It isn’t.
Read this A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations - #362 by themadseventeen
It isn’t.
Read this A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations - #362 by themadseventeen
It does!
Check yourself!
The calc he does is simply not correct.
will edit with a non prem screenshot in a sec
not sure where the 20 rp comes from but here you are,
the prem acc doubles the income of base rp + prem tank, makes it basically x2 and dosnt add just 100% base ep.
If you’re going to do “some tanks and some planes”, don’t do the tanks first. A ground match where you bring out a plane or heli counts double against your 3/day. Same with ships and planes.
I think they are going to introduce a lack luster solution to the RP bonus and call it a day, like what they did with air match size, since they introduced the feature in June it have seen maybe 10 matcha when the player count is less than 12v12. It are just pushing out the features just to say they did.
oh and that also makes it a 25% bonus, not a 66% bonus like the guy u linked saied.
A bit further up i explained the calculation already
Your Calc is wrong as far as i can tell.
Prem Acc adds 100% of the combines value of a prem tank reward + base exp, basically makes it (Base RP 100% + Talisman 100% X2 Prem Account)
example with a 50% booser
and in case anyone cares i did 2 rounds in 1.0 tanks with the same multiplyer of 1 (2 for the prem ofc)
Destruction of ground vehicles
11 6930 SL 2157 RP
2:16 M8 LAC BT-7M 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 54 + (PA)109 + (Talismans)54 = 217 RP
2:58 M8 LAC BT-7 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 50 + (PA)100 + (Talismans)50 = 200 RP
3:25 M8 LAC T-26 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 47 + (PA)94 + (Talismans)47 = 188 RP
5:37 M8 LAC Pz.38(t) A 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 50 + (PA)100 + (Talismans)50 = 200 RP
5:41 M8 LAC Pz.III F 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 50 + (PA)100 + (Talismans)50 = 200 RP
5:58 M8 LAC SU-5-1 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 47 + (PA)94 + (Talismans)47 = 188 RP
6:58 M8 LAC BT-7 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 50 + (PA)100 + (Talismans)50 = 200 RP
7:50 M8 LAC 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 47 + (PA)94 + (Talismans)47 = 188 RP
8:02 M8 LAC Pz.35(t) 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 47 + (PA)94 + (Talismans)47 = 188 RP
8:50 M8 LAC T-28 (1938) 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 50 + (PA)100 + (Talismans)50 = 200 RP
9:43 M8 LAC T-26 420 + (PA)210 = 630 SL 47 + (PA)94 + (Talismans)47 = 188 RP
Assistance in destroying the enemy 4 1281 SL 400 RP
4:38 M8 LAC BT-5 189 + ¶96 = 285 SL 22 + ¶44 + (Talismans)22 = 88 RP
6:04 M8 LAC GAZ-AAA (DShK) 189 + ¶96 = 285 SL 22 + ¶44 + (Talismans)22 = 88 RP
7:14 M8 LAC Pz.III E 189 + ¶96 = 285 SL 22 + ¶44 + (Talismans)22 = 88 RP
9:34 M8 LAC BB-1 284 + ¶142 = 426 SL 34 + ¶68 + (Talismans)34 = 136 RP
Critical damage to the enemy 13 819 SL 261 RP
2:16 M8 LAC BT-7M 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶11 + (Talismans)5 = 21 RP
2:58 M8 LAC BT-7 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
3:25 M8 LAC T-26 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
4:14 M8 LAC BT-5 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
5:33 M8 LAC Pz.38(t) A 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
5:50 M8 LAC SU-5-1 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
6:03 M8 LAC GAZ-AAA (DShK) 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
6:58 M8 LAC BT-7 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
7:07 M8 LAC Pz.III E 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
7:49 M8 LAC 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
8:02 M8 LAC Pz.35(t) 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
8:46 M8 LAC T-28 (1938) 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
9:43 M8 LAC T-26 42 + ¶21 = 63 SL 5 + ¶10 + (Talismans)5 = 20 RP
Damage to the enemy 28 928 SL 299 RP
2:16 M8 LAC BT-7M 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
2:57 M8 LAC BT-7 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
2:58 M8 LAC BT-7 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
3:25 M8 LAC T-26 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
4:14 M8 LAC BT-5 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
5:33 M8 LAC Pz.38(t) A 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
5:37 M8 LAC Pz.38(t) A 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
5:41 M8 LAC Pz.III F 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
5:50 M8 LAC SU-5-1 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
5:56 M8 LAC SU-5-1 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
5:58 M8 LAC SU-5-1 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
6:03 M8 LAC GAZ-AAA (DShK) 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
6:55 M8 LAC BT-7 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
6:58 M8 LAC BT-7 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
7:07 M8 LAC Pz.III E 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
7:11 M8 LAC Pz.III E 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
7:46 M8 LAC 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
7:50 M8 LAC 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
8:02 M8 LAC Pz.35(t) 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
8:38 M8 LAC Pz.III E 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
8:42 M8 LAC T-28 (1938) 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
8:47 M8 LAC T-28 (1938) 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
8:50 M8 LAC T-28 (1938) 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 3 + ¶6 + (Talismans)3 = 12 RP
8:54 M8 LAC Pz.III E 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
9:04 M8 LAC BB-1 32 + ¶16 = 48 SL 4 + ¶8 + (Talismans)4 = 16 RP
9:10 M8 LAC BB-1 32 + ¶16 = 48 SL 4 + ¶8 + (Talismans)4 = 16 RP
9:39 M8 LAC T-26 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
9:43 M8 LAC T-26 21 + ¶11 = 32 SL 2 + ¶5 + (Talismans)2 = 9 RP
Capture of zones 1 1638 SL 613 RP
5:13 M8 LAC 100% 1092 + ¶546 = 1638 SL 153 + ¶307 + (Talismans)153 = 613 RP
30 23250 SL
2:17 Rank does not matter 500 + (PA)250 = 750 SL
3:26 Shadow strike streak! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
3:26 Multi strike! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
5:38 Shadow strike streak! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
5:42 Professional 150 + (PA)75 = 225 SL
5:42 Shadow strike streak! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
5:42 Multi strike! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
5:55 Adamant 300 + (PA)150 = 450 SL
5:59 Professional 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
5:59 Multi strike! 500 + (PA)250 = 750 SL
5:59 Without a miss 200 + (PA)100 = 300 SL
6:58 Tank Rescuer 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
6:58 Avenger 150 + (PA)75 = 225 SL
6:58 Professional 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
7:15 Assists streak! 150 + (PA)75 = 225 SL
7:51 Professional 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
7:51 Shadow strike streak! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
8:03 Professional 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
8:03 Shadow strike streak! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
8:03 Multi strike! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
8:50 Tank Rescuer 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
8:50 Professional 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
8:50 Shadow strike streak! 100 + (PA)50 = 150 SL
9:35 Assists streak! 200 + (PA)100 = 300 SL
9:44 Tank Rescuer 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
9:44 Professional 50 + (PA)25 = 75 SL
9:57 Heavy Metal Hero 5000 + (PA)2500 = 7500 SL
9:57 Wingman 5000 + (PA)2500 = 7500 SL
9:57 Balancer 1000 + (PA)500 = 1500 SL
9:57 On Hand 1000 + (PA)500 = 1500 SL
Activity Time 720 SL 152 RP
M8 LAC 360 + ¶360 = 720 SL 38 + ¶76 + (Talismans)38 = 152 RP
Time Played 9:09 3109 RP
M8 LAC 100% 9:09 777 + ¶1555 + (Talismans)777 = 3109 RP
Reward for winning 5752 SL
Skill Bonus 1743 RP
M8 LAC III 1743 RP
Earned: 41318 SL, 8734 CRP
Activity: 91%
Damaged Vehicles: M8 LAC
Automatic repair of all vehicles free.
Automatic purchasing of ammo and “Crew Replenishment”: -72 SL
Researched unit:
UH-1C: 1747 RP
Researching progress:
M8 LAC - Mark of distinction: 8734 RP
Session: 34aaf330028e3a6
Total: 41246 SL, 8734 CRP, 10481 RP
Base RP was 1743 RP[/color] Prem Acc and Prem Tank
I aint reading all that
thats why i edit it right now :)
Victory in the [Conquest #2] Japan mission!
Destruction of aircraft
2 135 SL 86 RP
5:37 LVT(A)(1) Bf 109 B-1 Own target (the rest of the reward) 30 + (PA)15 = 45 SL 15 + (PA)15 = 30 RP
6:20 LVT(A)(1) Ki-10-II Ally's target (the rest of the reward) 60 + (PA)30 = 90 SL 28 + (PA)28 = 56 RP
Destruction of ground vehicles 8 1200 SL 752 RP
2:04 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL 47 + ¶47 = 94 RP
2:31 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL 47 + ¶47 = 94 RP
3:31 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL 47 + ¶47 = 94 RP
3:40 LVT(A)(1) AMC.34 YR 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL 47 + ¶47 = 94 RP
3:57 LVT(A)(1) 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL 47 + ¶47 = 94 RP
4:23 LVT(A)(1) I-Go Ko 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL 47 + ¶47 = 94 RP
4:54 LVT(A)(1) Pz.35(t) 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL 47 + ¶47 = 94 RP
4:57 LVT(A)(1) H.35 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL 47 + ¶47 = 94 RP
Assistance in destroying the enemy 4 276 SL 178 RP
2:51 LVT(A)(1) Pz.IV C 45 + ¶24 = 69 SL 23 + ¶23 = 46 RP
3:16 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 45 + ¶24 = 69 SL 22 + ¶22 = 44 RP
4:15 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 45 + ¶24 = 69 SL 22 + ¶22 = 44 RP
4:32 LVT(A)(1) Pz.35(t) 45 + ¶24 = 69 SL 22 + ¶22 = 44 RP
Severe damage to the enemy 1 180 SL 118 RP
5:36 LVT(A)(1) Bf 109 B-1 120 + ¶60 = 180 SL 59 + ¶59 = 118 RP
Critical damage to the enemy 13 203 SL 134 RP
2:04 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
2:11 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
2:49 LVT(A)(1) Pz.IV C 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
3:09 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
3:31 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
3:40 LVT(A)(1) AMC.34 YR 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
3:54 LVT(A)(1) 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
4:01 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
4:17 LVT(A)(1) I-Go Ko 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
4:27 LVT(A)(1) Pz.35(t) 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
4:51 LVT(A)(1) Pz.35(t) 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
4:57 LVT(A)(1) H.35 10 + ¶5 = 15 SL 5 + ¶5 = 10 RP
6:19 LVT(A)(1) Ki-10-II 15 + ¶8 = 23 SL 7 + ¶7 = 14 RP
Damage to the enemy 38 336 SL 190 RP
2:04 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
2:11 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
2:13 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
2:15 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
2:31 LVT(A)(1) AMD.35 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
2:49 LVT(A)(1) Pz.IV C 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 3 + ¶3 = 6 RP
3:09 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
3:12 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
3:15 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
3:31 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
3:40 LVT(A)(1) AMC.34 YR 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
3:51 LVT(A)(1) 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
3:54 LVT(A)(1) 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
3:55 LVT(A)(1) 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
3:57 LVT(A)(1) 15cm sIG 33 B Sfl 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:01 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:06 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:07 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:10 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III E 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:13 LVT(A)(1) I-Go Ko 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:17 LVT(A)(1) I-Go Ko 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:20 LVT(A)(1) I-Go Ko 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:23 LVT(A)(1) I-Go Ko 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:27 LVT(A)(1) Pz.35(t) 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:30 LVT(A)(1) Pz.35(t) 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:51 LVT(A)(1) Pz.35(t) 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:54 LVT(A)(1) Pz.35(t) 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
4:57 LVT(A)(1) H.35 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 2 + ¶2 = 4 RP
5:03 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III F 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 3 + ¶3 = 6 RP
5:06 LVT(A)(1) Pz.III F 5 + ¶3 = 8 SL 3 + ¶3 = 6 RP
5:34 LVT(A)(1) Bf 109 B-1 8 + ¶4 = 12 SL 4 + ¶4 = 8 RP
5:37 LVT(A)(1) Bf 109 B-1 8 + ¶4 = 12 SL 4 + ¶4 = 8 RP
5:38 LVT(A)(1) Bf 109 B-1 8 + ¶4 = 12 SL 4 + ¶4 = 8 RP
6:15 LVT(A)(1) Ki-10-II 8 + ¶4 = 12 SL 4 + ¶4 = 8 RP
6:19 LVT(A)(1) Ki-10-II 8 + ¶4 = 12 SL 4 + ¶4 = 8 RP
6:20 LVT(A)(1) Ki-10-II 8 + ¶4 = 12 SL 4 + ¶4 = 8 RP
6:20 LVT(A)(1) Ki-10-II 8 + ¶4 = 12 SL 4 + ¶4 = 8 RP
7:34 LVT(A)(1) Ju 87 G-1 8 + ¶4 = 12 SL 4 + ¶4 = 8 RP
Awards 33 31800 SL
2:04 First strike! 250 + ¶125 = 375 SL
2:32 Tank Rescuer 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
2:32 Multi strike! 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL
3:31 Without a miss 200 + ¶100 = 300 SL
3:40 Shadow strike streak! 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL
3:40 Multi strike! 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL
3:40 Without a miss 200 + ¶100 = 300 SL
3:58 Professional 150 + ¶75 = 225 SL
3:58 Shadow strike streak! 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL
3:58 Multi strike! 500 + ¶250 = 750 SL
4:15 Assists streak! 150 + ¶75 = 225 SL
4:24 Professional 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
4:24 Shadow strike streak! 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL
4:24 Multi strike! 500 + ¶250 = 750 SL
4:32 Assists streak! 200 + ¶100 = 300 SL
4:54 Professional 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
4:54 Shadow strike streak! 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL
4:54 Multi strike! 500 + ¶250 = 750 SL
4:54 Without a miss 200 + ¶100 = 300 SL
4:58 Tank Rescuer 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
4:58 Professional 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
4:58 Shadow strike streak! 100 + ¶50 = 150 SL
4:58 Multi strike! 500 + ¶250 = 750 SL
4:58 Without a miss 200 + ¶100 = 300 SL
5:37 Tank Rescuer 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
5:37 Professional 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
6:20 Bomber Rescuer 500 + ¶250 = 750 SL
6:20 Tank Rescuer 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
6:20 Professional 50 + ¶25 = 75 SL
7:39 Survivor 5000 + ¶2500 = 7500 SL
7:39 Heavy Metal Hero 5000 + ¶2500 = 7500 SL
7:39 Wingman 5000 + ¶2500 = 7500 SL
7:39 On Hand 1000 + ¶500 = 1500 SL
Activity Time
150 SL 76 RP
LVT(A)(1) 75 + (PA)75 = 150 SL 38 + (PA)38 = 76 RP
Time Played 7:08 1200 RP
LVT(A)(1) 99% 7:08 600 + ¶600 = 1200 RP
Reward for winning 1159 SL
Skill Bonus 1367 RP
LVT(A)(1) III 1367 RP
Earned: 35439 SL, 4101 CRP
Activity: 86%
Damaged Vehicles: LVT(A)(1)
Automatic repair of all vehicles free.
Automatic purchasing of ammo and “Crew Replenishment”: -10 SL
Researched unit:
UH-1C: 820 RP
Session: 34aad370028d41b
Total: 35429 SL, 4101 CRP, 820 RP
BASE RP was 1367 RP[/color] Prem Acc only
I have to agree with this. There should’ve been some official response when a sizable portion of players made it known they weren’t happy when this mechanic was rolled out/introduced. Frankly, it’s a joke of a boost/bonus. But they chose to say, at most’ they’re testing what they’ve proposed. Which again, wasn’t received greatly. The vibe I get from this is very “You guys have phones right?” They’ve had pretty much a whole year to work on this.
I still think my calc is correct and that the display is wrong. Just look at the formula.
This is correct. It’s currently RP(total) = [RP (base) (* 2 if premium vehicle/talisman) (* 2 if premium time)] + boosters (as a percent of base). Regular boosters aren’t multiplied by either talisman or premium time status and the assumption is these bonuses won’t be multiplied either.
Sorry i cant follow you?
What you mean with you “think” and the “display is wrong”?
Math isnt smt you can disbelieve in :D
I think that the total amount of RP isn’t properly segmented in the display
RP(total) = [RP (base) (* 2 if premium vehicle/talisman) (* 2 if premium time)] + boosters (as a percent of base)
Yes excakt! But why the hell is it like this?
In the advertisement of the Prem Acc its +100%, but it dosnt behave like it.
The Logic how the Prem Acc is calculated with these exceptions is super weird.
If you find yomeone without a Prem acc but a prem tank, you can see that ure wrong.
Without an Prem Acc you can see what you would get with an Prem Acc, and in that sceen the Reward also gets doubled if you have a prem tank.
Maybe i find a friend that can send a screenshot of it, to prove you. Not sure if i know anyone without a prem acc tbh
There you go: Prem Acc makes x2 of the combined value of the Prem tank and base RP
Again, this proofes your calc wrong and it confirmes that the Prem Acc Calculation is absolutely wild.
Why does it adds up the prem tank reward but not the base RP bonus rewards you get from boosters and “skill bonus” ???
Wish someone official would make a statement :/[/color]
Cause if the Prem Acc Would double the Net Reward, so it would include base rp bonuses, it would be much much more fair, or is stops dublicating the prem vehicle bonus, that would also make it fair again… but second would make the grind again much more bad…
I don’t think the Formula for premium % is correct, within the game.
I mean the bonuses specifically tell you that it’s only to base rp so I don’t see the problem. You get +100% RP on anything that doesn’t specifically tell you that. And since the bonuses are an extra on top of normal RP you earn through a match, with specific conditions that have to be fulfilled, it’s not that weird.
btw, the booster items you activate in your hanger don’t count for premium, either.
that’s not going to happen, if you think they’d really tripple your RP just like that, you don’t understand that they have to make money with this game to keep it profitable and therefore running.