shh don’t tell them
And I agreed/no commented with everyone here on that topic. Not sure what the problem is.
I have died to Mig-21SMT/MF, in my Mirage 3E, F-5A, and a couple other 10.3s and below.
I haven’t in my F-4E or F-4F to them though.
Pretty sure those are good stats.
I haven’t used my F-4F as a fighter yet, that starts next major update.
China’s F-5A is 10.7 because of its AIM-9Js, and it’s the worst 10.7 in the game by far.
F-5E can’t go up, every single 11.0 in the game is superior to the F-5E. Every one; This is common knowledge.
Yes, you have.Sorry.
shitty bad player take, I can name many.
Same here because I don’t try hold S key against MiGs NOT trying to duels.
You have also died to a MiG-21. Next!
Mirage 3C vs 3E
3E has a very slightly stronger engine
3E is much heavier than 3C and is very noticeable
3E has countermeasures, while 3C does not
Radar of 3E is slightly improved
I’m not too sure about how the 3C is about tearing its wings off, but at high fuel levels, 3E is highly susceptible to overloading wings.
My most common death in F-4E, F-4EJ, and F-4F are Mig-23s. Su-17/22M3/M4 is also up there with how powerful they are as a platform.
None to Su-25s or Mig-21SMTs, or Su-17M2s.
You gotta accept that other people have different experiences to you.
Me when I rarely to die against F-4s as well because of focing him 1v1 duels as possible :D
It’s not bad at all, and i quite like flying it.
F-4EJ, an absolute suffering ship is 11.0.
F-4’s a solid platform that lets pilots fatally misuse it.
Mig-21Bis is also that way.
Mig-21Bis is the closest to F-4F in performance holy moly…
12.8 at 450.
13.8 at 600.
13.3 at 900.
it would be 10.0 or 9.7 without flares. This is a balance thing. Yes I’m biased, but the F-5C is insanely dependent on flares. There would be riots over this, so I would say them removing flares unfortunately wouldn’t be an option (also, people at 8.7-9.0 wouldn’t be able to combat it, at all.)
As a premium. I agree. to fundamentally change the aircraft by removing CMs would piss off a lot of people who spent money on it. Especially as I imagine many wouldnt have bought it in the first place without CMs (plenty of people complain about the Harrier Gr1 when they realise too late it doesnt get CMs)
Its also in-part why I think it got them in the first place. Makes a good premium.
I also agree… rather it have flares and be 10.3/10.7 than have to deal with them in 9.0s. Can barely deal with them in my 9.7/10.3 aircraft.
moving it and the E version up .3 is probably the best option, so yes. I also don’t see why the F-5E is 10.7 when its much better than the C, but whatever
One of the problems is that the F-5C currently has no counterpart in the game that is a dogfighter.
MiG-21SMT/MF is not because of R-60s.
Su-17M2 is not because of bad flight models.
F-8E? Yeah counterpart in same nations?
Maybe MiG-21M that is basically MiG-21MF without R-60s can be good counterpart but, not sure Gaijin will implement that :/
Anyway, we need dogfighters that has early AAMs and CMs in red team.
Is there even really a good counter-part yet to be added?
or for quite a few nations. including those technically blue.
I don’t know about much better.
Better acceleration, which translates to a bit better dogfight potential, that’s about it tho.
Definitely helped me get a higher KDR tho.
F-5E’s KDR is equivalent to my other new-jet KDRs, meaning equal in performance for the BR.
Every tech tree has good 10.0 - 10.7 dogfighters I think… NVM, I remembered Britain lacks any.
Would be an excellent add if the MiG-21SMT gets a slight bump up to 10.7. Give it R-13M/M1s instead of R-60s and there you go
I agree with this statement because, now, when I play the F-5C, I feel immortal to everything. The only time I die is when im being double teamed, but sometimes mig-21 players can pull in. I think this is a smart thing to say, but as morvran is saying, what counterpart can we really add. I feel like lots of things have the option of running and trying to help. Side note: Yes, I know I have like a 1.2 in the F-5C. For the first 500 deaths, I was bombing (like an idiot)
Probably, F-6 that is basically exported J-6/MiG-19 with CMs would be good counterparts.
MiG-21M can be as well.