9.3-10.3 is one of the most unfair Br ranges of all, let me explain. Planes like the mig-19, which are good at their BR, become useless every time they are uptiered. Not only do they have to deal with better platforms but also with much more advanced missiles like the matra magic 1 or aim 9 D, against which the only resource these 9.3 planes have, which is to dodge them, no longer works. The only way is to carry rockets, which entails more weight, and it is not a 100% reliable guarantee, since it depends a lot on the angle and the distance. In short, these BRS should be readjusted so that this 9.3-10.3 interval is not so unfair, raising the Br of planes like the F8U-2 from 10.0 to 10.3 and lowering the J35D from 10.3 to 9.7, since the latter does not have flares and the former has very good characteristics and weapons to stop its BR. Another option would be to put flares on planes that, even if they do not have them in real life, do have them in the game in order to balance and make these BRs less painful in the uptier, as they already did with the F5C, which does not have flares in real life. I clarify that this is just my opinion and if you have another one it will be welcome, always with respect and well argued.