A guide to: CCRP

That’s fine. Try with just regular old HE bombs to see if it’s just napalm not wanting to drop with CCRP

they dont drop ;(
checking once again…

Are you using bomb series or weapon selection?

usually weapon selector

Because you don’t actually have any bombs selected

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now selected brb
still dont drop
maybe weapon selector blocks them?


You have weapon selected

You have ripple mode chosen

Base is selected

CCRP automatic release is on


Definetly pressing and holding your fire key as you fly over the base?

After that. Maybe that base is bugged. Does happen now and again. So try another base?

(If you can, video recording might help as well)

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all above - yes

i though if i choose “automatic release on” i dont need to hold trigger…

without botherrng with this toggle bombingt works like a charm and without any problem, i srsly though about it as automatic bomb dropper

No, you still need to give the ballistics computer permission to release the bomb at the correct time. You do that by pressing and holding the fire key.

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ah ok
seems simplest way to get over this is soldering instead of fire button…

i just overinterpreted phrase “automatic bomb release”