Marauder (Missile Rogue)

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During the 2007 International Defence Exhibition (IDEX) the South African defence firm Paramount Group unveiled a new MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicle know as the Marauder. The Marauder is a 4x4 mine protected vehicle originally developed for reconnaissance and peacekeeping missions, able to withstand land mine detonations and keep the crew safe from light and medium calibre machine gun fire. The marauder is also very versatile, being able to be converted into different variants, such as an ambulance, armoured personnel carrier, anti-armour fire support, command vehicle and an infantry fire support variant. For this forum post we will focus on the anti-armour fire support variant, which is equipped with the Missile Rogue remote operated turret from Reutech. The Missile Rogue is a stabilised remote turret equipped with four missile launchers and a 12.7mm machine gun. The turret can be equipped with the Thales Light Multi-Role Missile (LMM) or the Denel ZT3 Ingwe missiles and is able to fire all four missiles before having to reloaded. The turret also gives the crew day and night fighting capabilities and the ability to track enemy targets. The vehicle is powered by a 6-cylinder turbo diesel engine which will allow the vehicle to be mobile off-road and be able to reach 110km/h on the road. Overall, the Marauder is a versatile vehicle which have proven itself over the years and since the initial release of the vehicle, Paramount Group has continued to further improve the vehicle, with the new Marauder Mk2 being unveiled at the African Aerospace & Defence expo (AAD) in 2022.



Main Armament: Thales LLM or Denel ZT3 “Ingwe”

Secondary armament: one 12.7mm MG

Crew: 4 (driver, gunner, commander, loader)

Combat weight: 16t

Engine: 6-cylinder Turbo Diesel

Horsepower: 300hp

Gearbox: Automatic

Top Speed: 110 km/h

Thermal/Night sight: Yes

Add on armour: Optional.

Fire suppression system: Optional


Primary Sources:

Paramount Group Marauder brochure:

Paramount Group Marauder: Marauder: Multi-role, highly agile mine-protected armoured vehicle

Surviving the Ride written by Steve Camp & Helmoed Heitman Rommer (page 156-157)

Secondary Sources:

ERAF: Missile Rogue:

Army Technology (Marauder Mark 2 Armoured Vehicle, South Africa):

DefenceWeb (Paramount unveils upgraded Marauder):

DefenceWeb (Reutech’s ‘Rogue’ family of remote controlled weapon stations (RCWS) ready for AAD):


Would love me some more SA vehicles. Plus bonus that it could fill an Anti Air / Anti Tank role.

Hopefully we will see Richard Hammond as the driver


+1 Very nice

+1, zt3 for the brits, but lmm version for france (thales turret). And ofc richard hammond as the driver.

lol what, LMM & Launchers where developed under UK contract. What should all the BAE Bradley prototypes and Proposals go to the UK tree then hmmm?


because it’s french weaponnery, but it’s actually just an excuse to get a really cool vehicle.

It is objectively not.
Five seconds of searching would tell you three things:

  1. LMM is produced by Thales Air Defence Limited, not Thales Group
  2. Thales Air Defence Limited is headquartered in Belfast, NI, UK, & almost all production takes place in NI.
  3. Thales Air Defence Limited was formally called Shorts Missile Systems, hence TADL having the plans for the Javilen/Starburst missile which was developed into LMM.

LMM is about as French as Sir John French.
i.e. in name only

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