A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Actually could be a good reason to stop my addiction to this game…


Saves me money by them adding timers to all the challenges too, means it’s a garenteed no go because they’re dictating when i have to make time to play.


They have given us approximate numers some time ago, Rank IV - 15%, Rank V - 25%, Rank VI- 35%, Rank VII-VIII - 50%

All counted from base RP to reduce it even more.

This is just horrible, they could’ve just given us a 50% booster each day and it would be much better for us instead of wasting a year for such laughable bonus


3 battle per day bonus isn’t exactly going to keep you online for very long lets be honest


They could probably salvage a lot of the code made for this if they went with passive RP income, decreasing RP requirements would likely require another year-long delay. It would also be completely agnostic to your performance and allow you to ease the single worst grind in this game: helis.


You’re joking right? What I just read is you only get a bonus for 3 matches per day and it only applies to non top tier vehicles… Are you freaking kidding me?! We waited months for this change, with delay after delay for you guys to basically change NOTHING… No, no, no!
Go back to the drawing board and redo this because this is BS and is unacceptable.


Honestly 1 very bad match and im off to another game


So 10 minutes then lmao

It sounds like the bonus is applied to every TT
So if you have 1 tree done and are simultaneously grinding the rest it would be 3 battles per remaining TTs(per branch; air, ground, navy)


Even less

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well 3 SIM matches would be a few~ hours each if you manage to get full matches (IF they last that long)

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Terraria and Minecraft for the win boy!
Also Flatout 2!


Make it tick only if you win the match and make it atleast 100% (so a x2 like wot)

Otherwise its worthless


Bout time to look for another game that actually values your time and commitment. What a joke


It’s still a joke. Ranks from 1 to 3 seem to not get any bonus at all, and bonus for all other ranks beside 7 and 8 is laughably low. And as soon as you get 1 top tier vehicle, the bonus is now gone. Now good luck trying to research like 8 remaining top tiers in a said tech tree :)


100% wouldn’t make it 2x, this is applied to the base RP. 100% in War Thunder comes to like 25% of total RP.


First descendent minelo Susge

I agree it laughably
But for the sake of accuracy a daily booster would only be 3 games where they are proposing 3 games per TT

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They said it’s not per TT, but vehicle type. So 3 for ground, air and naval. Hardly enought to noticeably help with research.

This just gives me a reason to quit after 3 battles, why play for lower earnings if I can just play another game. And if I play other games more I don’t think my money goes to War Thunder anymore.

This is why a permanent bonus is better for Gaijin income


The thing with % in this game is that it gets added on top of your vehicle based RP and SL %. Let’s say you have a high tier vehicle with a base multiplier of 450%, activating a 100% booster will make it 550%. Aka not X2. This new mechanic is a joke