A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

I main Italy. They’re are at least a half a dozen 6.7 to 9.0 jets that are uniquely Italian they could add. Instead we keep getting C&P Top tier stuff. I was ecstatic to see the Aerfers, and then I had to wait a YEAR to see the AMX. And am STILL waiting for something below BR 9.0 that isn’t from another nation.

Ground side there is the Leon, the OF-40 Mk.3, and a M47 with an Italian Engine that would make it a lower BR (weaker engine) and therefore helpful. Let alone the P.43 (P.40 with a different engine) and prototype P.40s that have different guns and could fill in Tier II.

It’s just so BORING to get all these copy and paste vehicles to fill lineups when Italian stuff exists. Heck, the cool ass gun trucks we got were USER MADE or they never would have happened. IT’s just so lame.

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Been there done that. And italy defo isn’t alone i can tell u that much.

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Facts. It’s just the one I am most familiar with. Don’t even get me started on Naval.

You see the absolute neglect for US top tier. It’s completely unplayable and it’s been months since they said anything about it.

See, top tier will always be an unbalanced mess mostly because it’s powercrept every update due to a massive hype train they have to generate for a vehicle that’s slightly more busted than the previous one

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They also refuse to acknowledge how fake top tier is and hide behind ridiculous documentation requirements to allow them to do so.

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How exactly is the US top tier bad, and how is it “neglected”?

To me it’s mostly how they wrongfully don’t add DU to the hull armor of more modern M1’s

There’s a lot of things gaijin don’t add to “balance” the game, but yes, I can see your issues, but it doesn’t make America unplayable, US is a very good tech tree, good cas and ground, the reload is very good, armor is mediocre, I would also like to see the leopard 2a7’s anti thermal coating it uses if DU armor is added.

This is totally fair. I think the biggest problem with USA top tier is the same problem with Germany from 1.0 to 8.0. They have famous “unbeatable” vehicles. M1 variants for USA top tier and the various kitty’s for Germany. So you get all the new, or “immature” players who just play what’s “cool” without bothering to learn how to actually play the game. Still, Gaijin has never said they won’t do DU hull armor for “balance” reasons. They have maintained that it is inaccurate. In fact, it is entirely accurate, and most of what they do at top tier tanks is inaccurate already.

The main reason I hate america is because of these 11.3 premiums, leave after their first spawn, and considering germany doesnt have a 12.7 (ground) vehicle, I cant really do anything to avoid these premium 1 tap leavers

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Firstly it’s a digital game come on it’s not like the Rewards has an extra cost somehow

And the large amount of top tier premiums also doesn’t Point towards a large trop of in premium Sales Given that top tier premiums seam to be the most numerous

Also they recently nerfed cas and bomb Rewards

oh, right … “why don’t you spread your research so incredibly thinly across so many nations that you will never get anywhere”.

You already force players to do stuff they don’t want to, use certain nations or vehicles through daily/special tasks, battlepass challenges, events, pages of history, hollidays etc … and now you’re bragging about adding yet another annoyance. Either often wasting bonus ineffectively when focusing on doing tasks/events/challenges, or being forced to jump through even more hoops to play way more battles in exactly right order, using the right rank/nation/type vehicles first to get some effect from bonuses AND then doing event/BP stuff after that. Making the bonus pretty much useless for anyone who doesn’t have unlimited time for playing WT.

Gaijin spent 13+ months to figure out most convoluted and annoying way to give players as little bonus as possible and make it as restrictive as possible. And this happens every time Gaijin comes up with some supposed “improvements”. Exactly why so many players expect a borderline scam every time Gaijin promises something.


This is impressively insignificant. This change has been awaited for about 2 or so months now, maybe longer? The end result being 50% on essentially the first three games of the day (or more if you have more trees finished). These three games could be the single worst games you could have played that day, be it because of evaporating teams or one’s own fault.

Just like the old x2 (x4 on special occasions) bonus, its immediately applied not selectively. That’d be fine, if it wasn’t for the fact that this bonus applies to BASE rp, which may as well be a rounding error to your final score. I am honestly just impressed at how little this does and therefore manages to infuriate just about everyone, because of hype built up prior… If it’s not for the CN botter review-bombing on Steam, this may very well be the next one to come.


That “big number” is meaningless when you actually think about it.

Even if it looks like a lot because it’s a big number, at the end of the day, it’s still just 3 matches per tree.

People don’t normally go around grinding ALL trees from ALL nations simultaneously, but rather to focus on one, two or a few each time, not to mention that not everyone plays all modes or types.

And even if it were the case, 128 matches spread across 38 trees is still, well, 3 matches per tree. A negligible amount of extra RP per tree.

As you may have seen on my calculations the other day, it’s barely a 7% decrease/boost compared to the current grind.


Very true indeed

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isn’t that if you ONLY play those three matches a day per tree though?
so for every game past three a day in a tree that percentage goes down kind of fast.

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Might as well get a free 10% booster for 10 matches per day per nation, that’s better than what’s proposed

This whole thing feels like a bean counter forced a dev to do something stupid.

Surprising since what happened last year. Some people never learn.

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absolutely. at the moment the daily login reward has a higher chance of giving a bigger advantage than the proposed boost.