A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

You seem to missed my point, thx for that kind sir.


I would really have preferred that having a top tier vehicle in one tech tree would permanently add a discount to all other vehicles in other Tech trees (of the same machinery type).

Something like for every ground forces tech tree you grind, each other one gets a small permenant discount (maybe 5%-10%) on all vehicles in it, and having these bonuses stack. Being able to grind other tech trees faster and faster would be nice

Having to grind a whole other ground forces tech tree over and over is grueling, long, repetitive (especially with copy paste additions), and mainly boring. I would really really really like to have it progressively get easier for each tech tree I grind, otherwise I just won’t bother buying premium time or premium vehicles to grind those tree since it doesn’t seem worth it to me, knowing how brutal the grinds are and all.


I agree entirely, and I usually find myself having to remind other people that games are for fun. I’m hardly an “efficient” player in a gameplay sense; I fly Air RB with a stick, use the proper gunsight in Ground AB, etc. Less “efficient/practical”, more fun.

But in the trade between “more time spent to have a thing sooner” and “a longer wait, but less time spent”, I’ll always choose the latter. I’d rather wait longer but have more actual time; time is really the most valuable thing there is.

Why is that when players want something better for their grind and themselves, we gotta trade for it? While when gaijin can take stuff away from players without giving something back, its suddenly okay.

Again, this bonus addition is literally not taking anything away and is also giving something. That’s an objective fact.

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I guess I expected too much.

Dang i laid off war thunder for a while waiting for the bonuses because the GRB rewards are awfull and recently got a premeum to pair with the rp bonuses in general and now that i read the announcement,
i keep thinking that its laughable that they announced it with a straight face and keep defending it thinking that the 3 battle cap for each vehicle type on each nation and the tragically low rp% bonuses is a blessing for their playerbase.🤦🗑️🤡

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This change is far too little at this point. Gaijin themselves touts the fact that there are over 2,000 vehicles to play in their advertisements, and then their solution to people never getting an opportunity to play like 90% of them is a small, glorified booster for 3 matches per day. As someone that actually does try to play and grind out multiple nations and vehicle types, I honestly don’t see any point in adding this, it will not help new players or players like me at all.

I have a few changes that I think would be far more beneficial for people grinding out their first 1-2 trees/vehicle types AND people like me that are on their 8th+ tech tree.

Firstly, these boosters need to be permanent. Getting 3 bad matches in a row for an extra 100RP is laughably stupid when you think about how these will function in practice. Especially with the way top tier and premium BR (10.0 for example) games are these days. In ground, you can sometimes get a team that has 10+ 1 death leavers, which will screw you over. In air, matches can often times be over in less than 5 minutes, leaving you with few opportunities to actually contribute and therefore benefit from this bonus. Whatever these end up being, they cannot be temporary/daily rewards.

Second, restricting these boosters from applying to their own nation only exists to frustrate people. I like US aircraft. Why would you punish me for playing US aircraft by not only not giving me a booster for these aircraft, but then when I fulfill the requirements to unlock this booster, it’s taken away from the tech tree that I want to play. It’s completely backwards that in order to get a booster on the vehicles I want to play, I need to finish a tech tree I have no interest in. This restriction also needs to be removed.

Third, this is not enough to incentivize diversity in vehicle selection. The grind is already painfully long for a single line, let alone a single tech tree. And as this change is proposed, it will not bring new players in substantial numbers into minor nations. On top of that, having the booster percentage fluctuate based on rank seems silly. It should be normalized across the board, as well as being a % high enough to actually warrant grinding out a tree to earn.

I think each tree should offer a booster that equates to either 50%, 75%, or 100%, depending on the size and limitations of the tech tree. For example, the US air tree has 5 lines that reach rank 7, 4 that reach rank 8 (and I expect a rank 8 bomber will eventually be added). America could have a 10% booster per finished tech tree line, then an additional 50% for finishing the entire tech tree, giving a total permanent 100% booster for air. Compare that to a nation like Israel, with 3 lines and only 5 ranks. Each line could reward the same 10% to be fair to people that are just grinding out their first tech tree, but finishing Israeli air would only add an additional 20%, meaning an overall bonus of 50% for air vehicles so people can’t abuse small tech trees solely to speed up the grind. Apply this same logic to Japan ground/air, Sweden air, etc. Percentages can be adjusted to ensure the grind doesn’t become too easy, but I think this system is leagues better than what is being proposed.

Overall, hearing what the proposed RP changes are has been a massive disappointment. This is the only change I’ve been anticipating since it was announced. And if Gaijin doesn’t make at least 1 of these changes, I honestly would’ve preferred they just not said anything and let people forget this was supposed to be a thing, because as it’s currently proposed, it is such a clear “f you” to everyone that actually cares about this game.


Feel free to not take anything at all.

Yep - the entitled whining is deafening!

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honestly, “nothing” is better than the little we got at this point.
imagine getting a raise at work and they sit you down in the bosses office and tell you “you are getting a whole dollar more a year!” and then sit there quietly, expecting you to be grateful. At that point its more of an insult than an actual bonus/raise and i would rather not get anything at all.


Yeah dude, Necro is right, and his comparison is spot on. Forcing us to wait over a year just for a small, glorified booster on 3 matches per day is a slap in the face to our patience and loyalty to this game, not a reward. I would’ve rather had nothing.


That’s more than I ever gotten for a raise.

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Lmao pretty sure spamming the boosters in the warbond shop is going to give you more rp per battles in the long run than this sad implementation of a “helping hand”.


It was literally stated on day one it would be only good for three battles.

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3 battles? Gee thanks…I should have guessed you would have done this instead of make it a universal passive, LIKE EVERYONE WANTED IT TO BE!!!
gaijin, you need to R E W A R D your customers, not screw them all the time. Let’s be honest here, would you REALLY lose money over increasing rewards for dedicated players, just by a bit?


Does this mean that you can have any end of the line vehicle or do you need a rank VIII 11.7 or 13.7 vehicle, reason i’m asking is because the PUMA IFV is rank VII but is the top vehicle for that line.

Three per nation and per vehicle type, so up to 27 Air matches, 27 Heli matches, 27 Ground matches, 18 Bluewater matches, and 18 Coastal matches. Per day.

If you’re actually playing a variety of nations/vehicles (which this bonus partially exists to encourage) then it might as well be permanent.

I know. I just figured they would’ve changed literally anything from the initial proposal because it was clear to anyone that thought about how these would work in practice that it was far too little to satisfy player needs. And then to make us wait over a year just to reveal that (surprise!) it’s the same barebones band-aid solution to a gaping wound of a problem that we were told about from the start. It’s not only insulting, but also only exists to check it off of “things from the road map we never implemented.” It doesn’t actually fix the issue, which is that the grind is demoralizing for new players trying to play their favorite modern tank/jet and for players like me that want to diversify into and play minor nations, but can’t be bothered because the grind takes months.

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A whole 10% raise for the first 3 days of each month


And if you don’t want to play certain tech trees? Or you don’t like gameplay of a type of vehicle?

For most players this will impact air and ground at most, with most people grinding out tech trees in one go. It is incredibly boring to be stuck at the same tier for nine nations in a row, and honestly I am shocked that people think being stuck doing this is a good idea:

Rank I → Rank II → Rank III → Rank IV → Rank V → Rank VI → Rank VII → Rank VIII →
Rank I → Rank I → Rank I → Rank I → Rank I → Rank I → Rank I → Rank I → Rank I →
Rank II → Rank II → Rank II → Rank II → Rank II → Rank II → Rank II → Rank II → Rank II →
Rank III → Rank III → Rank III → Rank III → Rank III → Rank III → Rank III → Rank III → Rank III →
Rank IV ->Rank IV ->Rank IV ->Rank IV ->Rank IV ->Rank IV ->Rank IV → Rank IV → Rank IV →
Rank V → Rank V → Rank V → Rank V → Rank V → Rank V → Rank V → Rank V → Rank V →
Rank VI → Rank VI → Rank VI → Rank VI → Rank VI → Rank VI → Rank VI → Rank VI → Rank VI →
Rank VII → Rank VII → Rank VII → Rank VII → Rank VII → Rank VII → Rank VII → Rank VII → Rank VII →
Rank VIII → Rank VIII → Rank VIII → Rank VIII → Rank VIII → Rank VIII → Rank VIII → Rank VIII → Rank VIII

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