A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

So every nation which has top vehicle in hangar will provide 3 bonus chance for researching the same vehicle type of other nation? For example, if I had top MBTs of Italy, France and Germany, then I would have bonus for 12 ground battles of America.

Since May of last year, you did increase RP and SL at the begining, but in almost every update throughout the year you have tried/successfully reduced RP and SL in different areas, such as reduced the damage of rockets to bases which the player base can feel. If you are still trying to make similar moves as last May, you may still receive similar feedback. Please note that the above is not a threat, it’s advice to you.


One player could expend all their bonuses for ground, air, and heli in 3 ground RB matches which has some of the lowest RP base gains


They explained to the playbase what is would be when it was first announced and this is pretty much the exact same so if you thought it would be something else when it actually came out that is your fault I guess.

Research bonuses for new nations. After obtaining a top vehicle of one nation (such a vehicle will be clearly marked in the research tree), a bonus is added to the research of vehicles of this type in other nations, where the top-tier vehicles have not yet been received. The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. Fourth update of the year (October-November 2023).


And they will be encouraged to do as well as they can in these matches and stick to it to the end.

Tbh id preffer bonuses being applied to a fixed RP/SL amount than a set number of battles.

This should be the minimum.


Another option would be allowing the player to choose after each game whether to apply the bonus, that way you could save them for games where you actually do well, you wont waste them on bad games, and it would encourage the player to continue to play more even if they have some bad games.

Does it really matter? It’s shit, so people are complaining


it is useless for grind. it should be for at least 20 matches or top tier rp bonuses should be +200% RP


So we will log in ,go into match in GRB …spawn…get killed by helicopter before leaving spawn…rinse,repeat.
In Air we will spawn ,fly 1 km get killed by missile fired from Zimbabwe …

Great idea that will benefit cheaters and bots only .

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I was honestly hoping for the bonus to be unlimited and the more top tier you unlock in each nation the more the bonus. Like for an example say you get your first top tier in ground for Germany it would then give you an additional 10% in rp for any other nation your researching in ground. And then lets say you get top tier in Germany, Britain and America it would then increase it up to 30% more rp and every other nation you unlock in top tier ground it would increases it by an additional 10% which would keep stacking until you unlock top tier ground in every nation. I honestly think that’s a better idea !!


Don’t get me wrong, it IS trash, but frankly, it might be too late to complain. The coding part is all but done, chances are they aren’t gonna scrap a year’s worth of development. People should’ve actually read the original article beyond the headline and complained way earlier so the development could’ve been steered the right way as, or before, it happened. Best case scenario now, they tweak it slightly to give a passive daily RP income, but even that seems unlikely, they’ll probably just increase it from 30% base RP to 100% RP or whatever (still absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, any meaningful grinding is done in bursts of at least a dozen or so games, not to mention it’s only a bonus to base RP, which is tiny regardless) and be done with it.

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could be helpful in ground sim i guess

The framework is in place, it can be tweaked relatively easily now

It would be child’s play to change % bonus or number of times it is applied …we are not talking about Moon landing coding done by hand .


We are talking about a seemingly very simple feature that took an entire year to materialize, don’t under- (or I guess over-) estimate them.

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But to their specs and they still pay for it. They also still do the research and for most non-modern things, they get it pretty accurate.

the game modes are simple for accessibility, and there’s not more of them to not split the player base into even more queues. The maps are still mostly based on real places, and I do feel like they’re not that bad, the people thinking they’re bad are just LOUD. bc, you know, people thinking maps are fine aren’t posting in 500 forum topics about how fine they are.

I do think some maps are bad too but there’s not a single game out there with a map rotation where I agree with all maps.

I’ll take a hot guess and say ships are a sunk cost fallacy for them at this point. there likely aren’t nearly enough people paying for ships for them to put alot of effort into it, especially when the majority seems to agree that WoWs is actually a very strong competitor on that front.
It’s like with strike drones. People absolutely hate them, but instead of taking the L and removing them, they kept pushing them further and further up in BR, because they already invested the ressources into it. Alot of f2p game devs have trouble backpeddaling on features their players hate, but already ate alot of money and time.
I mean you can kinda feel they’re putting minimum effort into that so it at least pays for itself.

yeah again, that’s stuff most devs in games-as-a-service do. it’s bad but that’s sadly how it goes. who knows if the people that promised that even still work there.

One of the biggest problems is how businesses work, they have to make more and more profit or they’re considered dead by investors, even if the devs are fine with just making the same money and make a good game instead, the game would just die eventually. That’s a fundamental problem with our economy though. There is not a single f2p game out there that gets away with not pushing players more and more into paying. And WT has a market niche where they can’t really compensate by getting a bigger player base forever.

They should use Github-CoPilot, that way; bug fixes will be done so much faster.


It is never to late to complain about problems and bad decisions, just like when the review bomb happened it was people complaining and making sure that gaijin heard them that got them to change there tone.

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This, Exactly this. That is what I was hoping for, Slowly grinded myself to top tier germany thinking this might help me with my USSR Grind or my current Sweden grind, Welp not anymore. I do hope Gaijin does some type of change for the veterans of this game who have multiple trees maxed out, Maybe 5% / 10% Per tree to make the grind easier for the few nations they have left.