A General Discussion on how to fix Bombers

Good Evening. I do not think there is insufficient evidence to show that Strategic, and more Generally a decent understanding that Strategic Bombers, played a effective role in WWII, and arguably, up to this day. However for a Good portion of the Bombers in War Thunder, this is sadly not the case. We find Bombers, shot down and in my experiences over 60% of the time. This is attributed to Interceptors, carrying bomb loads and Rushing bases before slower bombers can get to them, Bombers being placed to Low at spawn, giving most interceptors and early jets enough time to pick them off, and multiple Bases in the Game, forcing bombers to go in alone, and gives rise to petty bickering over who gets what base. Now, I know us bombers are a small community, but I do believe for such an integral part of multiple Air Forces, we should at least be recognized. Multiple Youtubers have alluded to the issue but as for the gaming community, the only broad response is “Go play a fighter” now Ladies and Gentlemen, if your well liked vehicle or Aircraft, got Gaijined, I doubt many of you, especially who aren’t willing to spend money constantly, would be very happy with that. I think with enough support and backing, we could be able to change not only Bombers, but Low-Mid Air RB as a whole, which I sense is more enjoyable then Top Teir.
My suggestions for fixing the state of Bombers, mainly strategic, is as listed:

  1. Have One Target: If all the Bombers only had one target, it would incentivize us to work in formations, greatly increasing survivability and playability.

  2. Add AI Bombers: AI bombers would increase the chances of Fighters or Interceptors to think twice about attacking Bombers, not only that, for a game that prides itself on Historical Accuracy, it would be more alike to what real fighters actually faced.

  3. Add a Higher Spawn: Many Bombers, specifically American and in General Allied Bombers, could operate over 30,000 Feet. Now I’m not advocating for such a high spawn, but a Spawn in the 20K range or higher would actually give time for bombers to you know, bomb.

I hope this gets the attention of the Public for not only Bomber mains would be happy, but this could give a alternative for Grinding Events or Tech Trees. I thank you for your time, and God Bless.


This is a tough one. I was here when bombers ruled the skies with Dead shot AIs and now being RP feeders for the interceptors.
Having 1 target just increases the “run for the base and take it before another bomber” and a way for all the bombers to congregated to being fed upon if 2 bombers spawn your still being blown out of the sky while the Strike air craft zoom to take out the target far before you can.

  1. Most people from my understanding only use the AIs to farm from stock til they can actually do something. Im not against this but also it could get a little silly.

  2. yall can already climb to unthinkable Levels with time. Side climb and dont rush the base.

I agree that having only a single target is a bad idea.

Not really, like at all. Virtually every non-bomber will outclimb you, especially Bf-109s and Spitfires.

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It takes a lot of time and effort especially when they have a lot of better things to be doing than chasing the one bomber thats practically in space (not that they actually do this). they still need to be able to reach you otherwise the game just ends with one bomber just doing his thing flapping around doing nothing while everyone else is stuck just killing ground targets

Tbh it’s not much effort at all, and it’s a guaranteed kill for like 2-3 minutes of climbing.

Making the af bombable would go long way. The attackers can still base rush while the bombers can play the long game of getting to the af.

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Having just one target would work, if they let everyone bomb it, and gave out rewards based on damage done. The target would not need to be regularly shaped, either. Maybe giving a bonus to reward the pilot for damage over more of the target than one place…

This way, there is no race. The target is not something that a single bomber can destroy. (Well, until they allow nukes)

thats like half the match lol. Spend your time doing nothing for half the match for 1 kill. Seems To me as time worth while(sarcasm)!

One guaranteed kill is definitely worth 2-3 minutes of climbing in a ~10-15 minute match, lol.

You might change your opinion if you read this regarding WW 2:

This is imho not correct.

Post WW2 strategic bombers were developed to deliver nuclear payloads over large distances in order to kill enemy civilians or infrastructure. The invention of ICBMs and subsequently submarine launched ICBMs made bombers like B-52s even more useless than the introduction of SAMs.

There was not a single armed conflict after Korea (in which B-29s and B-50s took so heavy losses that they were withdrawn from day operations) in which US bombers faced an enemy able to defend himself on equal terms.

Your proposals showed some passion, but i recommend doing some research in this forum as basically all of your points were already discussed.