A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Anyone willing to do scummy things in one battle will be more than willing to do them in 3 battles. And btw, every single event already pushes players towards getting as much score as possible by any means possible (and those events run pretty much nonstop). All the bad things you talked about players are already being pushed towards doing …

The game is pulling players in way too many different directions …
You do daily tasks with all sorts of game mode / vehicle / action requirements, but you also need to do special tasks (different requirements), but there are also battlepass challenges that requires specific vehicle or game mode, and also there is event going on that requires 45k mission score every two days and limits you only to air battles (for example), and there is also Pages of History event that requires 20k score in 3 days and limits you to small set of vehicles (sometimes very low rank), and also holliday event (or several of those overlapping) that requires you to use certain nation (and sometimes vehicle type) for at least a few battles.

Sometimes these things line up and you can do several at the same time, but often they don’t. And now on top of all that, with rank based bonuses you’ll now be pushed towards high rank vehicles if you want to see some effect from the bonus (because lower ranks bonuses are laughable), and you have to play 3 battles to get that bonus. More hoops to jump through, more restrictions, more time wasted.

The x2 system giving reward for 1 battle is FASTER. That’s it, that’s the one and only advantage it has … but important one, because TIME is what most players are limited by.


having only one single huge bonus is a much bigger incentive than a smaller one over multiple battles. like a 500% booster over a 15% one. but instead of one battle sometimes like a 500% booster, it would be all the time.

the events may run almost nonstop, but they switch through modes you might not care for (like boats, lmao) and alot of people dont care enough about the recent vehicles anyway. your version of a bonus would be permanent for every mode.

you can freely choose how many of those you care about. for me, recent battlepasses werent interesting, Pages of History have never been, and the last few non-tank events I also skipped.
plus daily tasks are for all modes and the only vehicle requirement is event or rank 3+. tasks that force you to play smth you dont like can be rerolled.

where does it say rank based bonuses?

as you already are, and always have been, because higher ranks have higher base RP multipliers.

well guess what, the game isnt designed to be as fast as possible and getting everything asap. if you dont like that, play smth else. im tired of this stupid argument.

there’s over 2000 vehicles ingame with much over 10 years of development, they don’t want you to be done even in a year or three.

The heck? where are you getting “per vehicle type” from?? and WHY are you multiplying for every vehicle type??? that’s not how they described it! it’s described as 3 matchs with increased RP for every nation that you have it unlocked for (which very few people will have) and I am also pretty sure the air and ground all count for the same nation, I don’t think they’re separate, but maybe they are. it’s still a very measly amount. it would be better to have a 100-150% RP bonus for the first match of every nation of every type. but then according to gaijin every play would have all the vehicles research in a month, so can’t have that.

This is what most people agree with, like many other and myself, just bring back x2 at the week days and x5 at the weekend and events, its that simple.

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id rather have x2 weekdays and x5 weekends / Events for the 1st match of every nation.

Simple, easy to put together, and we know it works

I would rather have a cummulative passive booster hahah

You guys forgot how frustrating it was to have your ONLY daily boosted match wasted for whatever reason; bad luck, bad team, internet, or whatever.

And even if it wasn’t wasted, it’s not that much of a boost. Say I earn 4,000 RP a match on average; so I get 8,000 RP with the x2. That’s it; it’s just the equivalent of 1 more match a day.

So if I play 15 matches a day, with the x2 for 1 match, it’s as if I had just played 16 matches instead of 15. That’s worthless.

x5 is nice, but just on weekends, again, not so much.

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Okay ill give you this scenario, someone who has limited play time, decides to log in and put 2 hours into his grinding.

He decides to concentrate on USA, Germany , USSR and Sweden, it he gets the 3x battles at 100%, first of all he has to choose between the nations he wants the extra % to go towards and within those 2 hours he does 8 games (lets just simplify it)

1st match is 15k RP
2nd Match is 15k RP
3rd Match is 15k RP
4th Match is 8k RP
5th Match is 8k RP
6th Match is 8k RP
7th Match is 8k RP
8th Match is 8k RP

Total amount of RP in those 2 hours (Again simplified) around 85k worth of RP

If you decide to go for the x2 RP system,

1st match is 15k RP (USA)
2nd Match is 8k RP (USA)
3rd Match is 15k RP (Germany)
4th Match is 8k RP (Germany)
5th Match is 15k RP (USSR)
6th Match is 8k RP (USSR)
7th Match is 15k RP (Sweden)
8th Match is 8k RP (Sweden)

Total amount of RP in those 2 hours (Again simplified) around 92k worth of RP

I would personally do every nation, everyday until the x2 finishes (that’s around 10 games per day)
around 2 and a half hours worth of gameplay for 2x as much RP gain

x5 would be even better a the weekends and events - imagine that

40k RP (going off the above 8k RP per match)

So what i’m saying is x2 and x5 is much. much better better than 3x games at 100%, if you know what your looking for.

Yes, i agree, you can get a bad match either with the x2 or x5 even on the 3 battles at 100%

see my explanation above for a breakdown why i think its better

None of the systems are good enough considering the enormous grind on this game. 180,000,000 RP in total, was it? At 5,000 RP per match on average, and at 10 minutes a match on average, that’s 6,000 hours of gameplay. AKA 250 24-hour days. AKA 3,000 days if you play 2 hours a day. AKA 8 years for the current grind!

You are saying that one system is better than the other parting from the premise that it “may” give you the chance to earn “up to 7,000 more RP a day”, which is barely the equivalent of an extra match; that, again, if it’s not wasted because you were heli-rushed and spawncamped or your team was 90% Click-Baits.

What we need is an absolute, permanent, pasive boost that applies to every match.

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I agree, but that’s not going to happen.

Its better to expect the worse, and you might be surprised, then again maybe not lol


I’d rather have a flat discount(non stacking)

but we all know that’s not going to happen.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news

It would be less “free” xp depending on what type of player you are.

5% only brings a top tier down from 420,000 to 399,000

So this type of discount would align with Gaijins goal more than a higher booster

sure, permanent passive boost would be best. Also easiest to implement. So the fact that we are instead getting this excessively overcomplicated abomination pretty clearly shows how hard Gaijin is trying to avoid that, to what lengths they are willing to go developing and implementing and testing far move convoluted system just to avoid saying something like “ok, +2% bonus per finished nation, stacking up to +12%max”

flat bonus isn’t going to happen …

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Like just taking off 20% of the RP requirements for every vehicle and modules… no booster, but less grind…

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Spoken like getting every single thing in the game is the only goal people have and they HAVE to get there asap. You skip a big portion of those 180 mil RP if you don’t care for boats and/or don’t care much for helis. it’s even less if you’re primarily in for only tanks or only planes.

No wonder that the game that’s been around for more than 11 years has content for 8+ years, duh. They want you to keep playing and keep having things to unlock, not finish up and be done with it.

And you’re forgetting that a big part of the reason why unlocking everything takes so long is because this game simply has an unrivaled amount of content, not just across it’s specific gaming niche, but across pretty much all of gaming.

that’s factually the same as just decreasing RP costs for everything which should already tell you it’s not going to happen.

Not really, since it would be linked to the max Rank you have researched per nation.

because what they’re proposing affects alot more people alot more positively than the 6h+ a day, 5+ trees finished crowd. 2% for a finished tree? that’s a whopping 100rp in a 5k rp match. truly marvelous.

It should be 10% per finished tree.

Every single example of such a bonus I saw people suggesting so far would be way worse than what gaijin is currently doing for anyone playing less than 20+ matches a day.