A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Just like in the neighboring game, it’s very suitable to let people choose when to apply daily bonuses.
Everyone will keep playing games to maximize the value of bonuses and pursue the highest possible returns.

i see your point but like i already explained, the Prem Acc Bonus Is NOT 100% extra Base RP. And that is what i struggle with.

They have to make money… they do… and if you check on other games in the world, making player happy, make them play more and pay more. At least thats how other games usually expand and make profit. But Gaijin chooses to make mindgames and make people sufer to trigger some brainwash crap… and they do that in all their games.
What i say is, they very likely make more money and gain more players if they make the game enjoyable and try to make people stick to the game. Its 11, almost 12 Years now and from the people i know, most have stopped playing due to the suffering mechanics the game has, not because it got boring and no a single one ever had all tank or planes grinded before they stopped playing.

Also, having a 200% bonus, dont change the expierience tha much, it just means that u get a small boost when you are for example stock and need the upgrades. But at the end of the day the grind currently takes what? 10.000 Hours to get all Tanks and Planes with prem acc and prem tanks? having this booster may reduce it ti 9500 Hours. Still WAY TO MUCH GRUND.

Even 3 wins per day would be better.

It would at least guarantee a decent base RP payout and avoid thrown games.


@Smin1080p_WT @Stona_WT

Was there ever reason Gaijin decreased the percentage bonuses and benefit of premium time while keeping the price the same? Why can’t we just go back to that?

On the first screenshot, you see total rewards. On the second screenshot, you see added rewards.

Your base rewards are always 100%. With a premium account e.g. the RP is 200% or you can also write it as +100%. So it’s either 200% or (100%)+100%. It’s the same value, just written slightly differently.

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Isn’t red text prohibited?

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one of them is total reward, the other is “+” percentage so its still the same.


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other f2p games:

  • spend 10-50€ per skin, often very unique and expressive stuff (doesnt really work with WT wanting to be all historical) (LoL sold a skin for over 500€, lmao)
  • spend 500€ a day to stay on top of the leaderboard and dominate entire servers, if you dont spend anywhere similar you might as well not play the game, bc then you’re just fodder to keep the whales entertained
  • spend upwards of 100€ on gacha to have a chance to get the new character you want, oh you have to get 6+ copies of them for their full potential, oh their weapon is sold seperately, you need 5+ of that too. oh and you have to grind other equipment for them for several weeks to keep you busy and addicted until the next character drops. they often even limit how much you can play a day so you play a bit every day and get addicted instead of punching in 12h on a weekend day and doing other stuff the rest of the week. except if you pay to play more, ofc :^)

if WT was a game you buy at full price, they’d do their best to make you happy. but it wouldn’t even have 1/100th of the content, I bet. (Imagine WT being a yearly release like CoD, but 80% of the content is recycled every time, still nowhere near where we are after 10 years, and it costs 60€ each, yikes)

+100% RP is literally doubling your RP which would half the grind. 100% base for prem acc or prem vehicle is roughly ~50%, still ~1/3rd of the grind shaved off. for prem acc + prem vehicle its ~25%, that’s still ~1/4th of the grind gone.

And lets be real, 10k hours is a big overstatement. it’s not even like you have to get everything. Especially now that alot of toptier is just copy-paste from other nation’s toptiers. Why grind out Italy if you already have Japan and Sweden, for example. Or skip Sweden and GB if you have Italy, bc you already have the Gripen, AV-8B+ and Tornado. You can easily skip the US right now if you get Israel, as they both have a toptier F-16 and F-15, and the F-14 you can get through the event rn. Why grind out Russia if Germany gets the best MiG-29 and China has an almost identical Su27, etc etc

Same for Ground Battles. Leopards in several trees, generally the MBTs often only have minor differences. Alot of the trees start feeling very similar past rank 6, which is way faster to get to than the end of rank 8.

I’d argue it likely still is because it got boring for them. If you repeat the same thing over and over it’s bound to get boring at some point, especially after over a decade.
One of my anecdotal examples would be a friend of mine quitting the game bc they don’t have anything to research in the trees that matter to them, even though there’s still stuff they want to play, they don’t see the point when they don’t get research done. they only come back when a new update hits and quit again as soon as they researched the few new vehicles they’re interested in without even trying them once.

100% RP BASE RP dont double my RP, not even 50%. When i play my prem tank on my prem acc 100% base RP results in a net 25 % incvrease… and that for only 3 battles lol.

The grind is much to long, by 1000% to long, not just a little.
What do u think the grind for 1 Nation takes and that x10 and most players play also planes so x20
Acc to Statistica and a research 2023 US people play 6-10h a week. Lets calculate with 10h.

US Tank Tree needs: Roughly 6.5 Million RP,
i have around 20k Battles while being at one of the stronger players, i have now around 90% of all Tanks and Planes in the game, the top ones/ expensive ones are missing.
I play since the beginning with a Prem Acc and i play alsmost the whole time Talisman or Prem tanks only.
The last Tanks and Planes will take me easy another 2000 Battles, makes it to 22k Battles.
22.000 x (estimated) 15min = 5.500 Hours for All planes and Tanks.

A normal player, not having 30x Talis and 30x Prem tanks, not having the dedication to be a semi pro player will have less then 50% of my earnings. Purely by not having to play a non Talisman Vehicle i easaly get 50% more then average. So the average would take 8000-12000 Hours, depending on their setup.

My estimation of 10.000 Hours isnt that far off.

/10 Nations /2 only Tanks = 500 Hours for one Nation. How is that reasonable? The average player will need a non stop 1 Year play to just grind ONE nation and ONE Vehicle type.

I dont want to even start on a Free2Play Player, he will need like 40.000 Hours to do the trick. Thats ridiculous.

There is no amount of words u can use to change that. People are leaving due to the unsatisfying grind and the way the Devs are handling progress for players, forcing them to buy and to suffer.

About your F2P rant, look at the most popular F2P games, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Fall Guys, Rocket Leage, LoL, Valorant and so on…
On all of these games u get 0 Benefit from buying anything, and yet they have a ton more players, had a lot years let to get to these player amounts and all of them make quadroble more money.

but dosnt explain why it adds +100% to the Base RP AND the Prem Vehicle Earnings.
Cause it shouldnt add 100% to the Prem Vehicle Rewards, but it does. But it dosnt add up to the Boosters and Skill Bonus… very weird.

Hm, okay.
Cant change it anymore, if any mod sees it, can you please change it to #800080? Thanks

read wrong

You are confusing which of the base RP it will be calculated from. Moderators have stated itt will work the same way as skill bonus currently does. so a +100% will double the RP gained from a F2P account.

I misread.
I completely agree with your post.

so you think 50h per tree is good? no thanks. if every match in every BR is flooded with 30/32 players having less than 50h of play time, I’ll quit this game on the spot, because that would be unplayable. It’s already really bad with the premiums now but they’re usually not more than half the team yet.

idk why people like you always think the goal is to unlock the entire game. it just isn’t.

please read my reply again and then look at how those games earn their money, like I said. for the ones you mentioned, it’s skins and cosmetics, some of which cost as much or more than a premium vehicle in WT. that is NOT something that works for WT’s niche of gaming.

WT has alot less players too. The bigger the player base, the more paying players you have.

again, no other game has over 2000 of something to play as or gets 30-50 new things to play per update 5 times a year. of course it’s going to take ages to unlock everything. you can blame gaijin for alot, but there is not a single game out there on the market that has even nearly as much content as WT.

I agree with you for the first tree, but not the following ones (which is the entire point of this main post). the first grind should be a bit hard and tedious, otherwise there would be no incentive to purchase things. BUT after, let say 400h(?), and the first nations air and ground is unlocked; the others really shouldn’t be nearly as tedious.

If a player didn’t purchase anything during the first grind, they wont do so on the next ones either (or even never grind them in the first place). If a player did purchase things during the first grind they are more inclined to keep purchasing things even after, and the incentive to keep unlocking new nations will be bigger if they are not as tedious.


But then they’d have to implement the bonus differently because you can absolutely just zoom through an air tree in no time (even more so the smaller ones) by doing nothing but bombing bases, which doesn’t take much skill even to do well. That wouldn’t translate well into opening up a ground tree being done in 50h when you haven’t even touched GRB yet. And knowing this community, people would advertise to newbies everywhere to finish an air tree quickly with bombing to get vastly accelerated ground research and unlock a bunch of CAS in the process.

I still think the bonus they propose would help alot as it is, and for prem acc + vehicle, which it would do the least for, you can already reach rank 6 in a few weeks without a bonus.

You’re not making sense here, the bonus received is per vehicle type. so when you finish your first air tree you ONLY get a bonus to subsequent AIR trees, not the ground ones. So you still have to play through one ground tech tree the “normal” and slow way to get the bonuses for subsequent ground trees.


Why do you think skins dont work in this game? Look at the Leo2A4 with a net, that IS already a skinned premium and that got buyed a ton!

But thats another topic, i guess, in its own.

Oh and making the grind less painfull also benefits from having less One Trick Prem Heroes in the battles, u may now but playing smt like 10.3 is usually 90% Event/Premiums played by players that haven´t even touched the br before cause they skipped it.

That is again another topic in its own, we cant force everyone to grind through low/midtier as that gamestyle is completely different to high or even top tier, so that would not help much anyway. (and also that gaijin advertises almost only modernish battles also dosnt help with that issue, maybe splitting it into two techtrees like bluewater and coastal ship would help here, call it then Classic GRB and Modern GRB or whatever, dont want to start a discussion about that atm)

How they represented it is that you’d unlock the bonus for all vehicle types. But it could be that I missunderstood.