A little more news on Research bonuses for new nations

They used the standard Gaijin tactic of obfuscation by complication.


From my experience in game matching, there are very few players in some modes, such as Coastal Navy. For most players who don’t play Coastal Navy vehicles, they can’t experience the extra three bonuses of Coastal Navy vehicles. They lack three bonuses out of thin air, which is unfair to them. The extra bonus cannot be bound by the vehicle type. If I complete the research and development of a top-level vehicle, the player should decide which vehicle to use the bonus for.


I’m also surprised with the amount of people that didn’t know the buff would have been 3 battles per day, it was well written in the description of the proposal… and giving feedback now that the mechanic is “done” feels too late

This is a joke and Gaijin would be better off just scrapping it at this point rather than slapping us in the face with this.

Everyone knows the vast majority of RP is tied to time in battle and base score does not multiply this.

This is 16 kills and 3 assists, all of them players, not bots:

This is the results:

4K additional RP for the 100% skill bonus multiplying base RP for 16 kills.

3 matches per nation you aren’t in top tier per vehicle type per day is a tiny drop in the pond of the research grind.

This is all but useless


This is worthless. I thought it was permanent (and maybe thats my fult). And its based off of base RP not after premium, what the heck is this?! You might as well not add it. The road map saod 50% bonus, we should have known you were going to wiggle your way out of it.


It’s 3 matches per day for every nation you don’t have the bonus unlocked in.
So let’s say you only play tanks a have a toptier tank in just a single nation, then you can play up to 3x9=27 battles with a bonus per day on all other nations combined.

Very much looking forward to having a permanent daily bonus to all my non-Japan bluewater trees! :)

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So every nation which has top vehicle in hangar will provide 3 bonus chance for researching the same vehicle type of other nation? For example, if I had top MBTs of Italy and France, then I would have bonus for 6 ground battles of America.

I hope for at least a start at 50% rp boost and with each top tier achieved that will increase further

Why would I play on nations which I’m not interested in?
+50% RP booster lasts longer.


Seems like a nice bonus.

Still wished boosters aswell as this affected a certain amount of base RP, but this is good.

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you know this is not the way players grind tts
we usually do this one by one


None of the details have changed since they announced it back in June 2023. Idk why now all of a sudden everyone has a big issue with it when it is the same thing that when it was announced people said it would be cool.


To be fair, most of their customers use hundreds to thousands of hours of their service for free in a relatively high-effort game. But as soon as they expect some money back for the full service or the new extra bonus for non-paying people is smaller than they expected people grab their pitchforks and just b*tch and moan all day on the forums.

There were some really scummy things in the past, and they changed course already by introducing skill bonuses, reducing RP cost for the 2 ranks below the last one, foldering, halving RP costs for foldered vehicles, getting rid of the end-of-the-line penalty for module research, free FPE, free emergency parts, free flares, repair costs reigned in and linked to rank instead of earnings, free set of ARH/SARH for top ranks, free first APFSDS for top ranks.

There’s still a few things they could do (like stock APFSDS for rank 7) but with moaning about bonuses like this we’re slowly getting into a “give players a finger and they’ll want the whole arm” kinda situation here. These days I feel like Gaijin isn’t any more greedy than the player base is, especially when I look at the market prices made by players…

If gaijin keeps it this way the bonus will be unnoticeable. Whatever they were doing in this year of “developing” this mechanic, it wasn’t spent in the office


That’s it, we are done with you.

Well this is just an insult.

The Bonus itself is so minuscule that you could have just left it away, I would fare better with a 30% booster and play my 3-5 games or whatever.

As one person already said, why not just give a flat % boost to a nation of our choosing? Don‘t get me wrong, the idea is really nice but the execution is just…insulting. Pls hand out 30% boosters for every top tier that I reached and were better off and you don‘t have to develop a new system.


Yeah, it’s entirely feasible to own an end of the line vehicle, and still have half the TT left to research.

It makes no sense to punish these players by removing their bonus.

If the tree still has vehicles to research, you get bonus. Simple as.


All they have to do is make the bonus apply to all nations. That’s it.


I thought this would be a permanent 10% rp booster basically for grinding nations we dont have a top tier vehicle in…and that it stacks maybe +5% with every other nation we grinded out the top tier in.

Also do i understand it right that the bonus applies for the ground tree if we have finished a nations ground tech tree ? So its basically applies to the same military branch in which we finished grinding a top tier?

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