A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

That is definitely an issue but who the hell goes for the harrier first lmao?

GRB players wanting CAS would perhaps? It is also the shortest way to getting AIM-120’s as early as possible.
(there are obviously better choices but a new player might not know better)

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I suppose, I don’t really know why I’m nitpicking your example sorry.

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naval tech trees show pretty well how pointless the new bonus is

Some time ago Gaijin added rank6 for ships & reshuffled naval tech trees (way more ships needed to progress through the TT) … so if we use Scharnhorst as example, that tech tree change added extra 900k RP to the grind to get Scharnhorst, basically doubled the grind. Compared to that, giving players new nation RP bonus is barely a rounding error. Especially when the RP bonus switches off as soon as you get one end-of-line vehicle.

And any future change, or ninjanerf of base rewards by a few % will completely wipe out any benefit from new nation bonus, it’ll be just another meaningless number displayed on reward screen.


I prioritise harriers in trees that have them. They’re competent air to air platforms with decent air to ground capabilities. There are dozens of us who appreciate the harrier’s flexibility.

That aside; came back to say that this bonus is pretty useless even with a premium. Trying to get first 262 with a do 335 and there’s no felt increase in rewards. I’d be getting the plane in about the same time frame, and I entirely doubt this would be felt at all at toptier (actually, it isn’t. Trying to get the new harrier for the Brit tree is just as sluggish as ever, because they punish us for completing lines).


Since you have locked the testing thread, I will use this one to leave my last piece of feedback.

It’s pretty clear that the forum community is largely unimpressed by the bonus, and probably wants significant changes. I would also like to see a complete rework to the bonus (the cumulative permanent total RP bonus per top tier tech tree is my personal preference) but I realize that Gaijin might be unwilling to make a change that substantial. So I will offer a suggestion about the bonus’ current framework.

There are four main pain points about the current version of the bonus, and I have seen these expressed by a large portion of the online community here on the forums.

  1. The RP gained is insubstantial, if the purpose of the bonus is to reduce the grind. One solution would be to increase the percentage gained, another would be to move the bonus from affecting base RP to total RP, like a booster. This could also encourage players to buy Premium, since those multipliers would stack.
  2. The exclusion of Ranks I-III from the bonus is counter-intuitive for encouraging players to start new trees. If you want players to try out new tech trees, then you should be applying the bonus to the first vehicles they encounter in a new tech tree, full stop.
  3. The removal of the bonus from a tech tree after unlocking its top-tier vehicle is incongruous with most play/progression styles and punishes players who have reached top tier in multiple tech trees already. The bonus should remain active for the tech tree that unlocked it, to help players fill up lineups or unlock newly-added vehicles.
  4. The limit of three matches per day with the bonus further reduces the effect of the bonus. Either make the number of matches the bonus applies to cumulative based on the number of trees unlocked, or swap to a permanent bonus.

If Gaijin wants to use the current bonus’ framework, they need to address at minimum three of these four pain points in order to get this bonus to a state that would be acceptable for the community.


The plan a month ago:

After test ended today:

So at the very least it seems like they are taking time to consider all the criticism and not just releasing the mechanic as is. The plan before being to completely release the feature before the major update and now being changed to basically “We will make an announcement with more info after the next major update”.

Meaning that it went from: “release before major” to: “info/announcement after major”.

I really hope that this is a good sign.


They just released a feature without major bugs. They’re not going to work on it further - they’re going to take time off!


Did the testing. Just want to say that the bonus was so bad i would just rather not have it then have to deal will all the clutter on the UI.

Seriously. The bonus provided is laughably bad. It is neither an incentive bor a reward. This whole thing can only be described as pathetic.


they certainly are taking the opportunity to delay implementing any bonuses by yet another month at least, or by several months if they decide they can get away with it

I expected them to drag their feet on this, but more than a year of complete radio silence followed by one week of testing of lazy resking of skill bonus, followed by switching the bonuses off again and basically saying “we don’t want to use this now, we will save it for later, maybe we’ll switch it back on when we need some good P.R. after our next inevitable ####-up … as cynical as I am about WT I really didn’t expect such insane ammount of foot-dragging. Turns out I’m not nearly cynical enough.

and all that to add “bonus” that is completely negligible compared to several million RP grind every single tech tree has & intentionaly made even worse by the fact that bonus switches off as soon as you get one end of line vehicle

to sum it up, Gaijin made the RP bonus promise after players rioted about game economy, now more than a year later they are still being sore loser about it and this is the result


You might have misread something somewhere. it was always planned to be turned off and evaluated at the end of the test. but i understand your frustration.

to be fair, they have already done a lot to make the grind less tedious (foldered vehicles you can skip and the skill bonus). This bonus is a part of that package but not all of it.

If only this made a difference past a certain point in the tree. Where the grind is actually problematic.

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It does? Perhaps not as much as you would like but there are several trees with several foldered vehicles in the top ranks.

Except that doesn’t resolve the issue of actually getting the line done. Sure, it takes out a bit of RP to finish it, but that’s still 700k minimum to actually wrap up a ground line, whilst no longer benefiting from the bonus they proposed. The bonus that only comes into effect upon finishing a line.

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not really. Problem is that pretty much all of the supposedly oh-so-much amazing improvements were preceded or followed by other changes that made grind significantly worse.



if Gaijin extended the grind necessary to reach GR7 by some 1.2M RP, does it really matter that somewhere down the TT a few vehicles were foldered saving tiny fraction of that?



or getting to Scharnhorst, when Gaijin added some 900k RP to it basically doubling the grind, does it really matter if they foldered a few … oh, wait a second … nothing was foldered there at all, they just made the grind twice as bad.

none of those changes needed more than a year of faffing about testing or feedback (what a surprise) … extra million RP needed here, extra million RP needed there, didn’t take much longer than a coffee break to implement and across the nations & tech trees you have total grind extended by a huge ammount. But when you look at anything that’d decrease the grind, not only does it take year(s) to implement, but also any new nation bonus even if combined with skill bonus + best case scenario of foldered vehicles won’t come even remotely close to compensating for changes like reshuffling tech trees or adding new rank(s).


It does though to some lines (but not all). before you actually HAD to unlock both vehicles, now you only need one and it is also cheaper since its a foldered one.
it might not be much, but by definition it does help you.

well yes, the bonus as presented is bad, which i thoroughly went through here:

If you are interested.

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if you are just speed running the tree to get to the end; sure, it might not be optimal any more for air. but air is not the only vehicle type. over all in general its less total RP to unlock all the vehicles and in many cases less RP to unlock a full lineup of ground for example. and i would think (have not checked so might be wrong) that most lines in air is generally faster after the change, perhaps not all, but i would venture a guess and say most lines in air.

I think the biggest issue is how easy it is for them to extend the grind SIGNIFICANTLY by adding just ONE end of the line vehicle at like 400K+ RP. It very fast then becomes a mountain to climb and the bonuses you have gained along the way gets negated instantly. They could have aded a bonus that would total a million RP throughout the climb and then people would HAPPILY take it but then 3-6 months later add one end of the line vehicle and 2-3 mid ones and all that RP is now balanced out so the grind is back to what it was.

this one i can’t argue, that’s just bad.

and this is exactly why so many are angry with the purposed new bonus as it is. i REALLY hope that they change it to something better, and not just “slightly more % bonus but exactly the same system” but properly fix it so that it does what it was supposed to do.

If interested in my opinions on the bonus you can read them here:


The XP gain of a normal account should be raised to the level of today’s premium.

A premium account should earn 2x what a normal account earns.

Tech trees are so big, that it is normal to play for several years to reach the top tier of one nation.

The bigger problem for the creators should be the vehicles running out, than the fact that someone will play a Leopard 2A7. Why, because stopping the game in one place will discourage you from continuing to grind or even play.

Coming back to the extra XP, I recommend 5 battles that will multiply XP x2, and researching a top tier vehicle cannot cancel it like we had now.


I say it again and again,

old top tier price (is-4) was 150k RP, today top tier price is 400k

Just make the logical step and always leave the top tier on 150k RP costs and adjust the rest to it…
do that everytime a new top tier comes out and we never get into a problem…

but why using the easy way if you can implement new systems that need to be worked on… lol

I think what I propose is a much better solution. Let the top tier vehicles be max 400,000 (AA should be cheaper than MBT), and the lower ones scaled accordingly.

When gaijin calculates how much RP/SL needs to be spent on modules now, it will take 6 years to finish one tech tree.