A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

It’s about the only thing gaijin is consistent in


So vehicle type:

SPH, medium tank, heavy tank, light tank, SPAA…

Or just Tank, Air, Naval, Helicopter…

I know which awfull increasing the grind choice they will make.

*3 for planes, 3 for helis, 3 for tanks, 3 for bluewater and 3 for coastal

(Not like it changes anything)

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Unless this mechanic is cumulative (i.e. you have bigger bonuses when you have more nations with top-tier vehicle researched), this mechanic is completely useless. (And it seems like its the case). Come on gaijin, you can do better if you want, but you clearly dont care and do this just for a “tick” in your roadmap


The bonus works in any Random battles game mode

Does this mean it excludes Air Simulator battles?


when in a dilemma like this, the answer is the one that is worse for the player 99% of the time.


I think you’re mistaken

As far as I know it only increases with the tier of the vehicle you are researching.

I think its best to ask stona for this kind of clarification

Well if its going to only count for 15 battles why not allow the player to choose what tech tree or nation it goes towards, i have zero desire to play anything but ground so 15 battles with a bonus would be wayyyy more useful to me than spread out over game modes im NEVER going to play.

See, that’s the thing. idk if the mechanic is gone if you get an end of the line vehicle.
As long as there are vehicles left to research for that tree and you have an end of the line vehicle in another tree. You probably will still get that research bonus.
(Fingers crossed that gaijin doesnt f us)

Why? Because it would be too beneficial it seems like…

This mechanic is just worthless in the current state


They should have implemented a daily nation bonus.
Just an entire day of 10-20% bonus for all gamemodes when playing that nation.

For RP en SL.


Imagine giving players something good… Crazy idea, at least this way players would be inclined to play the 15 games to make use of the bonus. 3 games and hopping out is no use to anyone.

I don’t fully understand what this means.
is it “the” top vehicle of a tree?
the top vehicle of a sub-category (bomber/fighter/attacker/etc)?
the top vehicle of each branch in a tree?

If there are two branches both containing the same sub-category of vehicle which one is considered top?

for example: will i get a bonus to all aircraft regardless of type if i have a top vehicle (end of line at max rank) in any nation? or if it is type dependant, if i have the “end of the branch” top vehicle (example the SAAB-105G at rank 5) do i get a bonus to all attack aircraft even at rank 6-7-8 in other nations?

Agree with you! Permanent RP bonus will be better. If only 3 RP bonus per day per nation, why not give players 30 bonus cards directly. It seems so much time and so much efforts just achieve an insignificant function.


I can post a list of vehicles that will mark the tree as having an end of the line vehicle if you want

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Per nation per type of vehicle. Let’s say you only have US Air fully researched out, then you get
(9 Nations x 3 vehicle types + 2 remaining vehicle types for the US) x 3 battles = 87 matches per day. let’s say you ignore ships, that’s still 59 matches a day. Even if you only care about half the nations, that’s still 27 matches.

As long as you branch out and don’t just play one or two nations, that is a sizeable amount of matches you get a bonus on.

If you only play one or two nations in only one game mode, then… yeah, this bonus is meant to help you research other nations, so it wouldn’t do much then.

So this feature has been delayed for over a year just to give us a what, 50% rp bonus for 3 games? Amazing job as always, totally what we, the players, deserve after spending so many hours and money into this game.


Have Gaijin made a statement on this or is it your own conclusions/guesses?