A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations


This does not have to mean much though.

Not as early as others not all too young either tho, but I only really became active in 2020/2021 onwards.

True, but update batches dont lie.

this is mined from live server though.

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sure, that can happen, but I’m more in favor of it because at least it is fast option, even in case of failure it won’t waste a lot of players time. Don’t forget that Gaijin changed rewards so that vast majority of RP comes from battle length, not from anything player actually did. To get any meaningful reward you need long battle and spreading the bonus across three battles basically means you’ll waste 3x more time. And in short battles you’ll get crappy reward anyway.

The “safe” approach is a trap. Vast majority of players will be limited by time, not by number of battles. If you can spend 2 hours per day playing WT (and that’s way more than most WT players have), how many battles can you squeeze into that? How many of those battles will be good? And you’ll need 3x more of the battles to actually make use of the bonus … that’s why Gaijin is so incredibly eager to throw around “up to poopzillion battles with bonus” numbers, because most players won’t be able to spend dozen hours per day to make any use of that. But they could easily play 5 battles, one per nation, and if good (or lucky) walk away with huge payoff … and that’s what Gaijin is desperately trying to avoid by trying to spread the bonus across so many battles.

If you look at results per month instead of focusing on one day, the averaging out across good vs bad games will happen the same way, just in a longer timeframe …

As far as i was aware gaijin are still doing in house testing and it’s yet to be released as a feature to the whole playerbase? Or have i missed an announcement from gaijin?

There is no announcement. Gaijin does testing on the live server every now and then without telling anyone.
they even had a test a year or so back that they admitted to. They changed the RP received per action/game for a randomly selected number of players without any sort of announcement about it just to observe how it changed the players behaviour (I’ll link it here when i find it again).

found source, linked above, third paragraph last sentence.

Link me when its announced and gaijin states what the percentages are per rank.

well sure, but those numbers previously shown (from data mine) are the numbers that are on the live server right now (activated or not we don’t know, if activated we don’t know for how many players or for which players).
They are obviously subject to change, as with any numbers, but they are WAY more recent than the other numbers stated, in their announcement, that is now a year old.

No info yet, sorry.
When we will have more details to share, we will do it :)

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I’m not disputing the accuracy of the datamine’s I’m simply saying that people shouldn’t take it as fact that they’ll be the finalised numbers from gaijin, until gaijin confirms it too be correct take it with a pinch of salt because they’ll likely change… very simple.

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oh absolutely.
but that isn’t really what you have been saying. It might have been what you ment, but not what you said.
Also, i don’t think you know how close to “real” those numbers are going to be. A data mine is from the live server, they only get to that point AFTER internal testing and discussions. Anything datamined is what is actually being used by the game at that moment. Sure it can change, but just as much as anything else in the game can change if they decide so.

where have i said differently ??

key word, “testing” if its in live server its no longer in “testing”, they are live.

The data mine is what is currently “shipped”. It can still change, they can even change the numbers AFTER an announcement. An announcement wont change the probability of those numbers changing.

again, not in testing anymore.

and again, what gaijin tells you is actually LESS reliable than a data mine from the live server in regards to currently active numbers.

when that is literally what they are

i could go on but i think you understand what i’m getting at.

The update is in testing … its has not been announced and released to the whole playerbase … the datamine from the live server is what’s being tested currently (internally). how is this any different from what i just said to you a minute ago. its still subject to change. in gaijins own words…
Let’s get right to it! We plan to release this feature before the next major update. Additionally, we’re planning to start (internal testing) by our team on the (main server) next week.

You fail to see that datamines are always earlier than any sort of announcement and always accurate

Only as accurate as the last update before release. Gaijin can change anything before the actual release.

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And those changes are also datamined

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Boosters go off of base RP just like this system.
Base RP is the base multiplier: 1.72 in the case of AML-90.

Do you think it’s an amazing idea to make people min/max even more to make their ONE game per day with potentially huge payoffs count?

Like even more rampant team killing bc people NEED that base in ARB for their first win so they’ll kill anyone that’s faster? Even more calling names and threats when they get intercepted by an enemy before dropping? Even more swearing and crying and teamkilling over “kill steals”? How about even more CAS abuse in GRB? or even more camping behind buildings with shut-off engines to maximize chances for more kills? Pushing other tanks into the open to die for them so they can go and get that kill?

Even more crying how someone at Gaijin is personally tasked with making their one game that counts double as bad as possible?

I personally would like to not have matches (and the community as a whole) be even more toxic than they already are.

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