To be honest, I’ve been in this Russian propaganda simulator almost from the beginning and I’ve always had the impression that they hate their customers. This game is a combine for spitting in people’s faces and checking where the limit is, as you can see, you can spit as much as you want.
Instead of being disappointed, I just laugh. I laugh at all the people who thought that they were going to seriously “change”.
What is this change you have been waiting for for over a year? A daily booster for several battles that sometimes drops randomly from your chests xD You just need to reach the top in one of the nations to get a bit of a bonus for a few battles.
Per day per nation per vehicle type. You can grab 3 matches in one nation in air battles and then do the same for ground battles. Also helis and ships.
This rewards you for branching out instead of hyperfocusing on one nation and one mode at a time.
IMO the mechanic would work better with a minor permanent buff… it would be better for the majority of the playerbase and would effectively be more in line with what War thunder is.
At its core, the game gives you the chance of playing an infinite amount of battles, the more you play, the more you grind. Why don’t we reward players that put more time and effort in the game?
A 10% or even a 5% permanent buff would feel like a true achievement that helps your grind, to that i would add that this buff could be stacked, further rewarding players that put in the time, with the growing amount of nations that the player grinds:
1 nation = 5%
2 nations = 10%
3 nations = 15%
Another issue that should be addressed is the difference between the amount of vehicles in each nation. If we compare somebody that grinded a massive nation such as the USA or USSR to somebody that grinded Israel… well it is pretty obvious that getting to top tier with the latter is much easier compared to the former. This “additional” fatigue is not considered and the bonus equally rewards the players.
(Yes, implementing the mechanic this way would negatively affect the players that barely play a couple of matches everyday, but lets be honest here… the majority of the players plays more than just 3 battles per day and Gaijin’s version of the mechanic would not reward meritocratically those that simply put more time into it).
Judging by the comments that I’m seeing here the soul purpose of the mechanic, incentivizing players to grind more than just one nation, is not reflected by this iteration.
Of course the mechanic is not yet in game and could still see further changes but we are closer to a final version than ever, and considering the massive delays that plagued its release, i hardly expect any massive changes apart from a couple of numbers tweaked.
Finally doing something. The RP bonuses by tier are fine with me. But only 3 battles get the bonus? I really kind of felt that this should just be a bonus if you have top tier. separating it out by tree even makes perfect sense to me. 3 battles though? really? I appreciate finally getting this feature and all but if its only going to be super limited it kind of feels like whats the point?
This is literally useless? Its 50% from base RP and who tf plays only 3 battles per day? Make it like 10% constant if you own an end of the line vehicle in any nation. This isn’t gonna change anything.