don’t think they do money from Adds, i don’t see any add in game … (on some other post i got that explanations)

and sorry for the impression my post gave it to you. I have my sufferings in this game too… but i have the hope that it will be fixed (my biggest problem is F104 S TAF :D )

You really don’t count the current earnings,wait for the day when you don’t have maintenance fees, and you’ll remember that。

Every day

Hey np, nice to see that someone is interested :)
ok i try to explain some parts, if you want to discuss or want more info, just ask and i will answer if i can.

you know that developers have to be paied right?

According to some websides Gaijin makes a revenue of around 22.1 million. (no proof of that on the sides though)

At the same time they estimate that they have 200-500 employees, spread across the globe.

I would guess its on the lower end tbh.

You can do the math yourself, don´t forgett, most employess live in not so well paied parts of the globe. Most live in Hungary and the average dev over there gets around 33k euro a year.

Thats more or less all about that.

They have around 3 “bigger” games and 2 old ones that they still work on.
Warthunder is by far the biggest one.

Warthunder SteamDB: 58k online (right now)
Enlisted: 3,4k
Crossout: 3k

So by far the biggest money maker here is warthunder.

you know that servers cost money right?

Not that much, its hard to say excaktly but u can say that a Gameserver for 30k Players cost around 10k per month. Strongly varyies of course but thats on the higher end of that and i guess wt has some higher needs than other games so for around 200k max we speak of 70k per month.

Lets go to F2P topic:

F2P is generally know for a gameloop that manipulates people, play with addictions, play with emotions. Kinda what Casinos do, but without being age restricted or heavely legal restricted.

Ofc there are different models of F2P out there but for all of Gaijin Games its a Grindbased, Buy stronger stuff, emotionally painfull without spending money model.

So thats bad in its own. We already went through the numbers so we know they make a heavy profit already. (lets say employes cost 12-18 million, server cost 1 million, they still made then 4-9 millions profit)

In total, the argument that they need more money is absolute nonesense, they make enough, no need for greed.

Lets go to P2W:
This game is P2W, end.
Many if not most Premium tanks are simply a better version of the Techtree variant, or even worse they are an obj 279 or an 2S38 or an Su-11 or… or…

Pay to progress is technically true but only if it is reasonable, in this game its not.
You want to freexp a tank? It just costs you the same as if you buy a prem.
You want to Buy crew points? Fine just cost you 50+ bucks PER SLOT.

You dont want to buy a prem acc? Fine, you just need an average of 2 Years of 2h per day per nation. (was already calculated from others)

You dont want to buy crew slots? Fine, you just need to play around 4k Battles per slot till you also have the benefit of a 25% better reload, more Hitpoints on crew, fast turred traverse, not 1sec gear change time but only 0.1 sec, horizontally AND vertical at the same time and so on and on… Crew skill is absolutely busted OP of you have it aced.

In summary, everythink is made so you have to either suffer or buy for way to high prices your way to glory.

At the same time it dosnt make sense to even have such a system in the game, i dont have proof but i know a lot of people that left the game or avoid it in the first place just because of this shady P2W crap.

A bit more about that topic though,
it is know by research people that there is a very effective way of making people happy in these games, there was actually a puplished paper about this for WoT, that paper basically saied, if you give the player ever few battles a better then average position, they will keep playing and be happy. It will outweight the suffer if 1 of 4 battles is good and the rest crappy. It was stated that an optimal for making people happy is to set it up so players get sometime downtier, sometime uptier, so even bad players will have matches where they can have fun and keep playing.

That system is crap, but i guess necessary to keep every playergroup engaged, suckts though as a a good player but whatever.

Now the issue:
Gaijin likely noticed that you can make that system even more effective if you allow P2W and also allow Stuff that acts like stone/paper/scissors.

In our case you can see that on smt like a Ka-50, Roland, Leo2a4 (just one example)
Ka-50 beats Leo, Leo beats AA, AA beats Ka-50.

Every player has a clear position and is unlikely to not get at least one or two kills. So they stay engaged to the game.

But the issue is obvious, the game is brutaly imbalanced and over time very frustrating and boring. its always the same, a Ka-50 see my leo 2a4, i will die if there is no AA in my team. Just an example but thats what drives me and others away from this game. The simple boringness of it, the dependence of having a counter to the enemy and that i can not kill him with whatever i play right now, even if my skill is level 9000.

In other words, its anti competitive. There are clear counters to some vehicles that can not be overcome. (not only in grb ofc)

But why having that system in the game u might ask? Well its easy to implement and also its 100% risk free to implement after you have already a playerbase. There are always people addicted enough to pay and play.
And now were back to manipulating people and how casinos make money…

Do you want that? Well i dont and my buddies also not.
Was the game like that from the beginning? F2P yes, p2w a bit but much less critical.
Do they try to make a good game and gain more and more players? No and No. Yes they do ads now, thats why they gained more players but do these players stay? Hell no.

Okay enough for this episode…

i hope someone learned smt out of this.

At the end, everyone here in the forum want to make the game better, but everyone has a different point of view and a different amount of informations.

At the end we already had quite a lot of anger in the playerbase already, there has been already quite a few protest/strikes and even reviewbombing happening because gaijin crossed the line of “hidden manipulation and greed”.
That alone is already a super bad sign. Did they changed smt about it? Barely… sadly. Could they do more and make the game superfun and ubergreat? Yes… but i guess they dont know better and the leaders dont want to change it, the money is flowing, the people are paing… why changing it?
Its the same dilemma we have in other parts of the life, like the super unworthy handled workers that create our clothes… its superbad… to people still love to buy 3 dollar shirts? hell yea they love it… will that change the situation? hell no…

So what can be done about it?
Well, only two ways.

  1. Protest and be loud enough to make a monetary impact.
  2. Goverment has to step in and restrict manipulation methots/mechanics in videogames like they do for casinos as example. A simple “18+” restriction would very likely already make a lot even though most are over 18, but with that everyone would know what mechanics are in place.

So from what people are saying from leaks are that now we get rp bonuses for tier 1-3 at 20% and now from 3 battle to 5. Wow not I get to suffer just a litttttttttttttttttttttttttle bit less. 👍(•_•)👍


That’s simply not true. Most new premium tanks are 1:1 copies with a skin these days. Older ones are either stronger or weaker but also at a different BR, or are unique.
2S38 really isn’t P2W, people are completly overblowing its impact. Obj 279 could be earned without paying, and when you buy it, you buy it from other players. And at 10.3 I wouldn’t call it OP anymore either. the reload really screws it over.


Sorry for the kinda offtopic here but i cant let that comment be uncommented.

we have excaktly 4 “skinned” copys atm. soon china gets one more. (4 only if you also count ZTZ96 A and christian 2 aswell)

edit: the list is based on what i consider as stronger then that nations counterparts and if they dont have counterparts on the average of that battle rating/role and with “better” i speak of being more impactfull in a battle
Let me make a list, i will limit myself to not make it to long…will try to not speak to much about pure event vehicles and cover most nations tanks and a few planes (i am not big in the jet game so i cant say to much there)

M8 LAC - best 1.0 USA
T14 - Best 4.7 USA has and one if not the best 4.7 in general
T20 - is not anymore but was for years at lower brs… best in class still at 6.3
M551 (76) - One of the best tanks of 7.0, even has a stabi
T29 - Best Tank of the T29-T34 family and very strong
T114 - Not anymore but was for years OP cause of lower BR
Merkave MK 1 and MK 2, Rare but best USA has and on the top ranks of 9.0 and 9.3
XM-1 still one of the best 9.3, better then anythink in the USA techtree, was befroe the nerv simply pure broken OP
M1A1 CLockbait, its basically a 11.7 at 11.3

XF5F - one of the best 2.3 ingame
BTD - Best 4.0 attack/fighter hybrit and is (or was not sure) the only plane at this br with 2 torps for naval battles (which is in arcade naval super broken due to in flight respawn)
XP-55 Best in class
XP-50 Best in BR
AU-1 by far best 5.7 Fighter/CAS USA has
F2G best 6.0 they have
P-59A best pure fighter they have at 5.7, basically unkillable if you fly without errors
F7F-3 better engines then techtree
A-1H best attacker 6.3
A2D - Best attacker 7.0
F89B - Best 7.0 Fighter, can outclimb and outrun basically everything up to 8.0 and has better initial turn then most
A-4E - 5 bullpupps are simply better then 3 and best attacker on 9.3 usa or any nation has.
A-10A - lower BR then techtree

German Tanks
KV-1B - better armor then russian version and one of the best 4.0 ingame
VFW - Stupid fast reload, only really usable 5.7 td germany has, was before overpressure mechanics brutally broken OP
KV-1C - best 5.0, barely uable these days as its one of a only very few 5.0 tank ingame and gets constantly in 5.3+ matches
Tiger 2 Sla - Better eninge
Ru 251 - same story as KV-1C as no one plays germany 7.3 anymore but still super strong tank even up to 8.0
Turm III - Best 8.3 ingame
TAM2IP - Best 9.0 ingame, good armor, better ammo and for some reason faster turret then techtree
Leo A1A1 L44 - Best 9.3 Leo
Class 3 P - not prem but was best 9,0 before nerv and is still very strong, stronger then 9.0 techtree stuff
C2A1 - uparmored techtree tank
PT-16/T14 - One of or if not best 10.0 ingame

Germany Planes
IL-2 - best attecker on that br for germany
BF110 - like techtree but with CAS gun
BV 155 B-1 - one of the best 3.7 ingame, unmatched mobility, only lacks climb but still one of the best in that br.
Do 335 B-2 best Do 335 ingame
Ju288 - Most broken OP bomber ingame
Me 262 A-1a/U1 best Me 262 for CAS and Fighting and kinda also the only ME germany has that can reliably do both.
Me 262 A-2 - has a bomb

T-35 - what to say… its broken…
BT-7A - only lighttank at 3.7 and super strong
SMK - … well…
T-34-57 - has the better turret then techtree
KV-220 - no need to explain
Obj 248 - IS-2 with much better gun
IS-6 - was broken OP till they moved it to 7.7, now its just a strong tank facing every match 8.7
T-10A - same story as IS-6
PT-76-57 - was brutally Broken when it came out, still one of the very best tanks at 8.3
T-55AMD-1 - “cheeks” make it very very stong compared to the techtree variant
BMD-4 - better reload and much faster then BMP of the techtree
Obj 279 - … its still broken OP for a 9.0…
BMP-2M - Best BMP the game has
Obj 292 - not OP but still better then the T80, was OP at 10.0
2S38 - same as Obj 279
T-72 Turms - not good anymore but was OP when it came out
T-80 UD - best 10.0 MBT UDSSR has
T-80U-E1 - 11.7 at 11.3… if you dont think so, why is the leo 2A5 and 2A7 then not on different brs?

UDSSR Planes
Tis MA - …
ITP - was broken and is stil superb
Yak3 Vk107 - best 5.7 ingame by quiete alot
Su-11 - was uterly broken at 7.0 and is still the best 7.3 ingame
BI - could be 7.3 and will still be OP…
MiG-15Bis - rockets are superb
MiG-21 PFM - better guns and more ammo
Su-25k - better then techtree, has R60MKs
Su-39 - better then techtree

Let me reduce to the obvious now for the other nations:
Centurion MK.2
Challenger DS (its lighter/faster)
Challenger 2 OES (has 50. cal)
Whyverns S4
Meteor MK.8 Reaper
Type 16 FPS
Type 74
M41A3 ( china)
Ariete (plane)
G91 R/4 Italy
M4A1 FL10
EBR 1954 (not anymore but was broken as fuck)
Somua SM
AMX 50 surblinde (btw rarest vehicle in game)
AMX 50 (to90)
AMX 30 Super - better mobility then AMX 32
SAV 20.12.48
VC 90105 - was OP, is okish now.
M-51 - has 50cal
Weizman spit… just superb OP

BUT i am sure the game is not p2w… lol i cant hold it anymore.
Obj 279 is 9.3, u talk about Obj 292

limit myself didnt really worked lol…didnt even started with ships or helis, Ka-50 say no more…
Also unique vehcles dosnt make it not p2w? hows that gonna work lol… same counts for event vehicles that a normal player will not be able to finish without extra hours of grind that they normally wouldnt do and especially not when the vehicles get changed afterwards. best example is the 279… it was broken op when the event came out but no one expected that they will ignore it for years.

It’s more like treats for those not-full-time players, encouraging them to stay active everyday and feel free to go offline when the booster runs out.
Discount always stimulates consumption, no matter how little it saves. And a booster might not bring much different, but enough to influence player’s behavior.

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This is actually good news! 5 matches seem enough to be actually relevant to the average active player’s daily playtime, and I am glad Tiers 1-3 include a bonus now, too.

Grinding China is starting to sound more and more like a possibility! (Specially with that Premium Al-Khalid coming, and given how they didn’t remove ZTZ-96 (P) from the store, hahah.)

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5 instead of 3 matches of 25% more RP in toptier matches… and still nothing if i own one end of line vehicle of that nations…wow… i am absolutely… not impressed.

20% for rank 1-3… wow so i get with my prem tank 5% more… amazing, will definitly make a change…NOT… xD

3 Battles is fine… but 100% base RP (25% for prem players) is utter bullshit and most players that have an end of line vehicle and get these bonus will have premiums or talis on the other nation they play… so thats really … well as expected lol…

its “nice” that they increase the bonus… but it is happenening excaklty as expected… giving out a “test” that is lower then “planned” to later claim to have listened to the feedback and release the bonus then as originally planned… its like a store puts on a higher pricetag just to call it a discount when they put on the real price… (btw thats is almost always the case, otherwise the shop would lose money … people still run like chickens sometimes after the discounts lol)

Yeah, this should be adddressed too. Bonus should end after purchasing at least 3 Top Tier vehicles, not just 1.

Not really… to someone who plays 3 battles a day, maybe (which active player plays so little?), but to a remotely active player who plays 10-15 matches a day, it means nothing.

Most players will play around 10 battles, it was already calculated thousand times in the forum.

but 3 per nation, dont forget that.

btw edited the other comment while u already answered lol

But most players focus on a nation at a time; they don’t go around trying to research all of them simultaneously, hahah.

Hence, 3/10 matches is meaningless, but 5/10 matches starts being more relevant.

I am not sure this was the case- I think Gaijin actually, genuinely intended to bring such low bonuses at first, and only did all of these adjustments upon the backlash, hahah. You give them too much credit by suggesting this was a plan of theirs all along, I think.

Well i assume the worst from them and usually they hold up my expectations… looking the few years back they only have disproven me once, when the squad marker was introduced.

Well i dont know what the average will do when they have finally their first end of line vehicle but i have never met someone playing long enough to get to the end of line and still has not touched other nations and is also not planning to touch more then one new nation

Just for me, i play every nation at the same time, cause i try to stay away from hightier as good as possible… sadly i got 8.0 with all nations already years ago…