A-4K Kahu - The modernized Kiwi

Yea I’ve also been looking at triple rack mavericks, but cannot find anything sadly.

Due to the fact it’s standard on most of the modern A-4 variants, I would assume it to be possible to mount them. However, the main thing we’d need to find is if the country ever had any triple racks to bring with.
Bunch of images I’ve seen:

AGM-65B firing.
^ former Kiwi A-4s that appear to be able to carry triple rack zunis on the center pylon, but not the correct rack as the AGM-65s triple rack I’d assume. This could support the theory that the middle mount was unchanged/unaffected and still capable of mounting the standard pylons such as the triple rack for the AGM-65.


Now this ain’t no true source ofc, but I found an interesting thread mentioned the existence of an “AGM-65(NZ)”. Could just be one of the B or G mavs, but there seems to be reason to suggest it’s a D maverick.
New Zealand apparently operates the SH-2G helicopter, that is armed with the AGM-65D, meaning New Zealand is in possession of these missiles. I believe over also read somewhere that the AGM-65D can be fitted on and operate with any system that can use the AGM-65B/A variants.
Article on the SH-2G and the AGM-65D, meaning if there’s a primary source out there detailing NZ owned/tested the AGM-65D, it could be applied to the A-4K ingame.
Thread where I saw it mentioned for the first time:

However for the triple rack… ehhh
I’ll keep diggin :P


I did see some “weird” mavericks that looked like the D variant, but I wasn’t sure if the sources could be trusted. Still, I appreciate your effort :)


Yeea, I had specifically looked at that article as a chance they might have it in-inventory.

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+1 More Skyhawks are always good

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Probably UK, the USMC operated pretty much identical A-4Ms though


Voted yes. It’s also part of my sub tree suggestion. This is one of the very few unique variants of aircraft NZ can bring to the game.


Well I have good news for you, I have some incoming Aussie aircraft in my suggestions list (1 pending, accidentally screwed up title tho) :)

The AGM-65D was never considered for the Skyhawk, theoretically possible to mount them but the AGM-65D were mounted on the Super Seasprite for anti-ship missions.

It could carry a maximum of 4 Mavericks, you would be stuck with 1/3 or 2/2 or 3/1 or 0/4 AGM-65B:AGM-65G Ratio

Negative afaik.

Would be fun to play this small boy with higher tier aircraft but I hope it’s not 11.3 as they made AMX A-1A.

Besides 9Ls what other missiles could it get? I vaguely remember NZ operating Ds and Gs but could be wrong. Just for the stock grind without just having stock 9Ls.

The photos are the TA-4K - 2 seat training versions.

The single seat version looks like the other 2 in this:

Note as per the thread title these are the post Project Kahu modernized versions - most notably hte “hump” was removed due new electronics being compact enough to no longer require the extra space I think. And the different nose profile is reasonably obvious

Pre-Kahu A-4K’s looked like this:


Well good news is that since the AGM-65D is compatible with all AGM-65B/G compatible platforms, it could be added to the A-4K as a modification/armament option for those who want it. Besides that smokeless motor and IR tracking is quite the helpful upgrade.

Unfortunately it seems so. And given the fact gaijin wasn’t willing to give triple mavericks to the F-4F, they likely wouldn’t be willing to make an exception here.

+1 More Kiwi stuff is also nice.


Ehhh I would vote for no, I’m kind of unsure of the AGM-65’s capabilities but would it possibly bump the BR?

Yeah definitely, though I feel it’ll be kinda tricky to balance for GRB

Yes likely it would go up, as the AGM-65D improves the lock range of the B by nearly double (which the B was already about double the A. On top of that, the smokeless motor makes it nearly impossible for anything except a SPAA with a radar to know it’s been launched.
So yes it would be a bit higher than normal in ground RB theoretically. However the AGM-65G already has the same lock distance/smokeless motor, and the AGM-65B has the same total range as the D, so really it’s just combing the capabilities of both for the better missiles, ya know minus the SAP-HE warhead.

Oh fair enough, still, as a Kiwi I want my vehicles implemented properly, especially since the only two in game are a light cruiser, and a battlepass vehicle I can’t afford. That’s excluding the Gloria Lyons camouflage for the F4U-1A (which annoys me it’s not on the P-40???). I would love for the A-4K but I need it properly, just as much as I want stuff like the Schofield tank (More conceivable than the Bob Semple)



There can never be enough Scooters

It was initially armed with AIM-9G Sidewinders. That’s the only other missile it could get.


Douglas A-4 Skyhawk: Attack and Close-Support Fighter Bomber (2005)


Give it ASRAAM for gits and shiggles

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