A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

a bit of a let down but honestly wasn’t expecting much in the first place
At least it’s better than nothing

Don’t settle for this slop. We deserve better. Grinding out a tech tree deserves a higher reward than this.

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A bonus for only 3 battles per day is very underwhelming and very disappointing considering the time it took to come to this solution. A permanent boost is what every player wants and should be considered as a replacement to the current, suggested, bonus of only 3 battles per day.


yall was yallin about yall roadmap that yall keep posting for yall to see but yall aint gettin that yall are spiting yallselves

yeah. 13 months for such trash bonus, and even 3 battles each day.
gaijin’s cartoonish greed


It’s Gaijin, i’m honestly surprised this came at all

or your incapability to read

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It’s three per nation and three per vehicle type, not just “three”.

This isn’t that hard, people.

Given the amount of time (and money!) that it takes to even smell a top tier tech tree vehicle in this game this is absolutely absurd. I’m not asking for a massive game-changer here but this is genuinely next to nothing. A permanent +10% RP boost for other trees would be enough here, it already takes hours to get a single top tier vehicle if you do not have a premium vehicle + account. Even the +10% boost wouldn’t make a significant impact but I’d be willing to accept that, at least it would be tangible.
To say that this is just "disappointing "is generous, especially since this feature went black and you guys refused to be adequately transparent about how the feature works, how the percentages are implemented, etc…
You could argue otherwise but the backlash shows very clearly that this wasn’t what anyone was expecting.
I hope to one day be rewarded for the amount of time I’ve sunk into this game. The main reason I don’t play this game more is, precisely, because of the time it takes to get through the trees, because I genuinely enjoy the game, and would love to research more nations.
Progression just needs to be quicker overall after reaching the very not easy task of reaching top tier, noticeably if possible. Pretty sure you have plenty of ideas on this comment section alone that could be implemented while keeping the business model how it is.
I hope that this game keeps improving as it has been since last year, the only direction should be forward.
Take the time you need but make it good.
My regards to the Community Managers, I can tell it will not be an easy task.

Edit: I would like to clarify that the +10% should be added onto the total, not the base RP percentage.



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I personally love being served slop.
I don’t play war thunder to have a good time.
If I wanted that I’d play other, actually good games.
Stop asking for war thunder to be more enjoyable, you’ll spoil my self loathing.


ok I now know. def bait

Total, not base

maybe we get an even bigger reward if we’ve collected every single standard tech tree vehicle for one nation? maybe a bonus for spading all standard tech tree vehicles for a nation as well. Make the bonus bigger for the bigger nations and smaller for the smaller ones. The more bonuses we get for unlocking big milestones the better I feel, but this was just a last minute out of the blue idea, so very up to interpretation and modification.

Because this was their answer to the worsening economy of the game.

The idea that many players had in mind was that the further you researched, the easier future research would by, by value of bonuses applied once certain milestones were hit.

However Gaijin decided to heavily limit where these bonuses applied and also limited them to an amount of battles.

It would not be an issue if it was this minor but permanent, increasing by more milestones hit and applied to all research. This would solve the issue this was meant to fix.


That is still basically nothing

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yes, that was what I was refering to, sorry I didn’t make it clear in my post.

Woah woah I just thought of something. Maybe +10% permanent booster for reaching lvl 100. 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


vro u got 5 rp buffs

and this small one, and youre complaining?

Just making sure so that they get that we see through their BS