A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Nah that’ll make the grind too easy and we can’t have nice things

Part of the purpose of this boost is to encourage playing a wider variety of nations.


One should be grinding most lines simultaneously to make proper lineups, so again, this encourages healthier choices of progression through trees.

Both of these are not actual issues, but opportunities for people to reevaluate their current choices. You’re free to do as you like of course, and you’re not losing anything in the process, you’re simply getting the status quo instead of a new thing; that’s neutral, not a negative.

Gaijin Entertainment: implementing good ideas poorly since 2002


Okay, and what if I already have most nations to top tier? Am I just supposed to be given nothing? No bonus to help me with my troubles?

I WAS hoping that you’d give me a 10 percent RP bonus for each nation I had a top tier vehicle of a certain type in, but I guess that was wrong. Too bad I can’t get a 40 percent bonus for having 4 lines almost entirely completed. Guess that was a waste of time.

I can’t even get a bonus to help finish those lines because you limited it that way.


Fairly certain vehicle type is going to mean Plane/Helicopter/Tank/Bote

Also my exceptionally low expectations appear to be in the process of being met, as usual.

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So, it’s even more useless.

While I agree, this problem can be circumvented with going a bit lower in BR. CAS is annoying but a manageable problem when most flyers don’t have guided munitions, and the ones that do are rather short range. I also experienced friends rushing toptier, hating it up there and then quitting. But the game isn’t just toptier + obstacles to get there imo.

regarding new game modes, most suggestions I see are about adding PvE elements or entire PvE modes and I gotta say, this just isn’t a PvE game. If people wanna unwind after work, not use their head, and not work on their skill in a player vs player mode, they should just play a different game?

Investors don’t need to be shareholders. Companies that aren’t publicly traded can still have investors. And no matter how large the amount of money, they want more and more or they’ll go invest elsewhere. Some rich people seeing it as an investment with good return rates probably don’t care about happy players, as long as they get milked.
And that Gaijin is desperate for even more money can be seen with trying to make a mobile game out of smth like WT.

If you only play GRB you will use Tank/Plane/Heli ones at same time …even if you don’t spawn planes or helis …useless crap to most players

I like that there is movement to rewarding players who have accomplished the rather monumental task of reaching top tier in a tree, but honestly…this is extremely useless. Especially if the player has a few bad battles that bonus is literally nothing. And just 3 battles with it being off the base is also going to yield less than someone not even paying attention and just playing 3 matches and one death leaving after holding W in a premium vehicle and watching a show with their actual attention.

Maybe 3 full bonuses that can be used post match if a player wants THAT match to receive the bonus, and the bonus applies to the total(including post premium) rather than the base. Otherwise this is just going to seem like a feint rather than any kind of improvement. That or a constant (even if small) % bonus to other nations as they are played(even 3-5% constant is a huge improvement to this). Something that says “yes, your hundreds of hours over the last couple years to reach this point deserve recognition”.

Currently, I refuse to touch air battles. They made that a mess and destroyed the bombing rewards.

As for Helicopters, they take an ungodly time to research and spade.

Next to useless for being only 3 games.

I’d prefer it being a permanent 10-20 percent bonus for RP per each nation you’ve got a top tier in, including the tech tree of those top tier vehicles.

Afterall, it’s supposed to be a damn reward.

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3 Battle for day? gaijin? and if the battles are bad? I Have a ideia, Why don’t you do it like this, if the person is researching a high tier vehicle, there will be 3 battles. But if it’s a low tier vehicle, will there be 15 battles? for example:
Tier 3 = 20 battle per bonus;
Tier 4 = 15 battles per bonus;
Tier 5 = 10 battles per bonus;
Tier 6 = 5 battles per bonus;
Tier 7/8 = 3 battles.

I can’t believe how ungrateful this community is.
You’re trying to shoot yourselves in the foot by asking for greatly accelerated RP gain but you’re going to diminish the sense of accomplishment earned from your hard work grinding.
Really we should all be asking for RP gain to be reduced so that the length of the games lifespan is increased and we value each vehicle more.


Notice how out of the nearly 300 replies to this post we have had only 5 replies from the community managers? None of the input or suggestions to improve this will be taken into account I guarantee that. We barely get feedback on bugs being fixed let alone changing an arse-backwards implementation of this system. The vast majority of suggestions and ideas on how to make this system better will just be ignored.

This was a feature that was being looked forward to the most since it first appeared on the roadmap but with how it will be added barely anyone is excited for it. Please listen to your games community, listen to your players.

can’t tell if this is bait


It’s being added in exactly the manner it was listed on the roadmap.

Which is also why a very sizable chunk of these replies in here are worthless.

Yeah but the 3 battles per day is new. That why there is uproar.

Of course it’s useless, we know where feedback matters. We are just first posting it here, just in case someone is listening on this line.

I would much rather take a low RP bonus if I could have a permanent reward for reaching top tier. That way I’m rewarded for playing more matches in the game. With the 3 battles bonus the best I’ll probably end up doing is just 3 matches per day and then get off because it just simply won’t feel worth while to keep playing, but if there is only going to be a bonus for 3 matches per day then at least make it a good bonus like 300% or something big so you can have a chance at doing a decent bit of damage on the grind. Grinding all the way to the top isn’t easy(at least not for most people), so please don’t screw us over with a piss poor reward.

people only realising its 50% for 3 battles a day now is so incredibly funny

like you clowns had a whole year to get your reading comprehension in check and failed

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No, it’s not.

After obtaining a top vehicle of one nation (such a vehicle will be clearly marked in the research tree), a bonus is added to the research of vehicles of this type in other nations, where the top-tier vehicles have not yet been received. The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. - June 2023


It’s also three matches per nation and per vehicle type, not simply three total.

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