A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

on the website yes, but IIRC its the first official post about it on the forum. so users/players who don’t look at the website and only frequent the forum (which is A LOT of players) won’t have seen it until now.

And from my understanding you dont get the bonus until you reach rank IV in the new nation you grinding.
From the post they posted, not the understanding of your post, but theirs

i don’t know if this is supposed to be in agreement with my post or as an opposition to it.

Even worse, lol. Ranks I through IV are the only ones were 50% extra base RP would actually mean anything, wtf…


That aint all mate, you get 50% bonus only when you get to rank VII and VIII vehicles in the grinding nation.
Let me just post it again the question I asked here before.

The size of the bonus will depend on the rank being researched and will be applicable for the first three battles played each day.

The preliminary bonus for each rank will be:

So does this mean for example: I got Type 10 Japan which is VIII rank vehicle and I start researching France for example I wont get bonus until I reach Rank IV in French tech tree even the the bonus applied would be 15% and not 50% despite having Type 10. Does that mean the rank VII and rank VIII bonus which is 50%, wont be applied till I start researching Leclerc?


Would be nice if moderators could explain that properly aswell.


From the perspective of players who have already spent a lot of money, I don’t think increasing XP income will have a greater impact on income. Packs are still competitive in terms of getting Silver Lions, and the faster development speed will induce players who only buy premium memberships to buy at least one high BR pack to get Silver Lions.
People like me who will buy packs for collection even if the country develops to the end would also prefer to see this situation. I don’t want to pre-order packs and then have no time to play when they are discounted, just because the tech tree corresponding to other packs is not yet completed.
(To be honest, I am seriously considering not pre-ordering the gift packs anymore. There are several pre-order gift packs that I haven’t used for a long time after I bought them, just because the grinding in other countries has not been completed. )
From my personal perspective, based on my daily gaming experience, this game should increase overall revenue. Whether you have a premium account or not, you can increase the extra revenue equivalent to a premium account, which will greatly increase the sense of gain in the game. As for the number of online players, don’t you have vehicle C&P event per day?
I guess the code is basically done, I hope you can provide more attractive bonuses. As a player who works during the day to make money to support you, how about 3 games * 3 for each country (Moreover, the country only affects the total number of bonus games, allowing players to use all games in the same place. )? I mean directly as an additional base multiplier multiplied outside the bracket.

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Now imagine player like me who has almost all nations and different military branches in top tier Already. What do I even get now? Almost nothing

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What arrant bulldust!

Because the is inflation and the value of your $1 is less than the loss of value your salary is suffering due to that inflation.

Not a valid comparison.

If you guys are really so adamant this is worthless then lobby for an option to not get it, and then take that option.

Some of you people are going to have real problems when you become adults!

What would you need any extra for if you already have everything?


after all this time this change feels so disappointing, only 3 battle feels like it should just be daily bonus that everyone can get access at the war bond shop not the one feature of the roadmap to add to this how come it kept getting pushed back if all we got was so little

I dont even get a boost when new vehicles get added… yea what do I want lol. I have a lot so I dont deserve anything… nice logic

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Then don’t play them.


This is encouragement to not do that, that’s part of the point here.


That’s how I’ve played for the past six years and I’ve been very much enjoying myself. More than the people who hardcore grind one thing, it would seem.

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My suggestion:
Alternatively, providing a 50% RP bonus (or an appropriate percentage, ideally stacking with each nation that has unlocked the top tier) for the first game won with each different vehicle could greatly increase player activity in lower tiers and promote the use of diverse vehicles in a single battle.

This could mitigate the issue of players leaving after a single death, aid in spading vehicles, and ease the stock grind.

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So then the “extra matches” are much less than what you are saying.

Which makes for incredibly boring gameplay, hence why I put:

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I’d be down to opt out. I’m going to get, what, an extra 1000RP a day at best? Big whoop. I’d rather have nothing as a matter of principle. If they’re going to insult me with a backhanded, crappy “reward” for being patient and loyal, then I don’t want it.


several players have posted here agreeing with me. i’m not alone in this sentiment. You are free to disagree but you are more than likely a minority in that opinion.

That is why i said “Raise”. the adjustment for inflation is a separate thing that happens automatically on a yearly basis (at least where i live). So yes, a valid comparison.

i am an adult. i’m 33. i have literally quit a job for this exact reason. I felt like they were spitting in my face with that tiny insulting raise. So i quit and got a better job with better pay within 2 months (now several years later i have gone back to school for engineering but i digress).

Newly released vehicles? the release on average 20 new vehicles every 3 months.


You choosing to engage with less of the game’s content is your own choice. But obviously if you do so, you’ll get less benefit from a bonus who’s partial purpose is to encourage people to play a wider variety of the game.


Again, you finding something boring is a “you” issue.

I enjoy it, have been for years, and evidently am happier playing the game than most of the (vocal) playerbase. That’s a lesson, not something to dismiss.

A good change, but I expected something more significant. Doubt that such limited bonuses will inspire players to grind other nations, in which they are less interested.
For me the main obstacles in grinding new nations are vehicles which I’ve already researched in other nations TTs. Would be awesome if you don’t have to research exact same copies in different nations multiple times, so for example: player has already researched Italian M4A4, then it becomes available for purchase for SL not only in the Italian TT, but in the French and Chinese as well. It will be applied only to exact copies (same 3D model, same BR and same modules) in researchable trees (vehicles can have something like a world sign, pointing at which player will get information about same vehicles in other nations), player will still need to research other vehicles in lines before it, prior to purchasing copies. I think it will make grinding of new nations more interesting, will inspire to grind such nations (as player would know that he already has something in it to create a setup and just play).

If you’re someone who has every nation at top tier (or similar) then this bonus isn’t intended for you anyway (because evidently it doesn’t need to be).

Playing against the same types of tanks nine times as long as you would otherwise is somehow not boring? How?