A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

It’s the exact same

first gaijin isn’t gonna tell you shit until it actually get release (and even after that)

second even if gaijin would say anything, it would change before getting release

so they would have “lied”

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This forum is literally based on what they’re planning to do… Wtf u on about

In general that’s true. But as it is now in “early live tests with our staff”, we really can’t be sure the values from the datamine aren’t there just so the testers don’t go into uncontrollable fits of laughter whenever someone asks them how the reward bonuses are …

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I cant wait waste this because the trash broken map rotation give me the same 3 maps in a row.

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I am really not sure what you mean. Those testers use the same client we use. Those are the values for the reward bonus. (Unless there is a disconnect between the server and client in which case they wouldn’t have added anything to the client)

I’ve been arguing with so many people who said a permanent 2% bonus per finished tech tree would be better and it’s honestly sad to read how terrible the people here are at math. And they get so hung up on the 3x bonus because they only play one tree, when you could easily make that 12+ games by playing more than one tree in one mode…

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Finding a model is a thing, since it has no ETA, so there’s no guarantees.

Finding an update to a mechanic that has been announced to be implemented in the coming days IS a guarantee.

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Bruh, are you for real…
Data Mining includes more than just models.
Data miners gszabi99 are supplying us with detailed and accurate info for years now.


And then you get a match where you don’t do much and get a x2 bonus on ~1k RP. But that’s your one match a day. The whole 500% booster problem again in a different flavour.

with 3x a bit less of a bonus you have a decent chance of averaging a bad game out with 1-2 good games.

btw, you could easily increase the base RP with a few caps instead of just a couple kills.

you forget that things in development may get changed while still in development. So while they said 50% bonus in the post here they could already be at 100% bonus in testing.

Yeah and it could equally be 50% at release.

Having already reached top tier GFAB in GER, GBR, SWE, the rest of de TT i’m just getting to T8. So have to see how this turns out. As for unlocking a single T8 losing the bonus, just switch to another T8 before you reach the end. This will allow you to research all T8 to within a few single k of RP, and the finish them off the regular way.

PS. not sure if anyone else has already mentioned this, but i have no interest to play other vehicle lines or even reading through a 1000 replies.

@Stona_WT its been over a week now… any update on the research bonus??


They’re likely waiting for people to forget as with every other shoddy change.


It could also be 200%. Noone knows yet because it’s not finalized.

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Exactly my POINT

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Do you honnestly think that dataminers only post once about something and then forget about it?
Every update pushed to devstable they look into. Ofc stuff COULD change but when was the last time you remember that something released different than the last devstable.

And for your info… Ive been around a bit 😉

Then you know a test server is subject to change and the datamines only show what’s current being tested and not what’s going to be implemented.

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It is 100% right now

and you demonstrate your inabilty to read what i wrote.
thanks. our discussion here has concluded.