A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Still only 3 battles so won’t make hardly any difference, should be 5 minimum


It is and that’s what I figured they would do.

That’s way better. still not that much though… but still LOADS better than the older numbers.
I’m guessing that this is why the servers have been absolutely dying the past 2 days and everyone losing RP left and right.

For reference here are the old numbers:
"Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. "
so they straight up doubled all the numbers except rank IV (which i understand).
still, 3 battles is not that much.

Does the bonus depend on the rank of the vehicle you use or the one you’re researching? This could greatly speed up research w/ high tier premiums.

No it still 3 battles, it’s sitting above the 30 min marker on datamine.

the one you are researching as i understand it.

I think the one you’re researching.

Yeah, I had just realised, hahah. Tried to edit, but accidentally deleted and can’t restore xD

Basically, I was saying; the new iteration would have been SO MUCH BETTER… if not for that damn 3 match limiter that still remains there.

The boosted numbers are nice; but the fact that they cap at 3 matches is what makes it so bad. So what if I have bad luck on my first match, I just lose 1/3rd of the bonus?

They should just leave the cap at 30 minutes of playtime and remove the 3 match cap.

That way, even if you are unlucky or do poorly for a few matches, you still have the chance to make good use of the bonus for at least those 30 minutes.

you are missunderstanding. That just means that it works just like a booster would. Where everything above 30min starts to count as “a new battle” and take of one more of those “3 time” so to speak.


That is not a very good idea at all in my opinion. I would personally have seen numbers somewhere in between those percentages but unlimited battles.

I would prefer that too; but if Gaijin opposses that, they should either do as I suggested, or increase the number of matches from 3 to 15.

The 3 match thing is the deal breaker that ruins it all here.

The new boost percentages are very nice; but them being limited to just 3 battles (and you can’t even pick which ones, it’s just the first 3 matches) is a recipe to having them wasted half of the times.

And even if you made perfect use of them… 3 matches isn’t all that much; even with the 100% bonus.

And as stated above by many of us, there should be a cumulative value, so that those who already have grinded 8 nations have more encouragement to go for a 9th than those who have just grinded 1 to go for a 2nd.

All in all, still, I am glad to see Gaijin open to feedback and improvements on this.

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I don’t think you understand that statistic at all.

  1. “aged 15-24” and only in the US, play 58 minutes a day on average. that’s basically 3-4 games for the average person.
  2. can’t see too well because you linked smth with a f*cking paywall, but the other ages seem to play less than half that.
  3. that’s ALL games. at least I can’t see anything saying “only F2P games” on this side of the paywall. there’s alot of games where you’d sit down for more than 30-60mins because you wouldn’t get much done in that amount of time, while smth like WT is great to fill that much time with a handful of quick games.
  4. how’s that statistic telling you anything about any other IRL nation in a world-wide game? chinese players alone probably have several times the playerbase compared to the US.

No, it is simply not. finishing entire ranks can become busywork fast, especially in the major 3. also people are already crying about “only” getting a 50% bonus, the one you suggest would add up to equal or less for anything below rank 6, and you’d have to finish that rank for every single tech tree to even get there. Plus wouldn’t this just break your bonus every time a new tank gets added to a rank in a nation so the rank isn’t finished anymore?

you’re really just coming up with your own preferences and they simply don’t apply to every player, most likely not even to the majority.

No. No, it would simply not. finishing ranks in TEN TECH TREES and even GETTING THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE is a tremendous task just to have a tiny bonus permanently. your logic is so flawed it’s not even funny anymore.

let’s say someone plays four trees, let’s even say they finished rank 4 for all of them. that would be a 20% bonus. you’d have to play more than 7 games to be equal or better than the 3x50% bonus, and it would only count for that rank. now that person jumps up to play rank 5, which they haven’t finished yet for any nation, they get NOTHING AT ALL.

If a person finishes one techtree first to see all the different eras, then decides to branch out, they’d get a whopping 2% for rank 1. 5% for rank 4. which means they’d need more than 30 games a day to get the same amount of bonus than 3x50% a day.

What if a person doesn’t want to research entire ranks? some friends of mine for example haven’t bothered with the german TD line on the right because they don’t like TDs much. you can finish the entire tree without it. They wouldn’t get ANYTHING in their second tech tree in your model before rank 7. and again, even then it would only be 8% and 9% for rank 7 and 8 in your example.

your idea is absolutely terrible for anyone but people that have basically finished the entire game, or play 20+ games a day, which most people simply don’t.

funny that in your example new vehicles in a rank would even break the bonus, lmao

and you unlocked at least roughly ~36 vehicles in that time, and that’s only if you only unlocked as many planes as you needed to progress. not quite gaijins fault if you only care about the F-16AJ. You get ALOT of content on the way, you just choose to ignore most of it.

if it’s 10 minutes a game for 600 games, that’s about 100hours. If you only want to fight the last boss in the Elden Ring DLC and you don’t care for the rest of the game, woe is upon ye, it might take you even longer to get there (and is more expensive than the T-2 pack). Time to complain to FromSoft.

It’s still omega sleeper though.
Just shows that despite the outrage it isn’t gonna change much, if at all.

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You people always want more… you want the grinding easier. when you will get to top tier what will happen then?!.. you will see that is not so fun.

Just enjoy the game, don’t play like it’s a job.

And if you want faster progression, just pay. in the end Gaijin is a company and have employees that have to be payed.

False equivilence. At least compare games with some degree of similiarity if you want to make that argument. I haven’t played Elden Ring, but from what I’ve seen of it you have an open world with lots of content to do but you can choose when and how you do the content. War Thunder railroads you by only letting you play the vehicles you want after unlocking loads of other vehicles and the overall enjoyment is limited by other players.

A tiny bit off topic but I think Gaijin should just split apart the WW2 from the rest of the tech tree so people can choose if they want to focus on post-WW2 vehicles. They’d probably retain more players that way too as pretty much all the advertising seems to put a heavy emphasis on the modern stuff these days.

So it got increase to up to 100%
The question is, is it still base RP?

This is subjective.

I play top tier exclusively because it’s what I find the most fun about the game. It’s literally what has me hooked up the most about it.

We want to reach top tier precisely to enjoy the game; because it’s the part we enjoy.

The “job” part only comes when we need 400 hours of grind to get to the vehicles we actually find enjoyable.

It is too slow EVEN paying. Even paying a lot. That’s the whole point.


i reached top tier in no time, with F5c and premium account.

also during the process i learn how to dogfight.

afther that i brought F104 taf, just to reach again the top tier of Italy (personaly i am interesed only in jets) that plane is a pain, but still i manage to get at least 5000 k rp every game, sometimes 10 000.

and i am an average player.

The thing is it’s still not that quick even with premium account and a premium vehicle. And you are spending a considerable amount by buying those.

you can buy it on 50% off. in my opinion the game deserve at least that.

nothing is free in this world. we have to pay in a way or another , with money or with our time.