i’ve had about 200-300 matches on 9.3 but omg I just feel that this is the worst part of the already bad game design those full uptiers …
I usualy play about 5- 10 matches a day and oh boy probably 90% of them are uptiers which I have to deal with t80’s , 120S, 2s38’s ,t72B’s with ERA being just better tanks than any 9.3 in every aspect.
Not being enough the game just trows me in my leopard on CQB maps which is not close to be ideal.
At this point Im just done with playing at this BR , I still have to finish researching one last tier 6 vehicle for me to get on the next tier and finally leave this hell .
To solve this ? simple , make it so you don’t get punished with the full repair cost / add more rewards when you die/ kill an uptiered vehicle . at least with this once you see an 1.0 br uptier you don’t think that your gonna have to work 2x more for the same rewards , this will make you fell less stressed once you see that full uptier and look out to get kills on those uptier vehicles your facing
I understand (with a god damn AMX-30 force to fight T-80 in CQC what I supposed to do?) just give the bigger map for high tier at least i have more chance fighting them
To me 9.3 is probably the most fun battle rating in the game you can have at the moment. Sure I agree sometimes a bit painful if you are facing a full uptier versus Russia 10.3 amazing lineup but its really nothing out of the ordinary or crazy, as a matter of fact my german and british 9.3 lineups can deal with 10.3 Russia just fine, because their MBT’s have a big problem and that is their reverse speed.
If anything I am happy we don’t have to face the actuals 10.7 which is where things start to go extra crazy.
With that being said, I am working on unlocking the 9.3 Israel lineup.