A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Lmao you just hate your playerbase dont you gaijin. This is spit worthy.

Why cant we just get a flat bonus or let us research other nations with nations that have everything unlocked? Oh and where is anything on a bonus to researching the SAME VEHICLE in another tree? Spaded the Su22 and Leo2a4 like 4 times now, T72? 3 times. Stop trying to make players play nations they dont want to play, its not going to happen, how about REWARDING people who spade entire trees? This is just gross. Cant believe we waited 2 years for this pathetic tripe.


The idea of a research bonus for other nations seemed like a good idea when first in the roadmap but as it is being implemented as seems pretty much worthless.

How about a system like researching helicopters but instead you select a country to send your RP into with a stackable permanent bonus when you get to the end of a tree?

Then once you have completely finished a tech tree maybe let us put our RP into the other vehicle types. This could be with a nation bonus or not (or a research bonus based on how many vehicle trees you have finished for the specific nation) but either way it would massively help the grind which seems to get worse every other week. Like for example I have finished the US Air tree completely, even though I play for fun RP is being wasted because I have nothing to research for that certain tree. Maybe letting us put our research into tanks or helicopters only when you have completely finished a tree would stop excess RP from being wasted.

Only 3 years to go 🙏

Does this mean that its only 3 per vehicle type per day regardless of how many nations you have at top tier? (I have Israel and Germany at top tier, does that mean Ill get 6 matches or its still 3 regardless of how many nations I get to top tier?)

Awesome move, remove daily x2 per nation and tell your players it is too random, implement boosters as a substitute. Then implement a smaller daily x1,3-1,5 bonuses for just 3 battles and sell it as a new and innovative feature.

I mean I’m not disappointed, I was hoping for a flat out 10% bonus for each nation, but expected a flat 10% total if you had any top tier. This news is just a joke. Let’s see if this is enough to enrage the masses again for another review bombing and the empty apologies by Gaijin that they heard the players just to screw with them even more after some time.

How about another idea. Each time you start the game, you get an unskippable video of Gaijin employees laughing at you and insulting you before you can play. I’m sure this is innovative, and the players will love it even more. Especially the ones playing since Beta.


Jokes on you, nations in which you have the “top tier vehicles” (data miners found out that basically any rank 8 in the game is classified top tier) will negate the bonus for that nation. Bonus for new vehicles or to grind for the whole lineup? Who needs that, right Gaijin?

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Should not be only after a top vehicle is unlocked. This make it so players can’t play multiple nations simultaneously and instead have to main one, with of course single nation mains being a blight on the community.

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The should do a permanent boost instead of limiting to 3 battles a day, and make it stack so if I get top tier in USA I get maybe 15% and if I get a top tier for ussr I get 30%. But the way they have it now, I’d rather not have the research bonus and just give us normal boasters instead. That way I can activate it when I need it.


Those percentages seem a bit high but I agree. Shouldve been a permanent 10% bonus with your first nation and 3-5% per top tier nation after that.


Yeah or maybe like 3% per tech tree line you achieve. That would be worth it grinding the whole tree.


Logic is kinda weird here. Fine you have one nation, you get bonuses for like 9 other nations. Sure, motivation to play other nations. But then with each research nations you are getting less bonuses overall. Add to that the fact that a lot of vehicles in the game are very similar or even identical between different trees, and in time you get less and less motivation to play other nations.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to have cumulative bonuses? Like 10% permanent boost for 1 nation, 20% for 2 etc. It would make a lot more sense and actually give meaningful boost for those who spend time researching the whole tree, considering you get bored very fast spending days grinding a single vehicle that you already have in 2 other trees


I hope this feature opens to feedback after the testing period because the design seems flawed in a few ways. Assuming that replies to this post qualify as a form of feedback that contributes to the feature’s development, I will explain the problems I see.

First of all, limiting the bonus to a certain number of battles per day seems pointless and designed to frustrate. All the time you see people who complain about having a poor game after using a booster. The feature as described is essentially an RP booster, and it will make people annoyed when one or more of their three matches are poor.

Secondly, limiting it to only countries for which the top has not yet been reached feels counterintuitive; you reach the top of a tree and that results in you losing RP? That feels wrong, and it will incentivise people to hold off from finishing off a line until they have everything else researched as well. For instance a France player will want to avoid researching the ItO to complement their tank lineup that is on the first two Leclercs, because doing so will deny them an RP bonus, and make them want to keep using an unbalanced lineup that lacks a SAM at top tier.

Lastly, ticking down the uses for all vehicle types used feels punishing when aircraft typically participate less and earn less in ground and naval battles.

In short it feels like in the long development cycle of this feature the designers forgot that the purpose is to ease grind for people who have already completed it once. It was, in large part, a feature meant to eliminate frustration. In this setup, it looks like a feature built to frustrate instead. When designing features like this it is, in my opinion as a user, incorrect to look for ways in which reward can be denied to the player, which is what the feature in this iteration looks like.


Again, being three matches per nation and per vehicle type is far more matches than anyone will ever play in a day. It effectively is permanent, while encouraging people to not play the same nation/vehicle-type over and over.

I agree with you,You have pointed out the key points of the problem

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Q1: What is the heli after Tiger HAD block 2?

Q2: Does owning a top-tier premium or a top-tier event vehicle count as owning a top-tier vehicle of this kind? For example, if I already grinded through Russian air tech tree, and I only have the event Mirage in French tree. Will I still be able to get the daily bonus for French tree?

Q3: If I have already grinded through Russian air tech tree, and I have fully researched the first top-tier jet in another tech tree, but I choose not to purchase it. Will I still get the daily bonus for researching other jets in that nation?

Additional comments: It’s very disappointing change because:

  1. it’s not a lot of bonus rp if it’s all calculated based on base rp
  2. it doesn’t help players that have one top-tier tech tree vehicles in multiple nations that want to keep researching the remaining top-tier vehicles in that tree.
  3. it doesn’t give more bonus based on how many trees you have researched. In fact, it seems like the more trees you’ve researched to the top, the less bonus you can get from it.

To say it’s disappointing is an understatement. I’ve played this game for 10 years and what else can I say


Was it really that hard for top tier to just give a flat RP modifier like 1.1x per top tier?

increase the number of games it’s useful for.

3 games is nothing and if it’s automatic on your first three games of the day, you’ll likely not perform well. Many people take a few games to get into the flow.

Change it from 3 to 10 games. It’s hard enough to get to top tier once, you don’t need to make us suffer more when you should be rewarding us.

Also, get rid of the stupid limit on players who already have top tier vehicles in a line. I find it absurd that if I have a top tier tank in Russia that I don’t get the bonus anymore in Russia.


Yea unless I want to top tier of USSR after grinding US instead of grinding every single nation at the same time. Or if I got to top tier in any nation then decided I wanted to get another line finished.

Better, but still mid. If someone is grinding, let’s say the Challengers, they’re only getting 3 games effective every single day. It should be 10 per vehicle type to make it fair.


Add more days for each line someone has gotten to top tier. I have 4 for instance, so it would be nice if I could have 12 games with a large bonus.

I think gaijin shot themselves in the foot with this post, the hype and anticipation was so high but the way the are releasing this feature is so lack luster, if the have to rework the feature and delay it again to the next few months is going to anger the player base more. But will see how the feature turns out.