A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

Every single vehicle model ingame was made by a different company. Everything else like gamemodes, maps etc is extremely bad and keeps getting worse cause gaijin keeps making money. Ships that cost them a grand or more a piece are unusable bc naval is a goddamn mess. Do they care? NO. As long as they make money on premiums they PROMISED to never add in the first place, there are no problems

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Is there going to be a stacking benefit, such that as you get more of those same rank vehicles across nations it would additively increase the bonus for the remaining nations? The current planned bonus is going to feel minimal at just 3 games a day and should either be increased in % or game amounts.


It’s laughable to:

  • Delay this feature because its so complicated
  • Promise that feature will have a significance in researching new trees
  • (as far as I can remember) it should be a permanent bonus.

Non of what was promised got delivered - its just a shame tbh, its more like an insult. For that minuscule bonus we waited over a year?


i was expecting something bad but it’s beyond that i was waiting for, it’s actually a complete non sense they could literally make it in various dif ways to improve to make ppl grind the tts

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Not surprised in the slightest because I did read that article, just disappointed.

What do you mean “delivered”. It is still not out XD. And probs after this backlash they will push it back another year

Nice job gaijin, took you over an year to cook up this piece of trash 🤡🤡🤡


Actually what was initially said is the following.

“The bonus is given for three battles every day for each nation separately and depends on the rank of the researched vehicle. Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. Fourth update of the year (October-November 2023).”

They haven’t changed anything from what it initially said (at least by what has been announced).

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I would’ve preferred 10% per nation but it lasts forever rather than 3 games with 50%


So since i have reached top tier in ground in Britain, American and Germany do i get more rp for my 3 battles like instead of 2x rp I’d get maybe 4× rp while i am researching another ground tech tree like Sweden ??

Why would I be interested in exact same gameplay which I already have?


Oh yeah I 100% feel the same way. I am disappointed as well as I expected maybe a couple of changes but overall it is what it is, not going to get mad over a feature when it is the exact same as what everyone wanted when it was first announced.

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This is incredibly disappointing. I have nothing else to say but, Really? That’s it?


You can deliver a concept, an idea, a thought or whatever that sad excuse of a „bonus“ is.

this is a nice starting point but this needs to be changed before going live having it limited to 3 battles per day is dumb. I’d take a smaller bonus over it being unlimited.

I think it needs to pointed out that people aren’t annoyed about the amount of rewards these bonuses are going to add, they are annoyed because the grind is once again getting to be such a ridiculous amount that these bonuses are going to do almost nothing to speed up this grind.

I think the bigger issue needs to be decreasing the amount of grinding required so that these bonuses can actually feel like they are doing anything.

Except no. This is most definitely not what The Playerbase had in mind. Maybe go read and think about the details. They always screw you with the fine print.

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Honestly, a 5% or 10%(mainly for helicopters because of their INSANE RP costs) permanent (as long as you have researched the current end of the line vehicle) modifier for researching vehicles of the same type from each end of the line tech tree vehicle would be really nice and offer a more consistent experience while also rewarding grinding more tech trees.

For example, grinding the entire U.S. air tree completely (all 5 lines) would give you a 25% permanent air RP boost (which at a first glance seems like a lot but when you take into consideration the millions of RP spent it seems a lot more reasonable)


Its 3 per nation per vehicle set per day.

So that is more than 3 battles a day.

And rather this to allow low battle per day players a decent boost.