A Ground game mode idea + possible map (les discuss)

This topic is basically gonna talk about a new game mode and a possible new map that could go with it.
(map suggestion’s are cool, if ya want me to make one)

To explain, this game mode will basically be like battlefields conquest mode. Being able to capture multiple points, Spawn near the front line’s from said point’s, and have multiple way’s to play around a map.

The first map will be a small city/large town. (Example: Elko,nv)


Gameplay Note’s:
Both teams will start at one end of the town, working their way up.
Each time they capture a point, they’re team will be allowed to spawn in at that forward point spawn. (Teams spawn in from their home’s direction.) (Forward spawn point = fob)

Each team also has a Home capture point, Capturing your enemies Home point will win the game.

This game mode will last for 45 minute’s to 1 hour.

(To be determined/changed)


Each team has 5 spawns per vehicle. Allowing players with lineup’s to have more of an impact to the game.
Unlimited respawns. Allowing everyone an equal number of chances to change the game.

(More suggestion’s pending)

And for those that want a more normal mode. 2 other variations exist. (one without fob’s and one with only the 2 Home points.


Anyhow, What are your guy’s thoughts?


This person on reddit proposed some really good map/gamemode ideas. Many of the maps we have in game are actually really large, it doesn’t cost Gaijin a penny to unlock them to their fullest potential, specially for top tier.

I feel like current GRB can stay as it is for the casual audience, and making a new ground mode that’s more tactical and in-depth (that could potentially even replace ground sim), that features larger more realistic maps, objectives and promotes tank tactics and other non-meta vehicles like ATGM carriers and amphibious vehicles like in the Reddit post. I would call this game mode “Special Ops” or “Advanced Ground Battles”.

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I feel like what we do now is already somewhat similarish to conquest (minus the respawn on caps), but I’d absolutely love a WT equivalent to Rush.

Take something like Rocky canyon, and update a section of the canyon to have a better modeled ground zone.

Throw in things like AI pillboxes / Howizters to give the CAS mafia a useful thing to do other than act as fun police against players.

One team defends, one team attacks. Defenders try to bleed all the attackers tickets, attackers try to seize all the objectives, and their spawn point moves up to the latest objective they capture.


Suggest it. Not a discussion thread.

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only works if Joining and leaving mid battle is possible without any penalties, respawns aren’t limited by to once per vehicle and if it’s actually possible to have a dynamic front and not always a single team dominating as with the current map design

Oh, sounds like a good addition to have with no leaving penalties.

Dynamic front would be neat. Would it kind of act like Heart’s of Iron front line?

We really do need new gamemodes… new PVE where we attack convoys, forts or something.

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