1x4 Anti Air Missile Launcher
4x IRIS-T ground to air missiles
-Maximum Overload: 60g at 60°
-Maximum speed: Mach 3
-Weight: 87.4 Kilograms
-Lenght: 2.95 Centimeter
-Diameter: 1.27 Centimeter
-Launch range: 25 Kilometer
-Detonation mechanism: Impact and active radar proximity fuse
-Wingspan: 447 mm
-Fire and forget missile -
4x AIM-9X SIDEWINDER ground to air missiles
-Mass: 85.3 kg
-Length: 3.02 m
-Diameter: 127.0 mm
-Wingspan: 279.4 mm
-Warhead: WDU-17/B annular blast fragmentation
-Warhead weight: 9.4 kg
-Detonation mechanism: IR proximity fuze
1x Kongsberg Protector Remote Weapon station RS4
-Integrated main weapon: M2 Browing
-Ammunition mixture 50/50: NM140MP + NM160MP-T
-Integrated laser rangefinder mounted on right side -
1x 7.62x51mm mg3 machinegun hatch
-Ammunition mixture 50/50: NM60 Metal jacket + NM62 Metal jacket tracer -
8x 76mm smoke grenades 2x4
-Placement: two groups of 4x, left side mounted low, right side mounted high
XENTA-M radar 75km
NASAMS platform
Mass: 26.5 tons
Length: 6.2 metres
Width: 2.9 metres
Height: 2.5 metres
Engine: MTU 6V199 TE21 turbocharged diesel
Eigne Power: 580 hp
Payload capacity: 8.5 tons
Drive: tracked
Transmission: ZF LSG 1000 HD
Automatic transmission: 6 forward 2 reverse gears
Suspension: torsion bar
Power/weight: 21.89 hp / metric ton
Operational range: 1,000 km
Maximum speed 74 km/h
Steering system: hydrostatic
3x Commander, Driver and Censor/weapons operator
Armor: unknown
A little about the vehicle
ACSV stands for Armored Combat Support Vehicle
The ACSV G5 is a further development of earlier M113 vehicles, this version is an armored tracked vehicle. In 2021, Flensburger Fahrzeugbau GmbH entered into an agreement with the Norwegian Norske Forsvarsmateriel to supply combat support vehicles of the types ACSV G5 to the Norwegian Armed Forces. Until now, a contract has been entered into for the delivery of 44 new carriages of the type ACSV G5, where part of these are of this type of combat air defense, the exact number is uncertain, but some have been made sp far, including the one you see in the picture above
Those vehicles are built in Norway at RITEK AS in Levanger, Norway
In the picture above we see the Norwegian company Konsberg Defence & Aerospace revealing the Norwegian army’s new anti air fefence at Kongsberg. So far the Norwegian army has some Humvee HML equipped a launcher for many various missiles. These wagons will be used together with the humvees. Norway has not used any mobile anti air like this exept the HML’s since around 2004, wich then was the Robot 70
These new carts here have very good off-road properties and can get to positions quickly and safely, because the cart is also small and light.
During the late 2023 and early 2024 we will see more of those vehicles and receive much more information about these vehicles due to the production being delayed because of the recent pandemy and ongoing wars. it has been trouble getting enough components like steel for the building of those vehicles
In game this would be a fun vehicle at the top rank, mobile and with dangerous missles, should be able to support the teammates effectively from helicopters, planes, drones and much else! iris-t missiles for planes, attack drones and helicopters and the Kongsberg protector RWS for smaller stuff like recon drones, eventual regular drones and helis/missiles. i am a little unsure about the rws tracking system

Type: Short-range air-to-air missile
Place of origin: Italy, Germany, Sweden, Greece, Norway, Spain
Manufacturer: Diehl Defence, Avio spa, Litton Italia, Leonardo S.p.A.
Price per missile: 4 626 443, 10,- Norwegian Kroner
Mass: 87.4 kg
Length: 2.94 m
Diameter: 127 mm
Wingspan: 447 mm
Warhead: HE/Fragmentation
Detonation mechanism: Impact and active radar proximity fuse
Engine: Solid-fuel rocket
Operational range: 25 km
Flight altitude: Sea level to 20,000m
Maximum speed: Mach 3
Guidance system: Infrared homing / radar homing (IRIS-T SLX)
Launch platform: NASAMS
Here is a nice picture showing the vehicle, how it is designed to work
This viritual image lacks a lot of details, but shows some of the vehicle
Here is one with better details
PMMC G5 - Wikipedia
Pandemi, flom og krig har skapt trøbbel for de nye norske panservognene | Tu.no
Prototypen besto vintertesting: Nå skal nye tyske kampstøttevogner bygges i Trøndelag - Tu.no
Forsvarets svært viktige panservogner er forsinket – skylder på flom og pandemi | Tu.no
Norsk Militærhistorisk Forening | Facebook
Kongsberg-produkter sentrale i omlegging av det amerikanske marinekorpset | Tu.no
Norsko obnovuje PVO: Transportéry M113 ponesou protiletadlové střely IRIS-T | Armádní noviny
NOMADS – Wikipedia
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