A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Plane, heli, bluewater, tank, coastal

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I main air. And I wanna play air. And 3 air battles really isn’t much in the grand scheme of things in that case.


I think its an late april fools joke, especially since last one wasn’t exactly good thought through.


This is too bad, the reward should not be based on base RP. Gaijin spent over a year making only this thing?


and a limited big(100%+) bonus for first few battles the day, would encourage people to keep active

This is a far cry from the general sentiment and expectation people had for the Research Bonus, Gaijin. This half-measured bandage is not going to be enough given the amount of time passed since the proposal was first made. The restrictive nature of it makes it little more than a begrudging reminder of the disappointment that is the Skill Bonus.

You said in the article you posted following that tumultuous incident last year that “We have heard You!”. Have you forgotten?


Oh, dear, yhe name of that update will be L’Avare ou L’École du Mensonge, right?
And we will get Harpagon avata in game?
Come on, 3 battles a day,…but make it only count for wins or let the player choose which battle it applies to (after done battle)

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Why can’t just give perma idk 20% RP bonus?


I think that would just discourage people from playing more than a few games per day, it should be either passive RP income or a smaller permanent, non-base RP bonus (preferably the former so you have some way to cope with the heli grind).


No, they spent over a year waiting for you to forget about it


So I have entire air tree for sweden and japan and only soviet tree to su25sm3 and su27 (the earlier one). Will I get the same bonus with 2 full nations as I would have 1? Does su-27 count as top tier since there is su-27sm? And why is it base rp multiplier, so premium is useless?

I feel even more bad for suggestion moderators like Smin and Stona, they don’t make these stupid decisions but they always get the complaints.

Because the company knows they will take the hit.

As a community - that has to stop.

And i think everyone agrees on that statement.


They spent a year analyzing how shit to make it and not anger the playerbase too much.


Gaijin please, it took almost 2 years and its only for 3 matches per day?.. Im sorry but the dev time would have been better spent bug fixing and adding new vehicles imo.


i mean both, for player have time, they can enjoy both bonus, and busy guy also gets some

I don’t feel so bad and left out by evenly grinding all TTs instead of trying to speedrun down just one.
Thanks Gaijin. lol

They used the standard Gaijin tactic of obfuscation by complication.


From my experience in game matching, there are very few players in some modes, such as Coastal Navy. For most players who don’t play Coastal Navy vehicles, they can’t experience the extra three bonuses of Coastal Navy vehicles. They lack three bonuses out of thin air, which is unfair to them. The extra bonus cannot be bound by the vehicle type. If I complete the research and development of a top-level vehicle, the player should decide which vehicle to use the bonus for.


I’m also surprised with the amount of people that didn’t know the buff would have been 3 battles per day, it was well written in the description of the proposal… and giving feedback now that the mechanic is “done” feels too late

This is a joke and Gaijin would be better off just scrapping it at this point rather than slapping us in the face with this.

Everyone knows the vast majority of RP is tied to time in battle and base score does not multiply this.

This is 16 kills and 3 assists, all of them players, not bots:

This is the results:

4K additional RP for the 100% skill bonus multiplying base RP for 16 kills.

3 matches per nation you aren’t in top tier per vehicle type per day is a tiny drop in the pond of the research grind.

This is all but useless