A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

they do listen tho??? Thats the whole reason we have this roadmap in the first place. If they didn’t listen then we wouldn’t be here talking on this page at all


Thankfully i researched two nations that i wanted to play withing few years of release of tanks so no bother to me,even if they give us one RP per battle .

It is Gaijin that will ultimately lose since new players never stick with this game

They can pick new mmo ,unlock/experience everything that game has to offer in time it takes them here to unlock/make enough money to buy it/crew it and spade just one top tier tank.

Bad experience in this game is all down to one thing …" frustrate player to the point where he/she says eff it and spends real money" as business model it might work for a while but loses loyalty and that is main currency Devs should go for rather than “gimme gimme dollars,they are mine”.

seems like you guys pushed it aside for almost a year hoping we’d forget about it, then when you realized we wouldn’t forget you toned it down to the point where it’s laughably insignificant but it’s just barely enough to say “haha guys we added it!” so you can just tick the box and never say a word about it ever again

1 step forward 3 steps back, as usual. 2600 hours on record, god forbid you make the game make sense for once

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its been 50% for 3 battles since the start? tf u talking about

they never promised more or less

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They didn’t listen when we posted feedback here. They only listened later. That’s the only thing I am going to say.

It’s identical to when it was first announced. How many times does this need to be reposted?

After obtaining a top vehicle of one nation (such a vehicle will be clearly marked in the research tree), a bonus is added to the research of vehicles of this type in other nations, where the top-tier vehicles have not yet been received. The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. - June 2023

Well that dumb.

we were waiting almost a year for 3 battles a day…
why then this was even mentioned in the roadmap?


maybe people at the beginning didnt read it and thats on them, but even though its been said for this long it still doesn’t hurt to try to have your voice be heard

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since the start genius LMFAO

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Conspiracy theory: they just updated the old road map to add the 3 battle per day.


Three matches per nation and per vehicle type. And it’s been listed as this since the start.

After obtaining a top vehicle of one nation (such a vehicle will be clearly marked in the research tree), a bonus is added to the research of vehicles of this type in other nations, where the top-tier vehicles have not yet been received. The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. - June 2023

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yall crazy

then ask why gaijin doesnt wanna give yall anything

propose changes
players dont read, feel hyped
finally gets close to implementation
“what the sigma??? we were never promisd this little!!! where does it say that!!?!?!”
cry because of it

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They added snow to 3 existing maps lmao

@Smin1080p_WT He has posted this like 5 times now, can we timeout him.





I’ll stop posting it when people stop making posts without having read it.

It’s nearly the only useful thing being posted here anyway.

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yea yall