A Line of Thai Aircraft for Japan!

Exactly. It will be locked again until they achieved the new requirements.

It’s actually so over… here I was grinding to finally unlock the Rank VIII, I only grinded the 2 first lines on the left, I guess I can still get the normal F-4EJ and then the F16AJ before they add the Thai jets and lock everything again in Rank VIII.

He is actually not telling the truth once you unloc teir you will not lose the unloc

This is exactly what happened to me in the italian tech tree.
I had two rank VI aircraft already researched and purchased, then they added new rank V aircraft for Hungary, increased the requirements for rank VI and it was locked for me again.

So yes, it is the truth. If you only have one rank VII aircraft and they increase the requirements for rank VIII, it will be locked again.

Yah, no.

Copy paste is the new thing cause people are not objecting to it enough at all.
They used to actually add unique stuff in their updates now weve hit the point that rather japan get some copy paste, and indigenous trial equipment (then the f2) were just getting literal CnP

Look at the benelux tree, theres barely any dutch stuff at all.
Theres barely any unique stuff at all, and now France is jusg a budget germany

Best mbt? German.
Best top tier air arguably the f16.

Italy? Same stuff.

Britain ? Its air are all horrendously.over brd mostly and its best.top tier is a Swedish jet
And the indian vehicles they did add? Just.copy paste 😂

See the theme.


A little bit of a late plug XD, if you have any questions regarding the Thai vehicles and aircrafts, feel free to discuss and read about them in my Siam (Thailand’s old name)-Thailand Line Up for Japanese Tech Tree Thread! You are all welcomed to post your questions, and even vent your frustrations (in civilized manner) there!

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Edit: I was wrong, confirmation has been given the R2Y2 is staying. Rejoice! Feel free to kindly ignore this whole post left here as a testament written of my ignorance.

There is a very real possibility they are getting removed. Unless something has changed since I last check a few days ago, there has only been confirmation by the devs that the F-16AJ is safe. The snail has been stating for almost 3 years straight now that they’ve had plans to remove the R2Y2s, and this is the most likely time if any.

What I recommend doing is getting at least a single research point put into the R2Y2 V2 just in case, as if you have any research progress towards it whatsoever you should both be able to continue researching it and purchase it even if they are removed from the tech tree. Even better would be if you were able to fully grind the V2 and put in a single RP on the V3 (that is quite a lot of grinding though, so I couldn’t blame you if you didn’t)!

However, again, this is unconfirmed. The reason they’ve stated to have kept the R2Y2s in so long is that Japan has had a major lack of, well, any variety of planes at rank 5+ especially strike (what the R2Y2 kinda does mildly well). As we’re getting the F-84, Alpha Jets, Harriers, and the like, we shall have no short supply of jet CAS (FINALLY). That does mean that the R2Y2 no longer is needed as lineup filler. As such, it is of my opinion and nothing else that it will likely be removed with the introduction of the Thai sub-tech tree.

Even if you don’t get any of them researched, there is still the chance that they could come back as limited time event vehicles similarly to the Maus. Heavens forbid Gaijin has mercy on the Japanese Air Tech Tree, we might even see a propellor driven variant of the R2Y2 down the road, which is what it originally was before the plans to retrofit it with jet engines.

Again, though all speculation. I’d just put in a single RP on any you want to keep to be safe, as that should allow continued research of them in the event they are removed.


Not to dismiss your whole post but Smin confirmed the R2Y2s are staying for this update

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Might want to change the statement about the Alpha Jet TH (phase 1) having no gun. Its been changed to a-historically have the gun now.

Anything but the f-2

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Have you not heard about Switzerland getting added to Germany to fill the lack of CAS capability?

Japan also got get 13.7 jet F-15JM, so let’s delete maverick ,targeting pod and AMRAAM to low Thai F-16 down to 12.7; and maby delete maverick ,targeting pod and AMRAAM of the JAS 39 C to low it down to 13.0.haha.

this game is for simulate not br bro.

AGMs aren’t why F-16A OCU is 13.7.

Prove it?

I have never seen that photo before.

Oh btw

In this record of 1977 hearing, Ministry of Defence official said they couldn’t fly F-16 themselve because there was only 1 prototype available (Probably YF-16). All Japanese pilot did in USA was following F-16’s test filght behind, in F-4 Phantom.

And get scolded like ‘If JASDF pilot didn’t fly F-16 themselves, how could you say investigation on F-16 is complete?’

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Hah Thai royal family really have good taste of aircraft i give them that.

am I only mentioned ATGM?

oh yeah, Gaijin would never add a vehicle that was unfinished/prototype

cough Kronshtadt cough

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yea political tensions between ukraine and russia have been too high for that to be a good idea for as long as the USSR has been dead. If ukraine as a nation is going to be in WT it would have to be as a subtree in a new Poland tree or put in a tree it doesn’t belong in like France or Britain to avoid contraversies

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