A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

How so?

Gaijin currently suggests +100% max (based on datamine), for 3 matches, on base rewards (AKA base gain excluding every multiplier).

What I suggest is +10% on total rewards, per tree, FOREVER, not just 3 matches.

Even if you only play 15 matches a day, the alternative I mention is significantly better.

The only way Gaijin’s current proposal could ever be better is if the bonus stacked the more trees you have.

in what way is 10% for every match forever better than 100% for 3 matches every day? especially when playing only 15 matches a day, your proposal would significantly reduce the rewards.

Also a lot of players don’t play for hours on end because they simply don’t have the time for more than, lets say, 10 matches, and even that is quite a bit of time depending on BR and gamemode.

EDIT: I’ve misread a bit of what you’ve said, but I’ll still suggest we’ll wait and see what they’ll implement. If its in need of changes, there’s usually a good bit of people asking for them.

Because, as I said, Gaijin’s current system isn’t 100% over the FINAL reward; it’s 100% over the BASE reward.

If you earn 5,000 RP on a match, don’t expect to get 10,000 RP with the x100% boost.

Because it’s not 100% over 5,000; it’s 100% over the ∼1,200 base reward not including victory/defeat multiplier, not counting Premium multipliers (vehicle or account), not counting skill bonuses, etc.

So you will be getting around 6,400 over 5,000, not 10,000. And that’s just for 3 matches.

Seeing how long it has taken them (well, still taking) to implement the mechanic since announcement, I find it optimistic to think they would be making any significant changes once it were implemented.


15 games with the matchmaker and all is likely more than 3h. I’d throw out a guess and say most players dont play that much.

Plus who said you’d only play one mode in one tree? you could just play multiple. or do some tanks and then some planes.

And for any F2P people, the bonus for base rewards is pretty much the same as for “total” rewards.

Gaijins proposal matters more for a bigger portion of the playerbase. yours only really starts overtaking at 5+ finished trees with either premium or premium vehicles and either people who only focus on one nation and one mode and refuse to play some variety or play several hours a day. I’m rather confident in saying that’s a minority.

I think he is talking about the issue that once u hit a top tier vehicle u dont get the rp bonus for the rest of that nation anymore… thats smt i also absolutly dont like cause that means i get punished for researching the main line first before i research the more “crappy” vehicles

Yes, multiplayer based on base RP is really much worthless for any prem and prem acc user. Thats also why the “skill bonus” is absulutly useless as it also counts on the base RP.

Every RP bonus caluculated is directly punishing everyone with an Prem Account and Prem Vehicle, as people without it get at the end value more % XP bonus from it.

2500 Base XP + Prem 5000 XP + Prem Vehicle 2500 XP = 10.000 XP for a Prem user.
If i manage to kill 9+ Enemys i get 100% bonus on base XP

That results in a todal of 12.500 XP instead of 10.000 XP. In other words its giving me as a Prem User at the end of the day only a net + of 25%

But for a player without any Premium he gets 100% of a bonus.

Freeplayer ends up with 5.000 exp
Me as full prem tank and acc gets 12.500 exp (wich is btw already showing that u cant play the game properly without prem acc)

That is simply wrong.

For the same performance people with or without premiums get the same amount of base RP, hence the same bonus RP based on that base RP, if you consider that with premiums you get more RP altogether the percentage of the new bonus will be lower than for non-premium users, though it’s still strictly the same amount of bonus RP…

100% Bonus on Base RP results in a net 25% RP bonus if you use Prem Vehicle and Prem Acc.

The less Prem stuff you use the higher is the net Bonus you get.
Prem acc = Base + Prem Vehicle RP x2 (don´t ask me why they calculate the bonus of Prem Vehicles like this)
Prem Vehicle = Base RP x2

Battle gives you, 1 RP
Your Prem Tank adds 100%, +1 RP
Your Prem Acc adds 100% Base RP and 100% Prem Tank Bonus, +2 RP

Makes a Total of 4 RP you get out of it.

We have already a “Skill Bonus” that works the same as this Research Bonus is going to be.
Skill Bonus adds 100% to the Base Reward only, +1 RP

So with the Skill Bonus of 100% you would get 5 RP, wich is only 25% more if you have spend you money on Prem Acc and Vehicle.

If you have not spend your money you would get 100%, instead of 1 RP you would get 2 RP.

Wich is in my opinion super infair already, as it should be no calculated on the Base RP and instead as a Bonus of the Net rewards, meaning instead of getting 4 RP is should be 8 RP, so it would really impact me, 9+ kills for that bonus is for most already pretty rare, so a bonus that would have an impact would be much nicer.

Same wil go with this Research Bonus if they dont add the bonus in the Calculation of the Prem Acc and Vehicle

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I know what you mean


Advertises in the Prem acc is a net +100% more Exp as if without it.
That is obviously not true here anymore with the Base RP bonus.

Also having the Prem Account Calculating the Base RP AND the Prem Vehicle earnings make it even more obvious that the net +100% more Exp from a Prem Acc is supposed to double what ever Reward you get and not do this weird Calculation where the Bonus is just ignored in the Prem Acc Bonus.

and as long as that is not the case, a not prem user is getting a bigger uplift from the Bonus then someone who pays the Prem account. Which just sucks.

Over 9 years of continuous logging in. This extra bonus should have been added to those rewards long ago.


For me the RP bonus should be applied after the fact, not at Base RP, then people with premium will get a higher % return.

Its only fair


Damn i’m up to my 7th year and working on my 9th, for a decal lol

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But what are you testing? Are you testing the system you laid out in the initial post of this particular thread? The system that a sizable portion of players have told you that they don’t like? Or has this feedback from this thread been taken back to the developers and worked into an improved or revised system?

If you are asking us to wait until the developers and testers have collected enough data on a system a sizable portion of players have already rejected, I can’t imagine the general opinion is going to change. We don’t like it. It comes across as nothing beneficial in the slightest.

And what exactly is there to test? Hasn’t Gaijin had at least a year to work on this?


Just throwing it out there; we wouldn’t need a research bonus if the ground vehicle economy wasn’t as terrible and inconvenient to the player as it is. You cannot argue it’s in a decent state when even with premium vehicle and premium account time, a singular kill does not recoup the cost of a tech tree vehicle’s repair cost.

The fact that the majority of a player’s reward earning is through activity time and your total reward reduced for things like driving, rearming, and repairing. Which you have to do anyways. A singular enemy kill should cover the repair cost of your vehicle.

Also, reverting the premium account percentages back to 100% and 200% instead of the 50% and 100% for SL and RP would also negate the need for a research bonus.


Honestly, if they increased it to 1/3 or 1/2 dev server with premium it’d be actually enjoyable.

But then they’d make less coin.

This is of course, a great change. I just think limiting it to 3 battles a day is a little meagre.
Most players who have made it that far often have premium accounts, premium vehicles - we like to support the game and so I think its fair to give us some support in return

No, it just doesn’t reward you for having either. You still get the same RP from it, it just feels less to you because you get alot more through other sources. This just isn’t favouring either party.

in your example, the free player gets 2500 bonus rp, the prem vehicle + prem acc user gets 2500 bonus rp. Seems fair to me.

Well it’s per kind of vehicle per nation. Sure, if for example, you only play tanks in one nation, it’s just 3 battles. If you play tanks + planes in 3 nations, it’s already 18 battles. If you play tanks + planes + boats in 5 nations, that’s 45 battles a day, and so on.


the problem i have with this is:
the Prem Acc is advertising a net EXP increase of 100%
instead of 1 RP i get 2 RP with prem account.
If i get 1 Base RP and 1 Additional RP due to prem vehicle, the Prem account doubles the results and i get 4 RP out of the battle

So the prem acc doubles the Net rewards as it should be.

But for some rease the Base RP multiplier from the “Skill Bonus” is not doubled in the Prem Acc.

Means in the battle where i got 1 RP + 1 RP Prem Vehicle (=2 RP) x2 from Prem Acc (=4 RP) the current “Skill Bonus” that also is based on the Base RP is not calculated x2 from the Prem Account, resulting in only a +1 (=5RP) instead of the 6 RP you should get when calculated correctly.
1 Base RP + 1 Prem Vehicle + 1 Base RP “Bonus from Skill Bonus” x2 Prem Acc ) = 6 RP

And this is what i dont understand, why is the Prem Acc Doubling everything but not the “Base RP bonus” ?

ANd with the new " nation bonus" this only gets worse.

Worst case i get prem acc, prem vehicle, 9x skill bonus, nation bonus

That makes (1+1)x2+1+1 = 6 RP instead of 1+1+1+1x2 = 8 RP

( And while i am at it, it would be super beneficial if the bonus would in general not be calculated on the Base RP, just call it a net 25% (or better more like a net 200% to make a true impact) RP bonus, otherwise most people will not understand the calculation of it and will wonder why they didnt got 100% more RP. )